The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 581: what happened

What the man was thinking was: You should be smarter and agree to change seats. It's useless for you to sit here next to the miracle doctor. People don't know who you are, let alone pay attention to you. My third master gave me an order that you must change places with the eldest lady. Otherwise, how could the eldest lady get close to the miracle doctor and how could the third master achieve his goal?

 It turned out that it was really because of the elixir that Fang Xi'er got close to him.

Yan Xiangluo wondered whether Fang Xi'er could not handle the square family's affairs. After all, she was far behind her third uncle in terms of cultivation and qualifications.

It's just that she is the direct daughter of the eldest family member. Her grandfather, father and brother who supported her are not here. She is a woman and can't stand alone. It's normal to have trouble settling.

 Watching the people next to her get up and leave, she knew that Fang Xi'er would come here and sit next to her.

Sure enough, after a moment, Fang Xi'er, who was sitting not far from her, stood up and came over, sat down next to her, and said to her with a smile, "Miracle doctor, you don't mind, so we can chat more easily."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her, saw her blinking hard at her, and said expressionlessly, "I'm watching the game, I'm afraid I don't have time to chat."

"It doesn't matter, we can watch the game together." Fang Xi'er said without any annoyance.

 She said this so that people around her could understand at a glance that she was here to please the miracle doctor.

Yan Xiangluo didn't respond and looked away, continuing to watch the game. However, she was holding a paper ball in her hand, which was given to her by Fang Xi'er.

 The people next to him curled their lips. The miracle doctor was so flattering that they ignored Fang Xi'er and continued to watch the game.

 This year’s competition is more intense than any other continental competition and is very exciting to watch.

Yan Xiangluo put the paper ball into the space and opened it in the space, so that the content on the note could be seen immediately.

It read, "Xiangluo, no one from the Fang family needs to give you face. My third uncle wants an explosive spirit pill. There is something wrong with his practice. I suspect that he has practiced evil skills. My eldest brother and second brother have already There is news about my father, and my grandfather will be fine. I will protect myself. Don’t worry, just ignore me. I will go find you when the matter is resolved. "

A dark light flashed under Yan Xiangluo's eyes. The Explosive Spirit Pill is a pill that needs to be used to save the spiritual roots when their spiritual energy is exhausted.

There are generally two reasons for the depletion of spiritual roots and spiritual energy. One is that it is artificially destroyed, and the other is that the spiritual roots are damaged due to practicing evil skills and the spiritual energy is depleted little by little.

No matter which one it is, if there is no Explosive Spiritual Pill to save it, the spiritual root will eventually be destroyed due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy. If the spiritual root is exhausted, it is unlikely to be restored, and the person's path to cultivation will be cut off.

Yuan Xiangluo was surprised that there were people practicing evil arts in a big family like the Fang family. Isn’t this self-destructive?

After all, a big family like the Fang family has its own cultivation techniques, so there is no need to learn evil techniques to improve the level of cultivation, right?

 Could it be that Fang Xier's third uncle practiced evil skills in order to seize the position of head of the family and want to surpass her father, the next head of the Fang family?

This possibility is very high, otherwise why her grandfather stayed in seclusion for a long time and something happened to her father.

Thinking that if people are forced to have no way out, they will do anything, Fang Xi'er is probably very unsafe.

Yan Xiangluo immediately rummaged through the space and found some sixth-grade life-saving elixirs and some poisonous elixirs. She put them all in a Qiankun bag and gave them to Fang Xi'er calmly.

Fang Xi'er was stunned when she felt the Qiankun bag in her hand. Before she could react, Yan Xiangluo sent a message to her, "There are life-saving elixirs and some poisonous elixirs in it. They are all explained. Take a look for yourself and you will know." No matter what, whether it’s self-defense or counterattack, at least it’s a guarantee.”

Fang Xier quickly lowered her eyes. She was once again moved by Yan Xiangluo. Although she knew her current situation, she did not stay away from herself because she was worried about getting into trouble. Instead, she helped herself in her own way.

After her grandfather and father's accident, all her former friends and relatives voluntarily severed ties with her, for fear of being implicated by her. She only felt the connection and help from Yan Xiangluo, which prevented her heart from completely becoming cold. At least one friend was willing to stand behind her and support her. Fang Xi'er did not refuse Yan Xiangluo's help. These elixirs and poison pills were very important to her. As Yan Xiangluo said, they were at least a guarantee.

The third uncle is holding back for two reasons. One is because the incense has fallen, and the other is because he hasn’t found the flying disc yet.

Although everyone in the tribe knew that the square plate was in the hands of grandpa, the third uncle suspected that grandpa had given the square plate to her. She had to admit that the third uncle still knew how much grandpa loved her, and grandpa had indeed given the square plate to her.

Just because Third Uncle doesn’t know now, it doesn’t mean that he will never know. If Zhang Zilu needs it, he will definitely ask Third Uncle for benefits again on the condition of knowing Fangpan.

Even if she didn't take out the square plate, her third uncle wouldn't be polite to her, and she might not be able to escape unscathed.

 With the elixir and poisonous elixir given by Yan Xiangluo, there is an extra level of certainty.

 Fang Xi'er sent a message to her, "Thank you."

Yan Xiangluo did not send any more messages to talk to her. She could say something occasionally, but she kept saying that she would be discovered.

Fang Xier naturally knew it, so the two of them sat together and watched the game.

In the first round of the competition, three people in the arena had very different cultivation levels. After just one move and it was over, the other five arenas all stood and fought for a long time.

Mu Zixian was the last one to finish in the arena, narrowly winning.

Qi Hao was so happy that he stood up and cheered. Mu Zixian looked at him and smiled. This kid's love for him was not in vain. Look, at the critical moment, it was still for him.

 The embarrassment and exhaustion after the battle were forgotten, and he straightened his back and walked out of the ring.

 After he walked off the ring, the first round was completely over.

 The people for the second round started to take the stage. There was no one in the second round that Yan Xiangluo wanted to see, so his attention turned away.

 Choose the right person to see their luck and test their soul-controlling power.

 After watching it for a long time, she suddenly remembered that she had not shown Fang Xier's luck. If she looked at her luck, she would know if something would happen to her.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at Fang Xi'er and was stunned. How could her fate be like this?

On Fang Xi'er's head, he saw a large red mass of luck, which was normal. The red color represented a **** disaster, but Fang Xi'er's luck could not be seen by Yu Xiangluo, as it seemed to be changing at any time.

How is this going?

Yan Xiangluo thought about it and looked more carefully. At this glance, she really saw the problem and knew why Fang Xi'er's fate was like this.

She took a breath of air. Could it be that the Fang family has a very powerful Celestial Master?

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