The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 583: leapfrog battle

Although it was possible to change someone's destiny, it would take a long time, which was the main reason why she couldn't tell what Fang Xi'er's destiny was.

 Since the transportation has not been completed, not only Fang Xi'er's luck cannot be seen, but the current luck of the person who changed the luck with Fang Xi'er cannot be seen either.

However, because the other party replaced Fang Xi'er's good luck, the other party's luck should be getting better and better, and things should go smoothly.

 After all, if Fang Xi'er's luck was not good, no one would spend so much money to change her luck.

But looking at Fang Xi'er's current appearance, although the other party's luck is not a great one, it should not be a catastrophic one, otherwise Fang Xi'er would not be able to sit beside her properly.

Ji Jiuzhong came on stage, which also indicated that this round of competition was the last round.

Yan Xiangluo stopped practicing the power of soul control and looked at the stage intently. As for Fang Xi'er's solution, she went back to think about it.

Ji Jiuzhong’s opponent is not low in strength. He is at the same level of cultivation as him. He is also the only pair of strong opponents who met together today.

And because it was the last round of competition, there were only four games left out of a hundred, and the other three games were of little interest. Everyone's eyes fell on the ring where Ji Jiuzhong was.

Although Ji Jiuzhong was able to fight across different levels, he did not underestimate the opponent because of this, nor did he feel that the opponent he was unlucky to meet was strong. Instead, he felt that this arrangement was good and he could find out how strong the opponents of the same level were before tomorrow's finals. powerful.

 The opponent you encounter tomorrow will only be stronger than the one in front of you.

When a master fights, he will not be the same as a weak person. Ji Jiuzhong's opponent is a man in his forties. With just one glance, Ji Jiuzhong knows that the opponent's experience is extraordinary, otherwise he would not have such a calm state of mind, especially It was the sharpness in his eyes that let him know that the other person was a very cruel person.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and the results were announced in the other three arenas. The man opposite Ji Jiuzhong took the lead.

This also indicates that the man lost in the eye contact.

Ji Jiuzhongfeng's eyes narrowed slightly. The man was defeated when they looked at each other. He would definitely attack with all his strength and would not give himself any chance. What he wanted was the opponent's all-out attack.

In an instant, the two figures were no longer visible in the ring. This was the strength of the masters fighting. The people on the viewing platform also became quiet. The shouts from the previous game completely disappeared, and they were all waiting for the final result.

Everyone knows that when they see them again, it will be the time for them to decide the winner.

Liu Yu sat on the competition stage after passing the test, staring at the ring with squinted eyes.

When I saw that Ji Jiuzhong's opponent's cultivation level was one level higher than Ji Jiuzhong's, I felt a little gloating. Although I didn't eliminate Ji Jiuzhong myself, I was relieved to be able to eliminate him at this level.

 But when he saw that the other party made the first move, his heart sank. He knew what this meant. It meant that Ji Jiuzhong's state of mind was much higher than that of the other party, so that the other party could not stand the mental competition and take the lead.

 Their masters knew very well when fighting each other that if they insist on being strong even though they know that they are not as good as the opponent, the result will be worse. The only way to win is to attack first.

Ji Jiuzhong was able to encounter the sea of ​​​​mind in the small world. It seemed that his state of mind was indeed not that strong. Therefore, his opponent gave up competing with him and took action directly.

 He wanted to use his one-level higher cultivation strength to directly knock Ji Jiuzhong off the ring. No one can predict the outcome at this time, and he is not surprised that Ji Jiuzhong can leapfrog the battle.

Yan Xiangluo held her hands tightly. Although she knew Ji Jiuzhong's strength, the opponent was one level higher than him after all. Even if Ji Jiuzhong could fight beyond his level, it would not be easy to win.

This battle lasted for half an hour, and the entire competition venue was filled with the sound of spiritual collisions from their battle, and there was no other sound. At this moment, a figure flew out of the battle light and fell towards the ring.

 The people watching stood up in excitement, wanting to see clearly who fell off the ring.

 Mainly because Ji Jiuchong and his opponent were both wearing white robes. Although the materials of the clothes were different, they fell off so fast that it was hard to tell who it was for a while.

Yan Xiangluo's tightly clenched fists loosened. The person who fell down was not Ji Jiuzhong. She knew Ji Jiuzhong's figure very well, and she could recognize him even if he changed his clothes.

As the man fell down, the light on the ring disappeared, and a tall figure stood on the ring, it was Ji Jiuzhong.

 The people on the viewing platform suddenly let out sighs, and many people couldn't help shouting, "It was Ji Jiuzhong who won. My God, he can actually fight beyond the level."

There were two people on the referee's table who looked not very good. One was Changhong Demigod of Yunshang Palace, and the other was the Continent Lord of the Western Continent.

 Because the person who was knocked out of the ring was the grandson of the Lord of the Western Continent, and he was also the favorite to enter the top ten this time.

Now, it stops here. I can’t even participate in the third day of the competition, let alone the chance to enter the top ten.

At this time, the Lord of the Western Continent was somewhat complaining about Demigod Changhong. This was Demigod Changhong's decision to ask his grandson to eliminate Ji Jiuzhong today. He did not agree with it at the time. After all, he was only one level behind in cultivation, which was still a bit suspenseful. of.

But Changhong Demigod promised that no matter what the outcome, he would let his grandson enter Yunshang Palace to practice for a year, so he agreed. After all, grandson only had the hope of entering the top ten. If he couldn't get in, he wouldn't be able to go to Yunshang Palace either. Only the top ten are eligible to go to Yunshang Palace to practice for one year.

 That’s why he agreed. Now that he saw his grandson losing in such an embarrassing manner, he felt that even if he could go to Yunshang Palace, his grandson’s level might not be improved, and his state of mind was defeated.

At this time, he regretted it very much.

 It was natural that Ji Jiuzhong was displeased, and he wanted to let him die immediately.

 Wei Lan, the demigod, raised his eyebrows. The son-in-law was chosen well. His strength and realm were not half as strong. It looked like he didn’t need to help.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo first, and Yan Xiangluo immediately gave him a big smile and a thumbs up.

Ji Jiuzhong pursed his lips and smiled. At this time, being seen and appreciated by his beloved, there is nothing happier than this.

No matter what everyone thinks, today’s game is over. Bai Wuqian announced the mainland’s promotion list and announced tomorrow’s finals.

 The contestants who advanced to the top 100 were the first to leave. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo and left first.

Yu Xiangluo didn't wait any longer and walked outside with Qi Hao and Fang Xi'er.

Fang Xi'er was still talking all the way. Yan Xiangluo ignored her and separated from Fang Xi'er as soon as they went out.

Miao Changye stood in the dark, looking at the direction in which Yan Xiangluo was walking, and followed him quietly.

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