The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 579: continue the game

Chapter 579 Continue the game

Demigod Chang Hong choked, and before he could say anything, Demigod Wei Lan said again, "Unfortunately, it didn't succeed."

Changhong demigod twitched his lips, but didn't think much about it. After all, demigod Wei Lan is an alchemist and a doctor. It's normal to feel unconvinced when being stepped on by a junior. I'm afraid he doesn't have much respect for him, so he didn't succeed in recruiting him.

 Besides, the unmarried couple Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are very special, and they cannot be viewed with normal people's thinking and eyes.

 For some reason, Demigod Chang Hong had a feeling in his heart that these two people might look down on Yunshang Palace.

Therefore, he did not doubt the words of Demigod Wei Lan at all, and he never expected that Demigod Wei Lan and Yan Xiangluo were actually related by blood.

Demigod Wei Lan returned to his room, and through the gap in the window he saw Demigod Changhong taking out the sound transmission stone and telling the palace owner what happened today.

Demigod Wei Lan frowned, wondering what the palace master would decide.

People on the main road of Yunshang Palace regard it as a holy palace, but only those who are inside know that it is just another world.

The intrigues and fights inside are no less than those outside, and they are even more ruthless because of their strength. If he is smiling at you today, you will probably die in his scheme tomorrow.

  Such things abound. He has stayed in Yunshang Palace for so many years and knows it all too well.

It's just because of his superb alchemy and medical skills that those people can use him, and at the same time they are wary of his methods, and because he lives in a remote place and has little contact with people, so he can live safely until now.

But he did not give up his vigilance because of this. Apart from refining elixirs and studying medical skills, he spent all his time practicing, just to improve his cultivation to a point where no one dared to bully him.

 In the Yunshang Palace, there are many people who have cultivated the level of first gods, and the main battles are also among them. As long as you step into the demigods, the comparison will be much cleaner.

First of all, there is a huge difference in strength, and they dare not provoke them. Above the demigods, there are those who have the cultivation level of the gods. In Yunshang Palace, there are not many people with such cultivation level. They all focus on studying and training, hoping to enter Taoist cultivation as soon as possible. Because, I have no intention of intrigues and intrigues.

 Hence, the most free people in Yunshang Palace are those who are semi-gods.

Assume the main responsibilities of Yunshang Palace and is highly valued by the palace owner. This is the main reason why he wants Yanxiang to fall into Yunshang Palace.

It shouldn't take long for Yun Xiangluo to enter Yunshang Palace to break through to the **** level with her talent, and he can protect her until she becomes a demigod and no longer needs his protection. He also has support in Yunshang Palace, so he can Practice wholeheartedly.

No one in Yunshang Palace wants to reach the pinnacle of cultivation, but people who can also enter Yunshang Palace are not easy to cultivate their talents, but there are only a few people who can reach the level of cultivation.

Changhong Demigod has no dealings with him, just because they entered Yunshang Palace at the same time, and their cultivation talents are almost the same, so they have been growing in comparison.

 Therefore, he will not let Demigod Chang Hong feel that he cares about Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, otherwise he will definitely do something bad in order to attack him.

Wei Lan half-god looked away and sat cross-legged on the bed, seemingly practicing, but in fact he was thinking about Ji Jiuzhong.

Since he is Yan Xiangluo's fiance, he has to take care of him no matter what, but he can't do things in an obvious way, otherwise it will not help him, but harm him. This matter is a bit difficult to handle, so we can only adapt to changes in tomorrow's game. , he will not take action unless necessary. Ji Jiuzhong is also missing and needs his help.

However, he also wanted to see if Ji Jiuzhong had the ability to stand out in the continental competition. After all, with his current strength, it would be difficult to enter the top ten. How did he know that Ji Jiuzhong's goal was not to enter the top ten, but to win first place.

The night passed quickly, and early the next morning, the entire Yaoguang City became lively again. The Continental Hegemony Tournament was held for the second time today. Everyone watching was extremely excited, and seemed to be more excited than the participants.

Yu Xiangluo woke up early and Qi Hao made breakfast.

Qi Hao got up early these days to make breakfast. Seven days have passed. His cooking skills have improved and his ability to control fire has become more and more proficient. Yu Xiangluo can eat the food cooked by his apprentice every morning. Suddenly, he feels that there is something wrong with him. The little apprentice is pretty good.

Qi Hao heard the news about the continuation of the Continental Competition last night, so in addition to making breakfast this morning, he also prepared some snacks and prepared for the day as soon as he went in to watch the competition.

 After breakfast, the master and apprentice left the mansion and headed for the competition venue.

The seats remained unchanged, and they were still sitting where they watched the competition on the first day. Yan Xiangluo kept looking at the gate through which the contestants came out. The gate opened, and Ji Jiuzhong was the first to walk out.

The second game is entered according to the ranking of the first game. Ji Jiuzhong is the last one to come out of the small world of experience. He is the first place in the first game, so he is the first to enter the second game. .

 The rules of the second game have not changed. As before, the opponents are determined by drawing lots, and the number of promotion places is 100. In other words, each of the two hundred players today only needs to compete once, and today's game is over.

But if there are two people playing against each other, there will be 100 games for 200 people. The stage is limited, and the time will not be short. I'm afraid it will be another day.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo's position as soon as he came out. Seeing the dazzling red dress and the alluring face, Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes suddenly became extremely gentle, and the cold and cold aura on his body dissipated.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and waved to him, and Ji Jiuzhong nodded with a smile on his face.

Liu Yu was walking behind Ji Jiuzhong, so he could clearly see the interaction between the two, and his eyes became more and more sinister.

He was actually looking forward to the fact that he would be drawn to fight Ji Jiuzhong in today's draw, letting everyone know that Ji Jiuzhong was his loser. Then he wanted to see if Yan Xiangluo would still smile so brightly at Ji Jiuzhong.

At the front of the referee's table is a round ball that can only be encircled by two adult men's hands. There is a round hole above the ball that you can put your hand into. The numbers are written on bamboo sticks. All the contestants walked in front of the ball where the lots were placed, reached in and took out a bamboo stick. Two people with the same number on the bamboo stick were in a group to play against each other.

Liu Yu got the bamboo stick and looked at the number on it, nineteen.

 The number on the bamboo stick of the person he is fighting with should also be nineteen. Similarly, the number on the bamboo stick should also be nineteen. It will take several rounds before he can compete with him.

He looked at Ji Jiuzhong, wondering what the number was on the bamboo stick in his hand. Unfortunately, Ji Jiuzhong was holding it in his hand, and he couldn't see anything.

When everyone had finished drawing the bamboo sticks, Bai Wuqian said, "All the contestants sit on the viewing stand according to the numbers on the bamboo sticks in their hands. Now, contestants No. 1 to 4 come on stage to compete."

 (End of this chapter)

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