The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 570: have something to say

Chapter 570 I have something to say

The same goes for Mingwei. Although he has never eaten the food cooked by Yan Xiangluo, he smells it often and has been ravenous for a long time. Now that he is so close to these meals, he is even more ravenous.

 Just as a hidden guard, he has been trained to be highly resistant to any temptation, but he also secretly swallows saliva.

 Wei Lan, the demigod, picked up the chopsticks and took a piece of the dish closest to him. After taking a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up. The dish smelled fragrant and tasted even more delicious. He simply couldn't stop eating it.

Eating one bite after another, he was full in a moment, but he only ate one-third of the ten dishes, and he even didn't eat a single bite of some dishes that were far away.

 He then looked at the two masters and apprentices standing aside and the guards who had been accompanying them.

Yan Xiangluo's expression was calm and her eyes were clear. Her young apprentice and the guards looked calm on their faces, but they had to ignore their secret swallowing of saliva.

This is obviously because he is greedy for these meals.

Demigod Wei Lan is a little embarrassed. He has become accustomed to being superior since he broke through to the **** level. Even if he is not a proud person, he has been treated as a super VIP wherever he goes to treat people for such a long time. The master of any continent is not qualified to be on an equal footing with him, so he has unknowingly developed the habit of doing everything. On the habit.

 In addition, his status in Yunshang Palace is not low, and he is respected and respected everywhere in the palace.

Moreover, he couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had a serious meal, so he didn't feel anything wrong at all sitting here eating.

At this time, seeing the three little kids in front of me who were not even a fraction of his age together, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He coughed lightly and said, "Your cooking skills are indeed good."

Yan Xiangluo said without any humility, "That's right, I never talk big words."

 The implication is that you are not here in vain.

Only then did Demigod Wei Lan realize that Yan Xiangluo was indeed a person who would say whatever he wanted.

From the moment they met until now, no matter what she asked, she told her truthfully, including the fact that she accepted the inheritance of Shuyi Master Sima Qingyun, and even praised her cooking skills. She also admitted without hesitation that her cooking skills were indeed good. Is good.

For such a person, some people may say that she is not modest, but from his position, Yan Xiangluo has the potential and demeanor of a strong person.

Not to mention that her level of cultivation is not enough in his eyes, even the masters of the higher continents have junior god-level cultivations, so they can only stay humble in front of his demigod level. However, Yan Xiangluo could get along calmly in front of him without feeling inferior at all, as if they were equals.

 Such a state of mind and courage can only be possessed by the strong.

Wei Lan pointed at the dishes he hadn't eaten, "It's a pity to waste a meal with such rich spiritual energy. I didn't eat a bite of those dishes, so take them out and give them to people who don't dislike them!"

 For once, he was extremely humble and actually used the word "don't dislike it".

Yan Xiangluo didn't feel dissatisfied with Wei Lan's words. If the food she cooked was taken out, even if it was leftover, it would definitely be snapped up by people.

She said to Mingwei, "Take it down and deal with it!"

The three of them have been looking at these dishes and Demigod Wei Lan has indeed not eaten a single bite. If they don't like it, just throw it away. If they don't like it, they can eat it. After all, ingredients with such rich spiritual energy can never be found in the higher continents. Yes, this is a product from her Pangu space.

She relies on the presence of Pangu Space, so there is no shortage of these spiritual energy ingredients. However, if she wants to buy them outside, it doesn’t matter whether they can be purchased. Even if they can be purchased, they are still worth a lot of money. Mingwei was very excited when he heard this. He could finally eat the food cooked by the girl. His dream came true. The regret of being eliminated in the first round suddenly disappeared.

If they hadn't been eliminated in the first round, they wouldn't have been able to become Mingwei, let alone wait around Yan Xiangluo, and how would they have had the chance to eat the food she cooked.

He immediately stepped forward, put the few dishes into the food box, and took them down. He also wanted to stay by Yan Xiangluo's side, so he first set aside some for himself and put them in a food box for himself, and kept the rest for himself. Give it to your brothers to try.

 If he gave them all, he would definitely not be able to eat a single bite. It was not that the brothers did not miss him, but that they could not withstand the temptation.

Qi Hao saw that the guards had taken away all the food. He stepped forward to clean the table and brought tea. He did not feel dissatisfied at all that he had not eaten the spiritual food.

Wei Lan Demigod is even more satisfied with Qi Hao. No wonder he made this little girl take on a disciple when he was just a teenager. She has good talent and a good heart. She is indeed a good seedling.

Wei Lan, the demigod, pointed to the seat opposite him and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Sit down and talk."

Yan Xiangluo was not polite and sat down directly opposite the demigod Wei Lan. This was the first time she had "respected" a stranger so much since she came to the higher continent.

Demigod Wei Lan was a little satisfied with Yan Xiangluo's unpretentious and unpretentious behavior.

 As soon as he raised his hand, Mingwei and Qi Hao, who had just returned, were blocked from listening.

Both of them looked at Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo glanced at them and told them to just wait quietly. He is a demigod, so you can still resist.

 After receiving Yan Xiangluo's signal, the two of them stood behind her calmly without any dissatisfaction.

Wei Lan half-heartedly smiled, "You are a good person."

Yan Xiang Luo Liu raised her eyebrows. This guard was not one of hers, but he said on his face, "Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together."

 One sentence explains, because the master is the same kind of person, the subordinates are the same kind of people, and the master is the same kind of person, the disciples she teaches are also the same kind of people.

Ji Jiuchong is a very rigorous person, and the hidden guards and clear guards she trains are not simple, whether they are Mu Zixian and the others she often sees or the hidden guards who are in the dark.

Wei Lan half-god smiled and said, "You are the most special young man I have ever seen."

There is no other meaning in using "special" to describe Yan Xiangluo, just because she is indeed different from her peers, both in the way she handles things and in her cultivation.

As for calling her a young man, it's because she is only sixteen years old. Even describing her as a child is not an exaggeration. However, when seeing Qi Hao and Wei Lan, the word "child" was changed to "young man". Strength, no matter how young she is, she is still a master.

"Does Demigod Wei Lan have anything to say to me?" Yan Xiangluo asked bluntly.

They both blocked the hearing of Qi Hao and Ming Wei, obviously not wanting them to hear the next words.

Wei Lan looked at her and said, "I do have something to tell you."

"Demigod Wei Lan, please speak." Yan Xiangluo said in a calm tone.

 (End of this chapter)

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