The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 586: Must be calm

Chapter 586 Must calm down

Yan Xiangluo smiled even more happily when he heard this, "Brother, after the Continental Competition, I am going to the Divine Doctor Mountain, and then I will go see you."

Ge Tianjun calculated the time and said, "Okay, I will pick you up when the time comes."

 “Yeah, yeah.” Yan Xiangluo nodded.

It would be best if Ge Tianjun came to pick her up. She didn't know how to go to the demon clan to find him, so she rashly worried about getting him into trouble.

The two of them didn't say much. They agreed that Yan Xiangluo would contact him after she finished her work at the Divine Doctor Mountain, and he would pick her up and end the chat.

Although it didn’t last long, it was enough to shock the people around Ge Tianjun.

Their king had never been so gentle before he succeeded the Demon King. This sister of the king was so charming, so how could the king be so gentle to her?

 Isn’t she the woman the king likes?

Fu Qingfeng, who knew about the existence of Yan Xiangluo, frowned. The king was too kind to Yan Xiangluo.

He knew in his heart that the king was mostly grateful to Yan Xiangluo, and he also had another kind of feeling, but it was definitely not between a man and a woman.

Yu Xiangluo saved the king when he was in the most critical moment. Although the king didn't say it, he also knew that the king's situation was very bad at that time, otherwise he would not have been exiled to a lower continent. However, even so, just use some money or help her a few times to repay the kindness. Otherwise, saving her once when her life is in crisis will just repay the kindness. Why do you want to be sworn with her?

 This is what Fu Qingfeng is most puzzled about.

Today he met Yun Xiangluo. To be honest, his impression of Yun Xiangluo was not bad, but not so good that he was willing to sworn sworn sworn friends with her.

He didn’t understand the circumstances under which the king became sworn sworn lord with Yan Xiangluo. He was more inclined to believe that it was the conditions that Yan Xiangluo had put forward in order to heal the king. The king was a person who kept his promise.

He has followed the king since he was very young. The king is not a soft-hearted person, not to mention that there is a gap between spiritual cultivation and demonic cultivation between the two of them.

 This is what Fu Qingfeng is most worried about.

Yan Xiangluo is a spiritual practitioner. If one day, the two demon and spirit clans confront each other again, what will Yan Xiangluo choose?

He didn't believe that he could even think of the king, but the king would not think of it. However, the king was unabashed and sincere about his kindness to Ruan Xiangluo. How did Ruan Xiangluo impress the king?

Fu Qingfeng felt that the king was not calm, and he had to be calm. There were many people waiting for the opportunity to find the devil king's position. Wasn't it that the king was calculated last time.

Relatives can kill the king, let alone outsiders who are not related by blood. What happened last time cannot happen again.

After Yan Xiangluo finished the conversation with her adopted brother, she took Qi Hao to watch the game in a good mood.

Today is the last day and the most intense day of the competition. She wants to see Ji Jiuchong get first place with her own eyes.

The prizes for each continental competition were only announced after the results came out. She knew that Ji Jiuzhong wanted the first place, not for fame and fortune, nor for prizes, nor for entering Yunshang Palace. With his If you want to enter Yunshang Palace with your talent, you don't have to bother so much.

There are three rewards for the first place in the competition. In addition to valuable prizes and a year of training in Yunshang Palace, there is also another reward, that is, the first place can enter the training place of the Higher Continent.

This training place is not the same every time. Every two continental competitions, the first place can enter the training place with the highest level in the advanced continent.

This year happened to be two times. The reason why I have to open it only once every two times is because it is very laborious to open it every time. It requires the joint efforts of ten people with demigod cultivation to open it.

 Only one person can enter each time it is opened, and the one who enters is the person who won the first place in the continental competition. This is also the main reason why so many mainland young masters and young masters from various forces participated in this year’s continental competition.

It's all for this quota, just because every time the people who enter not only become powerful people in the mainland, but also bring great opportunities to the family.

She knew very well how much Ji Jiuzhong wanted to become stronger as soon as possible. Therefore, she knew that Ji Jiuzhong's purpose of getting first place was to enter this training place.

As soon as she left the house, the sight from yesterday appeared again. Yan Xiangluo ignored it and took Qi Hao to the competition venue.

Today she will come back with Ji Jiuzhong and Mu Zixian, so she doesn't have to worry about safety. As for who the person behind the scenes is, she is not interested in knowing.

If she was a strong person, he wouldn't be able to follow her all the time and not take action. Obviously, he is the kind of person who has a thief's heart, no courage, and no strength.

Yan Xiangluo guessed correctly. Miao Changye spent the night outside the house where she lived last night and didn't find a chance to go in. As soon as he got close to the courtyard wall, there was an aura stronger than his own. He didn't expect that the entire The mansion was so tightly guarded that he couldn't find a chance to take action.

But in broad daylight, when the incense fell, he did not dare to do anything.

  He really has a bad heart, no courage, and no strength.

He followed Ruan Xiang outside the competition venue. When he saw Ruan Xiang entered, he went to find someone to buy a wooden seat sign. Today's wooden cards were very expensive to buy, but there was no other way. What he wanted to watch most was today's game.

This time his position was better, just to the side of Yan Xiangluo, but not in the first row, so Yan Xiangluo couldn't see him unless he turned around.

Miao Changye knew that today he would have no chance to attack Yan Xiangluo, and he did not dare to openly provoke Ji Jiuzhong.

He stopped staring at Yan Xiangluo and concentrated on watching the game, wanting to see the strength of mainland geniuses. Then he will go to the demon clan.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the seat next to her, why didn't Fang Xi'er come? Glancing at where the Fang family was sitting, there was no Fang Xi'er either. He frowned and turned to watch the game.

At the beginning of the day, we still drew lots for the first round. After one round, fifty people were eliminated. In the second round, twenty-five people were eliminated. Then the remaining twenty-five people came on stage together, and finally ten people were left. , that is, the top ten, and then the top ten will compete against each other to determine the ranking.

Yan Xiangluo was not worried at all in the first two rounds. She was worried about the third round. Ji Jiuzhong had nothing to do with anyone, and everyone else knew each other. As long as there were only ten people left in this round, There will definitely be people who will stick together, and there will definitely be no people who will stick together with Ji Jiuchong.

Hence, what makes Ji Jiuchong most sad is not the subsequent two-person match for first place, but the third round knockout.

Qi Hao was still most concerned about his uncle Zixian, but he was disappointed. Mu Zixian was eliminated in the first round of eliminations.

Mu Zixian is fine, after all, he knows his own strength, but Qi Hao is very depressed

Yan Xiangluo said funnyly, "Didn't you see that the other uncles were also eliminated?"

Qi Hao curled his lips and said something that made Yan Xiang's face full of black lines, "They are not as powerful as my master."

Yan Xiangluo felt that it was unnecessary for her to comfort him. She could not guess the thoughts of children, especially boys.

 (End of this chapter)

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