The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 584: sworn brother

Yan Xiangluo noticed someone following them when they came out of the competition ground. When they came to the entrance of the alley where they lived, Yan Xiangluo pulled Qi Hao across the entrance of the alley and continued walking into the street.

Qi Hao was stunned for a moment, then acted as if nothing happened and walked wherever the master led him.

Miao Changye followed the two of them and watched as Yan Xiangluo led her apprentice into a dessert shop. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see her come out. Miao Changye immediately walked over and took a look, and saw that there was no sign of Yan Xiangluo inside. .

 Suddenly I knew that I had been discovered and dumped.

His eyes were extremely gloomy.

Miao Nagano originally thought that Ji Jiuzhong was competing and couldn't come back. He might have a chance to take action on Yanxiang, even if he just got the person first. At least he would feel better. But he didn't believe it anymore. Ji Jiuzhong was willing to wear what others had worn. shoe.

He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would be so vigilant, that she would even find out about him and get rid of him. He had been hiding himself. He was sure that even if Yan Xiangluo found someone following her, she would not know who was following her, so she would get rid of him in this way.

 This further aroused his desire to conquer, and then he left the dim sum shop. With Sun Xiangluo's current reputation, it was easy to find out where she lived.

In fact, Yan Xiangluo just wanted to avoid the people following them. It was no secret that she lived there, but she had Qi Hao with her. She didn't want Qi Hao to experience any more dangers, especially when she didn't know who her opponent was. in the case of.

Although there were hidden guards secretly following her, she didn't want Qi Hao to take risks.

After the master and disciple returned to their residence, Qi Hao asked, "Master, is there anyone following us?"

 Otherwise, why would Master take him to the dessert shop, discuss with others, and leave through the back door?

Yu Xiangluo nodded and did not hide anything from Qi Hao.

 As her disciple, this kind of thing will definitely happen in the future. Only if he learns to protect himself is the best way to protect him.

“Am I always dragging Master down?” Qi Hao said a little discouraged.

If it weren't for himself, Master wouldn't have to take such a troublesome detour tonight.

"Everyone needs time to grow up, and Xiaohao is no exception. When you grow up, you can protect the master. The master protects you now, and you will protect the master in the future. This is what you should do."

Yu Xiangluo has never thought about any believers who don't ask for anything in return. That would only teach ungrateful people.

Qi Hao nodded, "Well, I will protect Master when I grow up."

"There's nothing wrong in the house. Don't worry, go back and rest." Yan Xiangluo patted him on the shoulder and said.

 After saluting, Qi Hao returned to his courtyard, but instead of resting, he continued to practice.

After Qi Hao left, she looked at Mingwei, who had been hesitant to speak since she came back, "What's the matter?"

Mingwei immediately came over and handed her a letter, "Miss Yu, this is a letter from a man who said it was a letter from the girl's adopted brother."

Mingwei has been struggling with this matter. What kind of sworn brother does Miss Yu have? They, the hidden guards who follow their master, know Yu Xiangluo very well. No matter it is the Tianqian Continent or the Higher Continent, Yu Xiangluo has nothing. The adopted brother's.

This person doesn't want to have a relationship with her, he can think of any way. But he didn’t dare to deal with the letter in private, so he decided to give the letter to Yan Xiangluo and let her deal with it.

Based on their understanding of Yan Xiangluo, she is not someone who is easy to fool. If the other party is really a fake, Yan Xiangluo will naturally deal with it.

Ruan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. She was still looking for a chance to meet her adopted brother. Unexpectedly, before she went to see her adopted brother, he actually came to see her first. Sure enough, it would be beneficial for her to spread her reputation as a miracle doctor. .

It’s just that my sworn brother has been found, why haven’t my parents believed me yet?

She took the letter and opened it. The letter was very simple, asking why she didn't contact him when she came to the Higher Continent, and whether she was afraid that he was a member of the demon clan. If so, he would not come to see her and let her Find her when you have time.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, it seemed that the sworn brother had misunderstood.

After reading the letter, she asked Mingwei, "Did the person who sent the letter say how to find him?"

Mingwei was stunned. Could it be that Miss Yu really has some sworn brother?

 But he still said truthfully, "The man said he would come back in the morning."

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved and said, "People are here, please come in and let me know immediately."

Mingwei responded, "Yes."

But I became even more curious. Thinking about the man who came today, the aura on his body was unfathomable. Could he really be Miss Yu's step-brother?

 Does the master know?

Yan Xiangluo put the letter away and went back to her yard.

Since she can see her adoptive brother tomorrow morning, she can just explain it then. She still has an important thing to do tonight, which is to find a way to solve Fang Xi'er's fate change.

 She didn't rest all night, and she kept practicing the power of soul control. The power of soul control she was practicing at this time happened to be related to the aspect of luck. She had already practiced it during the day, and she was almost able to understand it thoroughly in one night.

Yan Xiangluo practiced all night. Early in the morning, Mingwei came to report that the man who delivered the letter yesterday was here.

Yan Xiangluo happily ran to the front yard and was stunned when she saw the man. If he wasn't his adopted brother, who was he?

Fu Qingfeng raised his eyebrows when he saw the girl who came running happily. She looked stunned after seeing him. It seemed that the adopted sister recognized by the king still valued the king very much. At least she was happy to see him. To the king.

Yan Xiangluo calmed down her emotions and walked over, "Who are you?"

The aura of the man in front of her was very sharp. Although he had tried his best to restrain it, Yan Xiangluo still felt that he was not an ordinary person, especially the chilling aura in him, which was not something ordinary people could have.

  Why didn't the adopted brother come? Who is he?

Fu Qingfeng bowed and said, "My master has something to do and he has to go away. Knowing the news about Miss Yu, he arranged for his subordinates to come and see Miss Yu. Master said that he will come to visit Miss Yu in person in a few days."

It became clear to Yan Xiang that she was a subordinate of her adopted brother. The subordinates were all so powerful. It seemed that her adopted brother's status in the demon world was not low.

"I should be the one who went to see my adopted brother. Originally, I was planning to go visit my adopted brother after the Continental Competition." Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

She did think so. She would first complete the deal with the soul, then go to the Divine Doctor Mountain to pay homage to Master Shuyi, and then go to meet her sworn brother.

Hearing this, Fu Qingfeng's brows softened. It turned out that she was also planning to see her master. Fortunately, she didn't mind that his master was a demon cultivator, but she didn't know if she really didn't mind or if she already knew his identity and wanted to take advantage of him.

It has only been a few years since the master succeeded the Demon King. Those spiritual cultivators do not know the identity of the master yet, but it is not ruled out that some well-informed people will know.

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