The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 587: Pig eats tiger

Yan Xiangluo continued to watch the second round of the competition. This round, Ji Jiuzhong's opponent was another opponent with a higher cultivation level than him.

But it’s not the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Level.

Yan Xiangluo frowned, and everyone in the audience was also paying attention to Ji Jiuzhong, as if the other games on the stage were not worth watching.

 What is there to see? Yan Xiangluo felt that today's competition was really nothing to watch. Later on, the players in the competition became stronger. During the competition, you could only see the light of the impact of spiritual energy, but you couldn't see anyone at all. Unless your cultivation level was higher than Only when they are tall can you see their tricks clearly. That would also consume a lot of mental energy. Who would be willing to waste mental energy like this?

 Unless necessary.

 Hence, few of the people sitting on the stage can see how the people on the stage win. They can only see who wins and to what extent the loser loses.

Although Ji Jiuzhong and his opponent could not be seen, Yan Xiangluo's consciousness was strong enough that she could sense his aura, which was obviously not as good as the other aura. This opponent was much stronger than yesterday's opponent, even though they were both at the same level. people.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. Sure enough, the people who have been able to stay till now are not very strong. Ji Jiuzhong is at the eighth level of the holy level, and his opponent is at the ninth level of the holy level. Although he has not reached the peak of the ninth level, he is almost far away from the peak.

She was worried that it was not the opponent in front of her, but the opponents he would face next, all of whom would be at the peak of the ninth level of the Saint level. Even if Ji Jiuzhong could fight beyond the level, the ninth level of the Saint level would be at the peak of his cultivation. A person who has broken through to a god-level cultivation level is not an ordinary one-level cultivation level. Can he really get the first place?

Although Yan Xiangluo knew that Ji Jiuzhong was a very rational person, she was also worried that at a critical moment, he would fight desperately.

 It is just a split-second decision, but in this case it is a matter of life or death.

Ji Jiuzhong has not yet decided the winner in the arena, but Liu Yu has already taken the lead in defeating his opponent and is the first person to advance to the top twenty-five.

The old master of the mainland was very satisfied with his son's performance. Originally, he only hoped that his son would be in the top ten. Now he feels that his son's strength has not been fully exerted, and he is likely to compete for the first place. Opportunity.

 Suddenly I felt that it was the right decision to let him go to the twilight training place for training, and he felt very good.

Little did he know that Liu Yu had concealed it from him. His true cultivation was to allow the Lord of the Mu Sui Continent, his father, to allow him to enter the Mu Sui Continent’s training ground to practice before the competition. He also wanted to consolidate his cultivation. Because, his goal is not to be in the top ten in the competition, but to be first.

The first place in this year's competition will not only be able to enter Yunshang Palace, but also enter the most powerful training place in the High Continent. As long as he can enter and come out again, let alone the position of the lord of the twilight continent, he will be the lord of the entire continent. possible.

 At that time, he couldn't get anything he wanted, let alone a woman.

 But his goal is not so narrow. He wants to go to the Nine Heavens. This is his ultimate goal.

Liu Yu calmly walked down the stage and was the first to sit on the seat prepared for the top twenty-five people. Everyone's attention was also attracted to him.

They all whispered about Liu Yulai.

Although Liu Yu's cultivation is strong enough, he is handsome enough, and his status is high enough, but because he likes beauty, no woman from a good family will have any feelings of admiration for him, but some want to be rich and powerful. Women are prone to thoughts, but they also have to consider whether their appearance can catch Liu Yu's eyes. The women around Liu Yu are more beautiful than the last, but there are absolutely no women who can stay with him for a long time, and there are very few who have been in this position for more than a year.

Ji Jiuzhong’s stage was the last to come to an end. Although Ji Jiuzhong still won, the people watching and even the people on the referee’s table saw that he looked a little embarrassed and felt that he could only enter the top twenty-five.

After all, those who entered the top twenty-five were without exception all at the peak of the ninth level of the sect. It was a fluke that he could enter the top 25 with an eighth-level cultivation of the sect.

Although Ji Jiuzhong struggled to win this time, he remained as indifferent as before and sat in the eighth position.

Yan Xiangluo followed Ji Jiuzhong with her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he had not taken any healing elixir. This meant that he was not injured. He was just looking at the mess and twitched the corner of his mouth secretly. This man was pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger.

Looking at the seven "tigers" who were already sitting in front of him, Yan Xiangluo was worried again. In the next round of the competition, twenty-four tigers will eat his one "pig". Is he sure he can handle it?

Ji Jiu’s important thing is that he knows that Yan Xiangluo compared him to a pig and doesn’t know what he will think.

 After the next round of competition started, Yan Xiangluo knew Ji Jiuzhong’s intention.

At the beginning of the competition, the other twenty-four people did not take him seriously. After all, his cultivation level was only the eighth level of the Saint level. He was already in a very embarrassing situation in the previous round. He was destined to be eliminated in this round. Therefore, they pay more attention to opponents of equal strength.

They all look for opportunities to take down the most threatening opponent in this melee. As for Ji Jiuzhong, it will be an easy thing when the time comes.

Even Liu Yu didn't take Ji Jiuzhong seriously, but when Ji Jiuzhong looked for opportunities to knock his opponents off the ring one after another, the remaining people finally realized that they had underestimated Ji Jiuzhong.

Even the referees had a dark look on their faces. A group of people with only strength but no brains were fooled by an eighth-level saint-level cultivator.

On the referee's bench, only the demigod Wei Lan was truly happy. The little girl had good eyesight, and the man she selected was truly extraordinary.

With such a high talent and such a flexible mind, there is no one who can compare with him among the major families in the higher continent.

At this time, there are only fifteen people left in the arena out of twenty-five, which means that five more people have to be eliminated to end this elimination round.

Liu Yu looked at Ji Jiuzhong with gloomy eyes. He could never let him enter the top ten. Although he had never regarded him as an opponent, he could not tolerate Ji Jiuzhong getting the honor of the top ten.

In fact, he was still worried about Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation talent. He had only been in the high continent for a few months, and he actually reached the eighth level of holy level cultivation. As a native of the high continent, he also had a strong backing from the father of the lord of the continent. , with countless cultivation resources, he only broke through the Saint level at the age of twenty-eight, and was already thirty-three when he reached the eighth level of the Saint level.

Being promoted to the same level, he is eleven years younger than Ji Jiuzhong. What is this concept? It means that his talent is far inferior to Ji Jiuzhong. This is a reality that he is unwilling to face.

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