The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 578: Encountering the sea of ​​​​mind

Chapter 578 Encountering the Sea of ​​Mind

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank. In the past, when she didn't have the power to control souls, her sixth sense was very accurate. I'm afraid it's even more accurate now.

Although she didn't know where this sense of urgency came from, there was nothing wrong with quickly practicing the power of controlling souls.

After one person and two pets chatted for a while, Yan Xiangluo stopped studying vitality and continued to practice the power of soul control.

Now she realizes that time is really not enough.

 The next day, Yan Xiangluo told Mingwei to inform her that the Continental Hegemony Tournament would resume, and she concentrated on practicing the power of soul control.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed, and Mingwei came to inform her that the Continental Hegemony Tournament would continue tomorrow, and anyone who bought a wooden ticket to watch the second game could go in and watch it.

Yan Xiang calculated the time and found that seven days was not too short. She didn’t know what kind of opportunity Ji Jiuzhong had encountered.

 Have you ever been troubled by those people when you came out?

Ji Jiuzhong sat cross-legged in the small world for seven days. At the end, he looked just like he had after practicing normally for several days, and his appearance did not change at all.

Just after he stood up, the small world shook, and Ji Jiuzhong was sent out of the small world.

 Everyone's consciousness fell on him in an instant, and Ji Jiuzhong calmly allowed others to investigate.

 But what surprised everyone was that Ji Jiuzhong didn't change at all.

 The cultivation level has not improved, and the aura on the body has not changed. It seems that there is no difference from before.

Then what exactly did he experience during these seven days in the small world? Could it be that he sat cross-legged for seven days?

Even if you only practice there for seven days, there will be some changes. After all, the spiritual energy inside is easier to absorb and more intense.

Those who went into Yunshang Palace to practice had obvious effects. How come Ji Jiuzhong stayed there for seven days and encountered opportunities in the small world, but nothing changed at all.

But with the people from Yunshang Palace present, no one of the continent's lords dared to cross the line. They all looked at the demigod Chang Hong, waiting for him to answer their questions.

Hong Demigod, the head of Yunshang Palace, looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "What did you encounter inside?"

Ji Jiuchong raised her phoenix eyes and glanced at him, "The sea of ​​​​mind."

  Although there were only three words, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically. Because they all know what kind of opportunity the sea of ​​​​mind is.

The sea of ​​​​mood is an opportunity that exists in every place of experience, but it is an elusive existence. Especially the sea of ​​​​mind in this small world of experience is a transcendent existence.

 Because the sea of ​​​​mood can only be triggered if your state of mind reaches the height of the center state of the small world. Everyone present knew what it meant to a monk to encounter an opportunity like the Sea of ​​Mind.

That is a state of mind that can only be possessed by people at the level of great power. People who encounter the sea of ​​state of mind will, without exception, become powerful people in the future.

 The people who can be called powerful in higher continents are those who have attained Taoism and cultivation.

Ji Jiuzhong has not yet broken through to the divine level. Although he is very young, it is not easy to break through to the divine level. Some monks cannot break through this level in their lifetime.

Now that they are told that Ji Jiuzhong has the potential and talent to become a powerful Taoist cultivator, one can imagine how they feel.

They finally understood why Qitianji Jiuzhong made no movement at all and was always suspended in mid-air with her eyes closed and cross-legged. This was because the opportunity it triggered was to change her state of mind.

It can be said that Ji Jiuchong's current state of mind is unmatched by anyone present. Changhong demigod looked at Ji Jiuzhong with complex eyes, "How was the harvest?"

 “Very rich.” Ji Jiuzhong said simply and concisely.

 There was no intention of concealing what he had gained, and these two words made everyone present not know how to feel about Ji Jiuzhong.

Changhong Demigod said nothing more, raised his hand and took back the small world of experience, and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Because you encountered an opportunity in the small world, the Continental Hegemony Tournament has been postponed for seven days. I can't give you any more time to rest. We will meet tomorrow." Play the second game.”

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "It should be."

Seeing that he showed no reluctance or dissatisfaction, Chang Hong's eyes shrank, and then he said to the Lord of Yaoguang City, "Send him to his place of residence, and then inform all the participants that the second game will be held tomorrow."

Bai Wukian immediately made a gesture of invitation to Ji Jiuzhong, who raised his hand and saluted, "Goodbye."

After saying that, he left with the Lord of Yaoguang City and ignored the lords of the mainland. The neglected continental lords had no time to care about this and immediately surrounded Ji Jiuzhong when he could not see his figure.

The Lord of the Northern Continent asked, "Changhong Demigod, is Ji Jiuzhong telling the truth?"

They always felt that Ji Jiuzhong was as cold as a thousand-year-old ice cube, which made them doubt the authenticity of what he said. They felt that Ji Jiuzhong gained more than just a sea of ​​​​mind from experiencing the small world.

Changhong Demigod glanced at them and said, "He didn't lie."

The lords of the continent still don't believe it, but since Changhong Demigod said this, even if they don't believe it, they can't say anything else.

However, I am looking forward to the next game. If Ji Jiuzhong gets other opportunities in the small world, he will definitely be able to see it later.

It has been seven days. They have worked much harder than Ji Jiuzhong. They have been staring at the small world screen like this. They are much more tired than practicing. Now they can finally go back and rest.

Back at the city lord's mansion, Demigod Chang Hong and Demigod Wei Lan lived in the same courtyard. Demigod Changhong said to Demigod Wei Lan who was about to go back to his room, "Why didn't you say a word today?"

Wei Lan looked calm as usual and said, "What are you talking about? Ji Jiuzhong encountered opportunities in the small world, that was his destiny. I don't believe you can't see that he is not a person controlled by others. What do you mean? It's very clear. Don't you just want to kidnap people into Yunshang Palace? I don't think you should waste your efforts. If I understand him correctly, if he doesn't want to go to Yunshang Palace, he won't go even if you tell the truth. Yes. If he wants to go, you don’t need to win over him, he will find a way to get in. "

Changhong Demigod frowned. It was precisely because he saw this clearly that he didn't mention anything today. Being rejected would not only lose his face, but also the face of Yunshang Palace. "

“Do you think he wants to go or not?” Chang Hong asked again.

Demigod Wei Lan did not answer him directly, "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his room.

Changhong Demigod looked at his back and asked, "What was your purpose of meeting Yuan Xiangluo that day?"

Demigod Wei Lan didn't stop and said without hesitation, "Of course we are recruiting talents for Yunshang Palace. Have you forgotten the purpose of our visit this time?"

Because Demigod Wei Lan’s back was to Demigod Changhong, Demigod Changhong couldn’t see the dark light in Demigod Wei Lan’s eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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