The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 569: Wei Lan Demigod (3)


Yan Xiangluo thought about it and chose not to hide it.

After all, if she goes to the Divine Doctor Mountain to pay homage to Sima Qingyun, the master of calligraphy and painting, the whole continent will know about it and cannot hide it.

Wei Lan's semi-conscious eyes suddenly shrank. He did not expect that Yan Xiangluo would tell the truth, let alone that she would actually receive the medical skills inherited from Sima Qingyun, the master of calligraphy.

That is the most famous and powerful medical master with the most superb medical skills in the higher continent. He was also the holder of the title of miracle doctor.

When the world called Yan Xiangluo a miracle doctor, he still felt that she deserved it. Now it seems that her master is a miracle doctor. Coupled with the medical skills she has displayed, the crown of miracle doctor on her head is worthy of the name.

Now Shenyi Mountain is named after Master Shuyi. The Shuyilu, which is beyond the reach of all alchemists, has actually been passed down to Yu Xiangluo in the lower continent through inheritance.

 How strong is her medical talent?

Wei Lan looked at Yan Xiangluo with complicated eyes, "Do you know the deeds of Master Shuyi?"

Yan Xiangluo said truthfully, "I didn't know it before, but I only found out in the past few days. After the continental competition is over, I will go to the Divine Doctor Mountain to worship Master Shuyi."

Wei Lan's demigod gaze paused and he remembered the words Master Shuyi left before he disappeared into nothingness. Is Master Shuyi really so powerful that he can predict when the descendants who will accept his inheritance will appear?

"Don't mention this to anyone again, if you still want to grow up." Wei Lan looked at Yu Xiangluo with complicated eyes and reminded her.

 Thinking that she was going to pay homage to Master Shuyi, she might not be able to keep this secret for a long time.

Ruan Xiangluo smiled, and her peerless face became even more dazzling, "I told the truth because I admired Demigod Wei Lan. My medical skills are due to good opportunities. Demigod Wei Lan's medical skills are I learned it through my own efforts.”

Wei Lan half-heartedly laughed, "No need to put a high hat on me, I'm not a good person either."

Yan Xiangluo said calmly, "I'm not a good person either. In my eyes, there are no absolutely good people or absolutely bad people in this world."

Wei Lan's half-conscious eyes lit up, and he applauded in his heart, thinking to himself: No wonder she has achieved such success at such a young age, her character is not comparable to that of her peers.

“Demigod Wei Lan doesn’t have to worry about my safety. Since I dare to expose my medical skills, I have the ability to protect myself.”

With this sentence, Yan Xiangluo is telling Demigod Wei Lan that I treat you with such respect because I respect the strong, not because I am afraid of you.

 Wei Lan, the demigod, thought of the calm and arrogant Ji Jiuchong in the small world, and then looked at the equally calm and composed Yan Xiangluo in front of him, and sighed in his heart, no wonder they became a couple, not only because they have the same talent in cultivation, but also because they have the same temperament.

“Is lunch ready?” Demigod Wei Lan suddenly changed the subject and asked.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly widened. She really didn't expect that the demigod Wei Lan would talk about medical skills so directly. Why did he suddenly turn to eating.

"The ingredients are all ready, they have to be cooked fresh to taste." Although Yan Xiangluo was speechless, she replied happily.

 Having agreed to make a table of food to entertain him, it was natural to do so.

"Where do you do it? Can I watch you do it?" Wei Lan asked again.

"Of course." Yan Xiangluo blinked, understanding that he wanted to test his fire control ability by cooking.

Wei Lan demigod stood up and said, "Then let's do it now."

Yan Xiangluo also stood up quickly, thinking to herself: Is this demigod Wei Lan still impatient? "Demigod Wei Lan, please come this way." Yan Xiangluo directly invited him to the courtyard where she lived.

There is a small kitchen here. She has been cooking here these days, and she doesn't want to clean up the kitchen in the house because of Wei Lan.

The three of them walked towards the backyard, and Yan Xiangluo motioned to Mingwei to follow.

Demigod Wei Lan is a foreigner after all. Although Qi Hao is here, he is still a child, so it is better to have Ming Wei around.

Wei Lan half-consciously saw that he was going to the backyard. He didn't want to go at first, but when he saw Qi Hao and the man waiting outside the door came with him, he had no worries.

Rather than inviting people to sit in the house, Yan Xiangluo asked Mingwei to move the tables and chairs out and put them in a cool place under the tree.

Then he went to the kitchen, and Wei Lan followed him and stood aside, watching Yan Xiangluo cooking.

Qi Hao helped her skillfully. Wei Lan couldn't help but look at Qi Hao half-consciously. This guy is pretty good. It's not his first time. He has good eyesight.

Yan Xiangluo first took out the packed ingredients and packed them in special cold jade boxes to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking.

 Wei Lan looked at the row of ten cold jade boxes, his eyes flashed, this girl is not ordinary rich.

 How did he know that these cold jade boxes were refined for her by Ji Jiuzhong, and they were more effective in preserving spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo raised a slender and white hand and dropped a flame into the stove. She opened a food box, took out the ingredients and started cooking.

 Wei Lan half-god glanced at the ingredients packed inside. They were indeed spiritual energy ingredients, and the spiritual energy was maintained very well.

Then he felt the flames in the stove, which were the flames of her fire power. They were no different from those of a spiritual cook. He even wanted to know if Yan Xiangluo was bragging and deceiving him. Her cooking skills were not that high.

It's not that Yan Xiangluo evaded the fact that he didn't use the flames of fire beads, but she now uses the flames of her own fire power when cooking. It's just right and easier to control the heat. After all, cooking is different from making alchemy, and it doesn't need to be too strong. of flame.

 Even using firewood, she can cook meals rich in spiritual energy.

 Wei Lan's half-concentrated gaze fell on Yan Xiangluo's cooking movements. He even carefully sensed the seasonings she put in, but didn't notice any difference.

If there is any difference, it is that she is more comfortable cooking, takes less time, and is as proficient as cooking is her profession.

 She finished the ten dishes in less than half an hour.

Each dish was taken out from the food box and put back into the food box for storage after it was ready. After everything was done, she carried all the food boxes to the table under the tree, then opened the food boxes and took them out to place them.

He then said to Demi-God Wei Lan, "Demi-God Wei Lan, please."

Wei Lan glanced at her half-consciously. He had seen the whole process of cooking. He really didn't find anything special, but the taste of the food was so beautiful and tempting that it made him, who had not eaten for many years, Everyone is hungry.

By observing her ability to control fire while cooking, Demigod Wei Lan determined that her ability to control fire while making alchemy should be better than his.

Demigod Wei Lan sat down on the chair, while Yan Xiangluo, Qi Hao and Mingwei stood aside.

Qi Hao was drooling a little. Although he had eaten all these meals before, he was even more greedy because he knew how delicious they were.

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