The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 580: wait until the end

 Everyone’s eyes are looking towards the competition stage, wanting to see who will compete in the first round.

The competition venue is oval, with eight competition stages. The moving subtitles on the very high crystal stone in the middle light up again. The names of the 200 participants appear on it, with Ji Jiuzhong's name listed at the front.

 At this time, there are already people on the eight competition stages.

 After seven days of waiting, and being stimulated by Ji Jiuzhong, these contestants are now not in a very stable mood.

 The person who competes first may be very irritable and needs to vent before their emotions have stabilized. The competition is an opportunity to vent, so the process of the competition will be very unfriendly.

Ji Jiuzhong gestured to Yan Xiangluo after he drew the bamboo lot and saw the number. Yan Xiangluo was speechless. He was the first to draw lots and actually got the last round, the 100th round.

In this case, he will have to wait until the end. Considering that everyone watching here is also looking forward to his game and want to see with their own eyes what his actual combat strength is, there is really no need to wait until the end.

Qi Hao is very concerned about who Mu Zixian is drawn to compete with. After all, where is his strength? If he is unlucky and the person drawn is much stronger than him, it will be difficult for him to enter the top 100.

Qi Hao's eyes were fixed on Mu Zixian. When he saw Mu Zixian extending a finger to him, his eyes suddenly lit up. He actually got the first round, but he didn't know it was the first round. Taiwan, there are eight competition platforms.

When the contestants came on stage, Qi Hao stared closely at the eight arenas to see if the contestants were stronger than Mu Zixian.

It's a pity that his cultivation level is too low and he can't see through other people's cultivation level, but it can compare the aura revealed on his body with the aura on Mu Zixian's body. He frowned. There were three people who went up to the ring first. He is several levels higher than Mu Zixian. If you face him like this, you will have almost no chance of fighting. Simply admitting defeat will prevent you from being seriously injured. There are three others whose cultivation level is two levels higher than his, so they can protect themselves. There are two other people whose cultivation levels are one level higher than him. If he wants to have a chance to enter the top 100, he will have a chance to fight against these two people.

Qi Hao's heart was raised. Uncle Zixian was more lucky.

 It seems that it is easy to enter the top 100, as long as you win against one person, but this is really a test of luck.

 If the strength is equal, you can still fight. If the strength is too different, there is no chance of winning.

Many people who are ranked within the top 100 have encountered stronger opponents due to bad luck and have no chance of entering the top 100.

Mu Zixian, who was wearing a red robe, walked onto the competition stage and felt relieved when he saw that his opponent's cultivation level was one level higher than his own.

Fortunately, within the scope of his strength, among the people who entered the second game, his cultivation level was not the lowest, but almost at the bottom. After ranking one hundred and fifty, it would be difficult to enter the top hundred.

 Now it seems that there is a chance.

They have followed Ji Jiuzhong since childhood and have experienced life and death training. Their cultivation levels are very solid and they can fight beyond one level. If it is a life and death situation, they can even jump two levels to fight.

 Hence, he was still confident about the opponent in front of him who was one level higher than him in cultivation.

But when he thought of what Yan Xiangluo reminded him, he didn't let his guard down and was wary of the other party plotting against him. One look at the other party's eyes showed that he was not a gentleman. He admired Yan Xiangluo in his heart.

She is the most powerful soul-controlling person he has ever seen, and he feels that she will definitely become a famous heavenly master in the mainland in the future.

Qi Hao felt relieved after seeing Mu Zixian’s opponent. Fortunately, Uncle Zixian was lucky. When everyone on the viewing platform saw Mu Zixian, many people knew him and knew that he was with Yu Xiangluo. They shouted excitedly, "The man in the red robe is a member of the miracle doctor Yu. They all like to wear it." Red clothes."

The voices were not just one or two, but both Mu Zixian and Yan Xiangluo heard them clearly, and both of them suddenly had dark lines on their faces.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. When did Mu Zixian become hers?

Mu Zixian's heart was trembling. Oh my God, can you explain clearly? I have a master, but the master is Ji Jiuzhong. My master is the one who heals people. I can only be regarded as the one who heals people.

 Looking at the red robe on her body again, she wondered whether she should wear a different color in the future. If she always wore the same color as the girl, her master would be displeased.

 For a while, Mu Zixian thought about all the colors, thinking about which color he would change, but there was no color he liked. He really only liked red.

 Well, what should I do?

 I hope the master will not look for trouble when he goes back. He does not want to accept the master's anger.

I felt so frustrated that I immediately looked at my opponent. You are unlucky and I can only vent to you.

"The first round of competition begins." Bai Wukan's voice echoed throughout the competition venue.

As soon as his voice fell, the eight competition stages suddenly burst into spiritual power, and the battle reached its peak as soon as it started. There was no testing between them at all, and they all directly used their own killing moves.

 There is a barrier set up by the powerful demigods around the competition stage. Therefore, no matter how fierce the fighting is inside, it will not affect the people watching the competition.

 The competition was very fierce, and the emotions of the spectators were also very high, with constant shouts and shouts.

Even Qi Hao couldn't help but stand up and encourage Mu Zixian.

Yan Xiangluo watched the game calmly. She looked at Mu Zixian's opponent, used the power of soul control, and saw a layer of gray aura on his head. This was not a good luck, but there was no worry about life or death. .

Looking at Mu Zixian's luck again, it was much better than what he saw that day. The black line in his luck path was gone, which meant that after he reminded him, he took it seriously and took precautions, and his luck naturally changed.

Yan Xiangluo did not feel that she had suffered any loss. She understood that such a reminder did not violate the laws of heaven, and there would naturally be no punishment.

Maybe it’s because this is not a destiny involving life and death, so there is no loss to herself. She has to keep testing to know what kind of heavenly secrets the Heavenly Master can say and what kinds of heavenly secrets cannot be said.

However, now every time she looks at people's luck, she will have a feeling. This feeling also reminds her of what can and cannot be said, what can and cannot be done.

At this moment, a man came over and said something to the person sitting next to Yan Xiangluo watching the game. The man hesitated, glanced at Yan Xiangluo, got up and walked away with the man.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the two of them out of the corner of her eye. She had instinctively used her mind-reading skills just now, and when she heard the man's thoughts, she frowned.

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