The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 577: Fortunately I didn't go

Just at this moment, an old man appeared in her yard. When the hidden guards in the dark discovered it, several people came out immediately, "What's the matter with this person?"

The old man took one look at their cultivation and was very disdainful. He let go of his consciousness and continued to sense the breath, but he couldn't sense it anymore.

 At the same time, he also sensed the number of people in the mansion. There were not many people in the entire courtyard. Apart from the few people who came out, there were more than a dozen people in the dark, all with similar cultivation levels.

The mansion is very big. There is a person in this courtyard and a child in the other courtyard. There is no one else.

 Obviously, there are only so many people in such a big courtyard, probably because they are renting it to participate in or watch the continental competition, not the owner.

The old man frowned, not paying attention to these people, but wondering why he couldn't feel the breath? He clearly sensed the aura of a powerful spiritual beast, probably a divine beast.

It is too difficult to see a mythical beast nowadays, so he chased it just to confirm whether it was a mythical beast.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo’s voice came, “What happened outside?”

 A hidden guard immediately replied, "Girl, a strong man is here."

Yan Xiangluo opened the door and walked out of the house. She looked at the old man and asked, "Senior, what can I do?"

The old man glanced at Yu Xiangluo, saw her stunning appearance, and then looked at the red dress she was wearing. The guards called her Miss Yu. Without asking, he knew that the little girl in front of him suddenly appeared on the mainland. The miracle doctor Yu Xiangluo who came here is also the fiancée of Ji Jiuzhong who has found her chance in the small world of Yunshang Palace.

Unexpectedly, he came to her residence. The old man said in a warm tone, "Passing by."

As soon as the words fell, the person left.

Although he is not afraid of miracle doctors, and he will not take the initiative to offend people with strong medical skills. He has no grudges against Yuan Xiangluo, but with his level of cultivation, there is no need to talk down to Yuan Xiangluo. Being able to respond to her is already a great honor to her.

Yan Xiangluo waved her hands to the hidden guards, "It's okay."

The hidden guards all left, but they were also deeply stimulated. They are the strong ones. Coming to the mansion they guard is like going out for fun. They can come and leave whenever they want. These hidden guards are just like decorations. In other people's eyes, they are hidden guards, they are Ming guards.

 When can they reach such a state of cultivation?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the direction the old man left and knew that he had sensed the extraordinary aura on Yun Tuan.

But she wasn't worried. It was probably when Yun Tuan came back and revealed its power as a divine beast that he was discovered by the powerful old man. Normally, no one could reveal Yun Tuan's true strength.

The old man's cultivation level is obviously above the **** level. Although in Yaoguang City, people who have cultivation level above the **** level are not uncommon. After all, the masters of all continents have cultivation levels above the **** level. Wei Lan is even a demigod, and the man named Chang Hong who controls the small world is also a demigod.

However, the appearance of the old man made Yan Xiangluo realize that there were many hidden powerhouses above the **** level on the mainland, probably not a few.

Aren’t people with cultivation levels like Master Mu Changling also unknown to mainlanders?

Yanxiang returned to the house, not letting the cloud come out, and used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with it.

“Yun Tuan, how do you wake up Zhe Tian?” Yan Xiangluo asked. Yun Tuan said, "The master inputs some spiritual power into Zhe Tian's body. When it senses the breath of master's power, it will know that it is safe and will wake up."

Yan Xiangluo immediately sent a trace of his spiritual energy into Pangu space and into Zhetian's body. Sure enough, Zhetian, who had huddled up into a ball, suddenly became stunned.

A voice that covered the sky sounded in her consciousness, "Master, that woman actually used a magic weapon from the devil world to plot against you."

Yan Xiangluo had already heard what Yun Tuan had said, but seeing Zhe Tian so excited, it was obvious that Zhe Tian was also very afraid of the magic weapon from the demon world.

The magic weapon in the demon world that can make both the sky and the clouds fearful is probably not a simple thing.

“Do you know what that magic weapon is?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“I know.” Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian said in unison.

Immediately, Yun Tuan explained, "Master, that magic weapon is a magic weapon used by people in the demon world to open the magic root. It is called a magic stone. It is equivalent to the white crystal stone when you cultivators of spiritual power open their spiritual roots. It is used to open the magic root. However, the demon children who are unable to awaken the demon root on their own use the magic stone that is unique to the demon tribe to open the demon root. The demonic energy inside is very strong and will penetrate into the human body on its own. For cultivating demons. It’s a good thing for people who are angry, but it’s a disaster for people who practice Reiki.”

Yanxiang understood clearly. It turned out that magic stones and magic beads have similar functions. However, magic beads absorb magic energy, while magic stones release magic energy and are specially designed to penetrate into people's bodies.

Zhetian then added, "It's not unusual for demon tribesmen to have magic stones that open up magic roots, but Qin Suyue's magic stone is so strong that only people with cultivation above the **** level can resist it."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. If this was the case, it meant that the status of the man who used the magic stone for Qin Suyue would not be low in the demon world, at least not from an ordinary demon family.

She was confused, where did Qin Suyue meet such a demon man?

Zhe Tian said with lingering fear, "Fortunately, the master didn't go. If he did, it would be ruined."

Yan Xiangluo knew what Zhe Tian was worried about, but she was not worried. After all, she had a magic bead on her body. No matter how powerful the demonic man's magic stone was, it could not withstand the intensity of the magic bead absorbing magic power. However, in that case Now, he is about to expose the magic bead. With that man's strength, I'm afraid he won't be able to keep the magic bead.

 It was exactly as Zhe Tian said, fortunately I didn’t go.

She also felt the strength of the demons once. The Yaoguang City was so tightly protected that there were still demons coming in and out without being discovered. It can be seen that the strength of the demons is not what the world thinks, they are just weak in a corner. of the party.

 The higher continent is not as peaceful and peaceful as it seems on the surface.

 Thinking of the war between spirits and demons recorded in the historical records of the mainland that she had read, Yan Xiangluo's heart became a little heavy. She hoped that what the master and senior brothers in the previous life wanted to do had nothing to do with the demons.

She is just a little girl who wants to practice hard and then rely on her strong strength to survive. She does not have such lofty ambitions and ideals, and does not have such a great mind.

Alas, Ruan Xiangluo sighed heavily in her heart, maybe it was because she practiced the Long family's soul control method. As soon as this idea came up, she immediately had an idea to tell her that if she wanted to lie down, one word is difficult, two words are very difficult. Difficult, three words are very difficult.

Suddenly, another thought came to her mind, reminding her to practice the power of soul control quickly, otherwise it would be too late.

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