The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 571: same bloodline

Demigod Wei Lan let out a long breath and said, "When I saw you at the competition venue yesterday, I felt the attraction of the same bloodline. However, our Wei family does not have the bloodline that has been lost to the lower continents, but the attraction of your bloodline is It's real. Especially when we meet today, this bloodline attraction is even stronger. Such a strong bloodline attraction shows that the bloodline between you and me is not far away, and it should be a direct bloodline inheritance. "

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn't expect that what Demigod Wei Lan told her was actually such a thing.

Thinking of the way Demigod Wei Lan looked at her yesterday, she now understood that she felt the same blood attraction in her body. Thinking about the strange feeling I felt when we just met today, could it be the blood attraction that demigod Wei Lan said?

This incident was too sudden and surprised her.

She was indeed born and raised from a lower continent. It is not known that her father’s bloodline comes from a higher continent, but her mother does come from a higher continent. Is there any relationship between the Wei family and the Long family?

  That's not right, her maiden name is Long. Even if the Long family is related to the Wei family by marriage, they still have daughters who marry outside the family. If a direct daughter of the Wei family marries outside the family and is punished to a lower-class continent, the Wei family cannot possibly not know about it.

Although she had various speculations in her mind, she was not stupid enough to say it. She didn’t know what kind of person Wei Lan was. Even if she really had some blood relationship with Wei Lan, she couldn’t guarantee that he could be trusted. people.

"I was indeed born in a lower continent. For some reasons, I don't know the origin of my family." Yu Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

Although her words were cryptic, Wei Lan half-god understood that her relationship with her family in the lower continent was not good, and she was even very distant, otherwise she would not have been able to use this word clearly.

Wei Lan glanced at her half-godly and said, "It doesn't matter, you can go to the Wei family if you have the opportunity in the future. The blood vein stone can confirm whether you have the blood of the Wei family."

Yu Xiangluo understood that this was the main reason why the demigod Wei Lan was willing to condescend to meet her where she lived.

 Because when he saw himself for the first time, he sensed that his bloodline was the same as his. Although he was still not sure what was going on, he came to see him in person to make sure whether his perception was wrong.

Now that he is sure that his perception is correct, he needs to get along better with himself. The purpose is to let himself go to the Wei family and use the blood vein stone to test whether the blood in her body belongs to the Wei family.

If so, I'm afraid we need to check the bloodline of the Wei family she comes from.

Through his reaction, Yan Xiangluo could confirm that if he was of the Wei family's bloodline, he must be a direct descendant. From his words, Yan Xiangluo knew that the Wei family had not been relegated to the direct descendants of the lower continent.

She can imagine that if she is really a direct descendant of the Wei family, the Wei family may have some big secrets hidden, and this matter will stir up the Wei family.

Wei Lan must understand all this, but he still came to see him, which shows that he has a strong say in the family.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know how a demigod could sense the same bloodline, but from the reaction of demigod Wei Lan, she was sure of one thing. She was probably a direct bloodline of the Wei family.

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo did not answer his words, she was not interested in going to the Wei family to recognize any ancestors.

Wei Lan knew by looking at her expression that she had no interest in going to the Wei family, and then said, "You don't have to think too much, my words are still very useful in the Wei family. If you are really a direct bloodline of the Wei family, I can think of it." I’ll take you into Yunshang Palace.”

A dark light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. It seemed that the Wei family was not at peace either.

However, Demigod Wei Lan really wanted her to recognize her ancestors, largely because of her strong medical skills. If she were nothing, she felt that Demigod Wei Lan would not even mention that he was related to her by blood. . The relationship between people is so realistic.

Yan Xiangluo avoided his topic and asked, "Is the demigod Wei Lan also a direct descendant of the Wei family?"

Wei Lan nodded half-heartedly, "My father is the current head of the Wei family."

"Can I take the liberty of asking you how old you are?" Yan Xiangluo was a little curious about how old the demigod Wei Lan was. His father was actually still alive and the head of the Wei family.

Wei Lan glanced at her half-consciously, "One hundred and sixty-eight years old."

  Otherwise, the combined ages of the three of them are not as old as a fraction of his age.

Yan Xiangluo's big, watery eyes flashed through her eyes, and it turned out that she was indeed not too young.

"Let's talk about this later. I was born in a lower continent and grew up in a lower continent. If I really have the blood of the Wei family, it should be very far away. After all, people in the lower continent only have a lifespan of a hundred years. I don't know if I have already. How many generations are there from the Wei family in the higher continent. And I have no feelings for the Wei family. I’m not sure about my bloodline, but it doesn’t matter. If I want to go to Yunshang Palace, I will go in on my own merits.”

 The implication is that no matter how high your status is, I don’t want to cling to you, let alone the Wei family. What I want, I will get by my own ability, not by charity from others.

Wei Lan was stunned. How many people tried their best to enter Yunshang Palace, and there were also many people who begged him, especially the descendants of the Wei family. However, he had never violated the law for personal gain. This was the first time. I had this idea, but it was rejected.

Although Yan Xiangluo is extremely talented in alchemy and medical skills, there are only cultivation level and age restrictions to enter Yunshang Palace. It is not impossible for Yan Xiangluo to enter by his own ability, but it may take a long time. He entered Yunshang Palace through his own ability back then. It was because refining alchemy and learning medical skills delayed his cultivation. He stepped on The age line enters Yunshang Palace.

I thought that since Yan Xiangluo was of the Wei family's bloodline, letting her enter Yunshang Palace in advance would allow her to learn alchemy and medical skills without delaying her practice.

You must know that she has the title of miracle doctor on her head. If she does not have a strong cultivation level to match, it is unknown how long she can live.

 But she refused such a big temptation without even thinking about it. How much perseverance and firm belief this requires. No wonder she was able to come from the lower continent to the higher continent at such a young age.

 So far, Yan Xiangluo is the youngest person to come from the lower continent to the higher continent.

"You should understand that the world is dangerous, and you should also understand that entering Yunshang Palace, you can grow up safely under my protection. This is a shortcut for you to become a strong person." Wei Lan, a demigod, said without giving up.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "You still don't know my experience. In my heart, the only person I can rely on is myself. It's precisely because I firmly believe in this that I can survive until now."

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