The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 588: laugh out loud

 Others also looked at each other. They had no personal grudges with Ji Jiuzhong, but they would never allow what happened in the last continental competition to happen again.

Last time, a person with an eighth-level holy level cultivation won the first place. They scolded the high-level mainlanders who participated in the competition. They didn't want to be the target of scolding this time.

It is already a great insult to them that people from the lower continent step on their heads once. If they let people from the lower continent step on their heads again this time, what qualifications do the people from the higher continent have to put the lower continents on their heads again? People in mainland China treat them like ants.

 Therefore, now is the best opportunity to eliminate Ji Jiuchong. After all, this is the only round of the continental competition that is a group fight.

Ji Jiuzhong had already stomped all their faces on the ground in the first round. If he was allowed to enter the top ten again, their faces would be completely impossible to pick up.

Hence, one look at each other and understand each other's meaning without using words.

In addition, what Liu Yu wanted was not only to eliminate Ji Jiuzhong, but his life. Therefore, except for Ji Jiuzhong, the other fourteen people silently reached an agreement to eliminate Ji Jiuzhong first, and then they would eliminate him. The remaining four.

 No matter what method is used, the Continental Hegemony Tournament does not say that joining forces to deal with opponents is not allowed.

Ji Jiuzhong naturally sensed what they meant and narrowed his eyes slightly. Since he dared to participate in the continental competition, he was naturally fully prepared.

Although the continental hegemony competition is about cultivation strength and it is prohibited to use any dirty methods, such as poisoning, using mysterious texts, etc., the use of formations and battle pets is not prohibited.

 This is also the main reason why Ji Jiuchong has the confidence to stand here.

The development of things is under his control. Even if the fourteen of them join forces to deal with him now, it is too late.

There would have been hope if they had joined forces from the beginning, but there was hope, and now there is no hope at all.

In the eyes of everyone, the atmosphere on the competition stage was a bit strange at this time. Fourteen people stood on one side, and Ji Jiuzhong stood alone on the other side. Who could not understand this obvious clique?

  Why do you feel a little blushing? This scene is obviously the high-class mainlanders joining forces to bully the lower-class mainlanders.

The key point is that if any one of the people from the higher mainland has a higher level of cultivation than others, and they want to join forces to deal with them, isn't this ridiculous?

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes were filled with smiles. Ji Jiuzhong was really arrogant.

Qi Hao couldn't see through it and said worriedly: "Master, do they want to shamelessly join forces to deal with Master?"

The people sitting next to him and behind him all heard Qi Hao's words. They also felt that these people were a bit too shameless. You said that any one of you has a higher level of cultivation than others. Even if you can't defeat others by yourself, you have to join forces with two people. Just go ahead and don't make it so obvious about joining forces, okay?

 As high-class mainlanders, they all feel that they are indeed too shameless.

Yan Xiangluo smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter, they are no match for him if they join forces."

This is a bit too much to say. With so many ninth-level holy masters joining forces, why are they no match for Ji Jiuzhong, an eighth-level holy master?

 They admitted that Ji Jiuzhong did have the ability to fight across levels, but he was not capable of fighting so many people across levels.

Everyone who heard her words looked at Yan Xiangluo with disdain. Even if you are a miracle doctor, we cannot agree with your words.

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Master, can Master make it into the top ten?"

"Of course." Yan Xiangluo said without hesitation. There is still something I haven’t said in my heart. Not only can I be in the top ten, but I can also win the first place. It's just that I haven't gotten it yet, so I'd better keep a low profile.

She didn’t know that what she said now was already high-profile enough in the eyes of others.

"Then I'll be relieved." Qi Hao immediately patted his chest.

He felt that he was more worried about his master than uncle Zixian just now. His heart was beating very fast, as if it was about to jump out of his mouth.

However, after the master's words, his little heart immediately returned to its original position and started to beat steadily.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the people opposite him and raised the corners of his lips. Only the fourteen people opposite him could see this subtle movement, but without exception, they all felt that Ji Jiuzhong was mocking them.

The fourteen people across from them all looked a little embarrassed. They were bullying the minority so obviously. No one was stupid. With so many people watching, it was impossible to say that they were not embarrassed at all.

 However, no matter how embarrassing it is, you must do what you have to do.

 A man wearing a green robe said, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and finish it as soon as possible."

Someone started, and the others stopped waiting. In an instant, each of the fourteen people struck out a stream of spiritual energy and rushed toward Ji Jiuzhong.

Everyone on the viewing platform exclaimed in shock. Fourteen masters with peak ninth-level holy level cultivation attacked together. Ji Jiuzhong was probably not knocked off the ring this time, but died under the ring.

Even the two Yunshang Palaces on the referee's table and the lords of the continent frowned. Although they did not object to him bullying Ji Jiuzhong more than others, the way he rushed to kill him still made them feel uncomfortable. Should.

Especially the demigod Wei Lan, he is really worried that Ji Jiuzhong will die in the ring. He is Yan Xiangluo's fiancé, so that girl is not going to die of sadness.

Qi Hao stood up nervously and kept saying, "Master, what should I do? What should I do? They want to kill Master, they are so despicable."

 Everyone around them feels embarrassed. It is already embarrassing for so many of you to bully a person with a lower cultivation level than you. It is indeed not an ordinary shame for you to blatantly want someone's life.

Although people do die every time in the Continental Competition, this time it is considered good, there are no deaths yet, but there are also many serious injuries.

Yan Xiangluo was very calm, "Don't worry, they are not his opponents."

Hearing this, Qi Hao looked at Yan Xiangluo in disbelief, and then heard everyone's exclamations, and quickly turned to look at the ring.

They saw Ji Jiuzhong standing calmly opposite the crowd, and the combined spiritual power of everyone attacked a place one step away from him, as if blocked by some invisible force. Not only was it blocked, but it also bounced back.

 Fourteen extremely powerful spiritual attacks came together to form a huge pillar of light. When it was bounced back, it doubled in size. The dazzling light made everyone watching close their eyes.

 But then he opened his eyes again, worried that he would miss the most exciting scene.

 The fourteen people on the opposite side didn't even react. In a panic, they hurriedly resisted the counterattack.

Because they wanted to kill Ji Jiuzhong, their attack was not even the strongest one, and the rebound power was doubled.

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