The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 582: Changed fortune

Chapter 582: Being Changed

 Because she could see that Fang Xi'er's luck had been changed.

 Oh my God, this is the first time she has seen that a person's destiny can be changed. If she hadn't been practicing the power of controlling souls for the past seven days, she would not have been able to tell how much progress she has made.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. This news surprised her so much.

 Changing someone else's destiny, wanting to do this is not something that ordinary Celestial Masters can do. Changing a person's luck is equivalent to changing a person's destiny. Interfering with such a big cause and effect will be punished by God.

 Seriously it will affect your luck and longevity.

Who is so courageous and has such a powerful Heavenly Master, who is not afraid of being punished by Heaven?

Yuan Xiangluo was extremely shocked.

Fang Xier was extremely confused when she saw Yan Xiangluo staring at her for a long time, the expression in her eyes changing again and again. Why did she look at herself like this? It was like she was seeing something incredible.

Fang Xi'er secretly tugged on Yan Xiangluo's sleeve. Yan Xiangluo came back to her senses, glanced at Fang Xi'er, gathered her emotions and looked away, and turned her head to continue watching the second round of the game.

She didn't tell Fang Xi'er that her destiny had been changed. There was no solution yet. If she knew, it would only cause trouble for her.

She seemed to be watching the game, but in fact, the power of soul control was being used all the time. She wanted to see to what extent Fang Xi'er's destiny had been changed, and if there was any way to solve it.

In her consciousness, the Long family's soul-controlling techniques slowly unfolded. She remembered that the next thing she had to practice was the technique of changing the path of luck. It would be great if she could understand it now.

It just so happened that Fang Xier was by his side, so he could give himself a try and help her at the same time.

 Time passed little by little, and Yan Xiangluo's mind was in her consciousness. From time to time, she turned her head to look at Fang Xi'er, wondering about her fate.

Fang Xi'er was confused and her heart was pounding. What happened to Yu Xiangluo?

The people in the Fang family secretly watched Fang Xi'er and Yuan Xiangluo and kept going back to report them, thinking that Yuan Xiangluo was impatient with Fang Xi'er, and the third master of the Fang family frowned so hard that he could catch a mosquito.

 He was thinking about how to get Yan Xiangluo to make elixirs for him if Fang Xi'er couldn't have a good relationship with her.

Liu Yu came on stage in the third round. Unfortunately, his opponent was not Ji Jiuzhong. Not only was he not Ji Jiuzhong, but his cultivation level was much lower than him. He didn't even make a move. The opponent just came on stage to go through the motions before admitting defeat and leaving. The speed was extremely fast, for fear that Liu Yu would attack him.

So far, this match of his is the least interesting. There is no way, everyone knows his strength. If his opponent doesn't fight hard, he is looking for death.

Every time there is a continental competition, someone will lose their life in the competition, especially on the last day of competition.

 The morning has passed and the game is halfway through. In order to finish the second game today, we didn’t take a break at noon.

Qi Hao had already taken out the food he had made and ate it, but as a habit, he gave it to Yan Xiangluo first.

Yan Xiangluo didn't eat and continued to practice the soul control technique. She wanted to see if she could see through Fang Xi'er's luck in being replaced before the end of the day.

 It was just a good time to go back and think of a solution in the evening. Tomorrow was the last day of the competition and there was not much time. After the competition, she would leave here to do errands, but Fang Xi'er didn't feel at ease leaving her like this.

At this time, outside the competition venue, Miao Nagano was bargaining with a person selling wooden seat signs.

He wasted a teleportation mysterious pattern, but he didn't even see the shadow of the magic-absorbing bead. Not only was he wasting time, but it also delayed him from watching the Continental Competition. He only had a teleportation mysterious pattern, and when he came to Yaoguang City, he could only rent a flying spirit beast. He originally thought it was too late, but after the first day of the competition, he heard about Ji Jiuzhong's incident, and the second competition was postponed.

Miao Changye thought in his mind that since Ji Jiuzhong encountered an opportunity, it couldn't be done in a day or two. He rushed there if there was still a chance, so he rented a flying spirit beast.

As a result, I encountered something on the way and was delayed for two days. I thought I was really late this time, but I didn't expect that Ji Jiuzhong had been in the small world for seven days. He arrived on the day of the second competition, but half a day had passed. It's time.

 No, because he spent half a day bargaining with others.

Miao Nagano is already used to the fact that the formerly proud heir of the family has fallen to this level.

The person who sold the wooden seat sign also knew that if there was any further delay, the wooden sign would be lost, so he sold it to him at half the price given by Miao Nagano.

Miao Nagano got the wooden sign and hurried in. As soon as he entered, he heard deafening shouts and the roar of spiritual battles colliding.

 I felt deeply that the higher continent was better than the lower continent in every aspect, yet such a loud sound could not be heard at all outside the competition venue.

Miao Nagano found a seat and sat down, and saw fierce fighting on the eight competition stages. He glanced at the referee's table. He didn't see clearly who the referees were, but he saw the fiery red figure on the viewing stand next to the referee's table. He was so familiar that he knew that person was Yuan Xiangluo without having to see the opponent's face clearly.

His eyes fell greedily on Yan Xiangluo's face, and he knew that the distance between him and Yan Xiangluo was getting farther and farther. She is now a miracle doctor, but she is a monk secretly practicing magic skills. She always hides herself, for fear that if she accidentally leaks it, she will be hunted down.

Although Yan Xiangluo focused on practicing the soul control technique, she could still feel Miao Changye's unconcealed gaze, which made her mental power stronger and stronger.

With her almond-shaped eyes suddenly looking over, she locked her target directly in the vast sea of ​​people.

When Yan Xiangluo looked over, Miao Changye quickly put on his hood, not daring to look at Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo frowned, this person is so shameless, and he still wears a hood on such an occasion? At first glance, he doesn't look like a good person.

With just one glance, Yan Xiangluo looked away. There were too many people paying attention to her, and they were so far away that she really couldn't tell who they were.

As for whether the other party is only curious about her or has other thoughts, she doesn't care. The troops will come to cover up the water and the earth.

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo did not pay attention to him, Miao Changye breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt more unwillingness in his heart.

Thinking about the fact that they entered Xianyun Sect in the first year of assessment, how could they have reached this point because they were obviously superior? The gap between the two can already be described as a world of difference.

This thought made him determined to go to the devil world. Only by going there could he have a chance to straighten his back again.

 Halfway through the game in the afternoon, Yan Xiangluo finally knew how Fang Xier's luck had been changed and what the situation was now.

The Heavenly Master who took action was quite capable. In order to avoid the punishment from Heaven, he borrowed the hands of others to change Fang Xier's destiny.

 (End of this chapter)

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