The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 575: Tears well up

As for grandpa, she was sure that he would be fine, but it was not easy to break through the demigods, it just took a little longer.

She didn’t know why her grandfather’s life card was obviously still good, but the family members said that he had died.

"Okay, I'll think of a solution." Fang Xi'er responded while controlling her emotions.

Seeing that she was so sensible, the third master of the Fang family did not embarrass her anymore and waved her hand to let her go.

He is not the head of the Fang family yet, but he is very dignified, even more so than her grandfather. Fang Xi'er turned and left, with a cold look in her eyes.

Even if something happens to grandpa and father, it will not be his turn to be the head of the Fang family.

 After returning to her room, Fang Xi'er took out the note given to her by the guard and read it. There was only one sentence on it, "How can I help you?"

 A simple sentence made Fang Xi'er burst into tears. This was the first time she felt the support and help from outsiders after returning home and experiencing various blows. They just met her once, but they actually understood her so well and gave her inexplicable trust and support.

Without any unnecessary words, he directly asked her how he could help her. Fang Xi'er felt that her intuition at the beginning was very accurate. She liked Yu Xiangluo as soon as they met, felt that she was compatible with her, and wanted to become a sister with her. This belief is now even stronger.

But she didn't want to involve her in the Fang family's affairs.

She already understands Yan Xiangluo's experience. She comes from a lower continent. Although she is very good, there is no power to support her in the high continent. She has a weak power and has the title of a miracle doctor. It is difficult for Yan Xiangluo to take every step. In such a situation She still wants to lend a helping hand to herself next time, let alone implicate her.

 After the internal affairs of the Fang family are resolved, she will go to see Yan Xiangluo.

Fang Xi'er shed tears silently. She only allowed herself to be weak for a moment. When she opened the door, she was the strong and confident eldest daughter of the Fang family again.

The third uncle has been testing whether the Fang family’s square plate is in her hand. Fortunately, when her grandfather gave it to her, she was told not to tell anyone, not even her parents and brothers.

She knew very well that the reason why the third uncle knew about her agreement with Yan Xiangluo must be that Zhang Ziming asked the third uncle for some benefit and told him the news.

But she didn’t know why Zhang Ziming didn’t tell the Fang family that the Frisbee was in his hand? Wouldn’t the benefits obtained in this way be greater?

Thinking that the man she loved so much turned out to be such a bad villain, was she blind at first? Fortunately, she got rid of him now, otherwise she would have been deceived by him in an unpredictable way.

Let's do it one by one. Originally, she wanted to break up with Zhang Ziming and go their separate ways, but Zhang Ziming touched her bottom line and she absolutely couldn't bear it. She hoped that Zhang Ziming would not regret what he did to her.

Fang Xi'er sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice. Two of the Fang family's contestants entered the top 100. Therefore, she had to continue waiting in Yaoguang City. She did not dare to waste any time and practiced hard. If her cultivation was The level is strong enough, no one dares to bully her.

The events that happened one after another made Fang Xier realize that it is better to rely on herself than to rely on anyone else. Only with strong strength can she face any sudden crisis.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was also practicing, but she was not practicing spiritual energy, but vitality.

Since arriving in the high continent, she has been practicing spiritual energy and alchemy. She has not practiced much in the vitality. When she was in the lower continent, she had already cultivated the vitality to the highest level.

It is said that the cultivation of vitality to this level is the peak. Even in the advanced continent, there is no higher level to cultivate. She just wanted to see if her vitality really couldn't be improved once it reached this point. What was the reason why it couldn't be improved? If the reason can be found, it will be great news for people who cannot awaken their spiritual roots and cultivate spiritual energy.

After all, cultivating vitality is much more difficult than cultivating spiritual energy, and there will not be much achievement. Even longevity will not change much. It is just that the body is better and one can live ten or twenty years longer.

 It is simply incomparable to the longevity gained by cultivating spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo feels that whether it is cultivating spiritual energy or vitality, it is cultivation. Why can't vitality be cultivated to a higher level like spiritual energy, and even increase lifespan?

 So now that she can't calm down and practice Reiki, she turns to studying Yuan Qi.

She took out the long rhombus spear that she had not used for a long time, and began to dance with her spiritual energy.

She was surprised to find that although she had not practiced her vitality, her vitality had still increased in strength and was much stronger than it was on the lower continent.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know whether it was because her cultivation level had improved so much that her vitality had become stronger, or whether her vitality could really continue to improve due to some reasons.

 She slowed down her movements, carefully sensing the source of every ounce of energy and how she felt after using it.

 Yuanqi is different from spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is stored in the spiritual root tree in the Dantian. Yuanqi is stored in various parts of the body. It can be said that there is no fixed place. When used, vitality will gather from various parts of the body.

 The same is true when practicing cultivation. The growth of vitality is in every corner of the body.

This is also the reason why it is so difficult to cultivate vitality. There is no fixed storage place at all, so people can't find a better way. Even if she wants to study how to increase her vitality, she has no way to start.

 But she was not discouraged. She had seen too many people who cultivated Yuan Qi put in so much effort but received very little in return. This is also the main reason why monks look down on warriors who practice vitality.

However, cultivating vitality is the only way for people who cannot awaken their spiritual roots. At least they have some strength and will not be bullied at will.

The afternoon passed quickly, and no further announcements were made about the Continental Competition, which meant that Ji Jiuzhong was still in the small world and had not come out.

Yan Xiangluo knew very well that when a person encounters an opportunity, the longer he takes to accept it, the better the effect will be. She actually hopes that Ji Jiuzhong can stay in the small world for a few more days.

At this time, in the Continental Competition venue, the two people from Yunshang Palace, the sixteen Continental Lords, and the Lord of Yaoguang City were all standing on the referee's stand, looking at the screen of the small world.

Ji Jiuzhong remained cross-legged and suspended in mid-air without moving. They couldn't tell what kind of opportunity Ji Jiuzhong got.

At this time, they felt a little regretful about why they had to change the rules of the continental competition. Now, the continental competition was originally only three days. The number of days it takes to complete this year's continental competition depends on how long Ji Jiuzhong stays in the small world.

This time is definitely the longest continental competition in history.

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