The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 572: Compromise again and again

Wei Lan's demigod eyes narrowed. He had always thought that Yan Xiangluo's life in the lower continent would be excellent, and that his family would have a high status on the continent and would not be short of wealth. But if Yan Xiangluo thinks that the only person she can rely on is herself, and it is precisely because of this that she can survive until now, it means that her life in the lower continent is not good, or even very difficult. In addition, due to some reasons she just said If you don't know the origin of the Yu family, I'm afraid you won't be able to rely on the family's strength at all.

At this time, he was a little curious about what Yan Xiangluo had experienced that made her so guarded against others and only believed in herself.

“As for Ji Jiuzhong, can’t he be trusted or relied on?” Wei Lan asked the demigod.

Isn’t Ji Jiuzhong her fiancé? Doesn’t she even trust and rely on her fiancé? If that's the case, why can the two of them come to the lower continent together?

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "You misunderstood me. Although I believe that I am the only one I can rely on, it does not mean that I have no relatives and friends. It does not mean that there is no trust between each other. It is just because of the special experience that I have set up a If anyone touches this line of defense, they will lose my trust.”

"Including Ji Jiuzhong." Wei Lan half-god realized that although the woman in front of him was very young, her experience was unusual. To be able to come to the higher continent at such a young age must be something special about her.

 These extraordinary qualities were hard-earned and made her character different from ordinary women.


What Yan Xiangluo didn't say was that because Ji Jiuzhong was the one she wanted to spend her whole life with, she would have higher demands on him. If he touched her bottom line, she would really have no chance of being with him.

Wei Lan, the demigod, understood that Yan Xiangluo was a person with great ideas, and it seemed that he could not impose his ideas on her. However, the Wei family would not allow any blood to flow outside, especially if this blood was a direct lineage.

 I have to think of a solution myself. Let this girl make her own decision. I'm afraid she will never go to the Wei family in this life.

Since coercion is not possible, the only option is to adopt a gentle policy.

"I won't force you to go to the Wei family to confirm your bloodline, but I also want to tell you that bloodline and family are very important in the higher continent. Just like it is because of the support of the Wei family that I can reach my current height and confirm my bloodline. There is no harm to you. On the contrary, if it is confirmed that you are a direct bloodline of the Wei family, you will also receive the protection of the Wei family, which will only benefit you and not harm you."

Yan Xiangluo's expression remained unchanged. This kind of persuasion had no effect on her at all.

Let’s not talk about the families here. The family in the other life she lived in and the concubine family in Tianqian Continent are not families that can be relied on. She really has no interest in the family.

Seeing that she was still unmoved, Wei Lan demigod compromised and said, "There's no rush in this matter. You can think about it slowly. When you want to go to Wei's house, contact me directly. I'll take you back. Don't worry, there's no one else with me." Dare to bully you."

Demigod Wei Lan took out his sound transmission stone and asked Yan Xiangluo to establish contact with him, so that the two of them could contact him at any time.

Yan Xiangluo knew that the demigod Wei Lan had made a big concession. Since he was not forcing himself, he should establish contact first. As for the future decision, he would wait until he met his parents.

 After all, if he really has the direct bloodline of the Wei family, he is either related to his mother or his father.

She is still not sure whether the demigod Wei Lan does not know the existence of her father, or whether he has met his father, and his father does not have the blood of the Wei family.

Perhaps the reason why my parents never come to see me is because they have something to do with the Wei family. She didn't want to make any decisions until the situation was clear.

Although she has a good feeling for the demigod Wei Lan, she knows people but not their hearts. For a person who has lived for more than a hundred years, it should not be difficult to hide her true emotions. Seeing that she did not refuse to establish contact with him, Wei Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

"The conversation between the two of us today cannot be known to any third party, including your fiancé. This is also to protect you." Demigod Wei Lan reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "I have always protected myself very well."

This answer was ambiguous. He did not promise not to tell others, but only said that he would protect himself. Wei Lan, the demigod, was helpless.

Yan Xiangluo is a person who will do what she promises to others. If she sees her parents about this matter, she will definitely discuss it with her parents, so it is impossible not to tell others that she cannot agree to this matter.

Demigod Wei Lan compromised again, "That's good."

"I hope that before I decide to go to the Wei family, Demigod Wei Lan will not tell any of the Wei family about this matter. I am very afraid of trouble." Yan Xiangluo thought for a while.

She is worried that the demigod Wei Lan will go back and tell his father, the head of the Wei family, that he can compromise with her, but the Wei family is not sure. She doesn't know what the Wei family will do if they find out, but she will definitely be in a lot of trouble.

 Demigod Wei Lan sighed in his heart again, this girl is not ordinary smart.

Thinking of the importance that the family places on bloodline, Demigod Wei Lan knew that her worries were not unnecessary. If she really let her father know, he would probably bring the bloodline stone to test her bloodline in person.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone before you go to Wei's house. Even so, you can come to me if you have any trouble." Demigod Wei Lan felt that today was the only compromise he had made in his life, and it was the only one he had ever made. And another compromise.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I won't be polite to you if something happens. Regardless of whether we have the same blood or not, I have a very good impression of you. We can become friends even if we are not relatives."

Wei Lan Demigod smiled heartily, "This is the first time since I entered Yunshang Palace that someone wants to be friends with me."

Everyone who meets him respects him as a god. Who dares to make friends with a god? This girl Yuan Xiangluo is really special.

"There is a first time for everything." Yan Xiangluo's tone was relaxed, and it did not change because of her blood relationship with the demigod Wei Lan.

"Okay, even if we have the same bloodline, it won't stop us from being friends." Demigod Wei Lan's attitude toward Yuan Xiangluo was now different from when he came.

 When I came here, I just wanted to confirm whether she was of Wei family blood, but now I really want to teach her this little friend.

Yan Xiangluo took out a food box and put it on the table and said, "Since we are friends, we should always express our feelings when we meet for the first time. Demigod Wei Lan doesn't seem to be in need of anything, so I'll just go with him." "

Wei Lan's semi-conscious eyes lit up. The food box containing spiritual energy must be filled with spiritual energy. This girl had just invited him to have a meal. It couldn't be food, so there were only snacks with spiritual energy. There were also many snacks with spiritual energy. , what's inside?

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