The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 574: Sure enough, something happened

Chapter 574 Sure enough, something happened

What Wei Lan didn't know was that this investigation really revealed something big, something unexpected that he didn't expect.

 After seeing off the demigod Wei Lan, Ming Wei came to report as soon as he returned to the yard where she lived, "Miss Yu, the information about the Fang family has been found."

So fast?

Yan Xiangluo realized how fast Ji Jiuzhong's people could do things. This was still in the higher continent, but it would be faster in the Heavenly Punishment Continent.

She also finally understood why Ji Jiuzhong was able to control the imperial power of the Tianshun Empire in such a short period of time. At such a young age, no other empire dared to bully the Tianshun Empire.

 “Tell me about it.” Yan Xiangluo sat on the chair that had not been moved back outside.

Mingwei said, "The head of the Fang family has been in seclusion for half a year. The breakthrough demigod has not come out of seclusion. It has been half a year. The Fang family believes that he has died. However, the retreat room can only be opened from the inside, so it cannot be confirmed. The young master of the Fang family is also Fang Xi'er's father went out on business more than a month ago and disappeared. He has never been found. The third master of the Fang family, Fang Xi'er's third uncle, was supported by the clan as the head of the family. In the past few months, his eldest brother had been treating him badly. Her two brothers have been forced to leave home, especially Fang Xi'er. Fang Xi'er's status in the Fang family is difficult to find out in detail. "

Ruan Xiang realized that something had happened to the Fang family. This meant that something had happened before Fang Xi'er returned to the Fang family. Her most beloved grandfather never came out of seclusion and her father was missing. If no one had interfered with all this. , she didn’t even believe it.

But what does this have to do with herself? Fang Xi'er will not be stupid enough to tell her relationship with her. At that time, only Fang Xi'er and Changchuan Chengcheng, Zhang Ziming and his bodyguards, plus her and Qi Hao was present, could it be Zhang Ziming who leaked the news?

If this is the case, Fang Xi'er was forced to come to her to swore sworn vows, which must be of use to her. Thinking of her name as a miracle doctor, Yu Xiangluo had a clue in her heart. Either someone was sick and needed her to heal, or someone needed someone. I want to see if I can refine a special elixir myself.

 As to which one it is, it is not possible to determine now.

She didn't let Mingwei continue to arrange for people to investigate, knowing that this was enough. Now she understood why Fang Xi'er wanted to swore a sworn relationship with her on the surface, but in her heart she told herself not to agree. It must have been forced by her third uncle.

 Since she was forced, she would definitely come back.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. Demigod Wei Lan did not avoid anyone when he came to her place. People in Yaoguang City should know that Demigod Wei Lan came to her place, so Fang Xi'er did not come. Now Demigod Wei Lan has left. , Fang Xi'er should be visiting you soon.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo wrote a note and gave it to Mingwei, "If Fang Xi'er comes to visit, just say that I am researching elixirs and don't like to be disturbed and don't see guests, and then give her this note quietly. "

Now Fang Xi'er must not be free, there must be someone watching her in the dark. Although she doesn't want to get involved in the internal fighting of the Fang family, she has a good impression of Fang Xi'er. Just because she is in such a situation, she doesn't want to get involved. This kind of intention is already rare.

If possible, she really wanted to make her a friend.

"Don't worry, miss, I will take care of things." Mingwei responded and moved the table and chairs back to the room for her before leaving.

Qi Hao was listening and watching, and Yan Xiangluo said to him, "Let's go and continue cooking."

Her little apprentice hadn't eaten yet, so Qi Hao immediately followed him happily to start the fight.

But it was Yan Gu Xiangluo who went into the kitchen to help, just because Yan Xiangluo started to teach Qi Hao how to cook. First, when she has no time, Qi Hao can cook and eat by himself. In addition, he can practice controlling the heat by cooking before making the elixir. This will make it easier for him to control the heat when making the elixir.

 Qi Hao was very excited. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Yan Xiangluo guided Qi Hao very patiently in cooking, mainly telling him how to control the heat. Qi Hao is indeed very smart, he understands as soon as Yu Xiangluo talks about it. Although the dishes he cooked for the first time were not comparable to those cooked by Yan Xiangluo, they retained most of the aura of the ingredients and could be called a spiritual chef. Because it was his first time cooking, although it was not as delicious as the master's cooking, it still tasted delicious, but he had the foresight to let the master eat it first.

Yan Xiangluo ate a lot of food, which made Qi Hao even happier. He didn't expect that his wish to cook for his master would come true so quickly.

 He was thinking that he should practice his cooking skills well, and after he became proficient in controlling the heat, the master would teach him how to make alchemy.

Master said that now he can be called a spiritual chef, and it won’t be long before he has another title, the title he dreams of, Alchemist.

Qi Hao was not dazzled by the joy. After eating and cleaning up, he went back to his place to practice.

 Before leaving, tell Xiangluo that he will come over to make dinner.

Yan Xiangluo could feel her little apprentice's happy mood, and her mood also improved. He also prepared a lot of spiritual energy ingredients for Qi Hao so that he can cook and eat by himself at any time.

After Qi Hao left, Mingwei came to report again. Fang Xi'er came. He sent the people away according to Yu Xiangluo's instructions.

At this time, Fang Xier was on her way back to where the Fang family lived.

She was a little confused at first when Yan Xiangluo refused to see her, but when the guard quietly handed her a note, she suddenly understood that Yan Xiangluo must have discovered something.

 She was not in a hurry to read the contents of the note, and returned to her place of residence looking lost.

"Third uncle, the miracle doctor refused to see me." Fang Xi'er endured the hatred in her heart and sounded deeply shocked.

The third master of the Fang family glanced at Fang Xi'er, "Didn't you see anyone?"

"She didn't even go in. She was stopped by the guards, who said she was studying the recipe and couldn't be disturbed." Fang Xi'er said matter-of-factly.

Yan Xiangluo has already made up all the excuses for her. She just needs to tell the truth. She knows very well that there are people from the third uncle who are always watching her in the dark. In fact, he knows what is going on. He just wants to see whether she is honest or not. .

The third master of the Fang family frowned, "If you think about it again, you are the only one who can establish a relationship with Miracle Doctor Yu. The family has spent a lot of energy and financial resources training you. Now is the time for you to repay the family."

 Fang Xi'er's lowered eyes were filled with disdain and hatred. The third uncle said it nicely.

She had no complaints at all in repaying the family. After all, the family had devoted all their efforts to cultivate her. However, the third uncle asked her to establish friendship with Yuan Xiangluo, not for the sake of the family, but for himself.

She had some guesses as to why he needed Yan Xiangluo to take action, but she was not sure yet. Her brothers had already taken the opportunity to leave the family to find out about their father, and now she wanted to stabilize her third uncle.

 (End of this chapter)

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