The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 589: How does this count?

Even if they reacted and tried to block it with all their strength, they could not stop it. For a moment, the fourteen people were like fairies scattering flowers, flying backwards after being attacked. The fourteen people could only watch them leave the ring and fall towards the ring, without any trace of it. There is no way.

 Then he heard the sound of falling to the ground, which showed how strong the counterattack was.

 Suddenly, the whole place was silent.

No one expected that this would be the case. They originally thought that Ji Jiuzhong was dead, but they didn't expect that he would knock everyone off the ring with one person.

How to calculate this?

 This round of competition normally only determines the top ten, but now Ji Jiuzhong is the only one on the stage. How can the competition continue? Is it even skipping the subsequent competitions?

Everyone on the referee's table was also surprised. They did not expect such a result.

The twilight Lord of the Continent, who was in a happy mood just now, is now livid. His son is among such embarrassing people.

Others on the referee's table also felt very embarrassed. It was already embarrassing for so many people to use killing moves against others. But now that they hadn't succeeded, they were instantly killed by Ji Jiuzhong, who had a lower level of cultivation than them.

Bai Wuguan was also stunned. Although this was the first time he encountered such a situation, his reaction was still very fast. He was the first to come to his senses, glanced at Ji Jiuzhong standing on the stage, and quickly followed Chang Hong The demigod discussed with the demigod Wei Lan.

“Two demigods, what should we do now?”

Bai Wukan can't make the decision in this matter, nor can any continent master. Even the master of the Northern Continent who holds the competition can't make the decision.

He would not cause trouble to his master, so he asked two people from Yunshang Palace.

Have to admit that Bai Wukian is not an ordinary clever man. No wonder he is so respected by the Lord of the Northern Continent.

Changhong Demigod was brought back to his senses by Bai Wukan's words. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Ji Jiuzhong. He didn't expect that his formation skills were so strong.

Even he didn’t know when Ji Jiuzhong set up the formation. It was a defensive and counterattack formation, and the counterattack force was doubled. He didn't sense it until the fourteen people's power fell on the formation.

He felt that Ji Jiuzhong had shown mercy when he set up the formation, otherwise the formation would have been doubled to counterattack. If the formation were doubled, no one would know how many of the fourteen of them would survive.

 Such people must be taken into Yunshang Palace.

He turned to Wei Lan and said, "Wei Lan, what do you think should be done?"

Wei Lan, the demigod, was very speechless. Normally, his eyes would be higher than his head and he would always compete with himself. However, at this time, his attitude was very good. He thought he was stupid.

This time he is just an assistant. Changhong asked him for his opinion because he did not want to take responsibility. Does he still understand this?

"The Palace Master said, I am just assisting you, just let me follow your arrangements, it is up to you to decide."

 Demigod Wei Lan was originally very dissatisfied with the palace master's arrangement. He felt that since the palace master trusted Chang Hong more, he should not arrange for him to follow him. Who in Yunshang Palace didn't know that the two of them would not deal with it.

Now he feels that the palace master has helped him.

Changhong demigod twitched his lips. Knowing that Wei Lan could not be used, he turned to the continental masters and said, "The continental competition has always selected the top ten. Now there is only one person left, which is against the rules. What do you think?"

 The sixteen continental lords dared not have any objections, and they all said, "It's fine as long as the demigod Chang Hong decides."

They also understood the meaning of Changhong's half-myth, and they couldn't ask for it, let alone object. After all, several of them had descendants among those fourteen.

Changhong demigod nodded and said, "Since Ji Jiuzhong defeated them all by himself, let's advance to the top ten first, and then fourteen of them will compete on the stage to determine the other nine." All the lords of the continent nodded immediately. , "Changhong Demigod is wise."

Demigod Wei Lan didn’t stop him either. He knew very well that even for the sake of the face of the higher continent, Chang Hong would not let the game end like this.

It’s hard to say it, but it’s hard to say it well. Last time in the continental competition, a person from an inferior continent with a low cultivation level took the first place. If someone from an inferior continent were to take over the top ten this time, it would be terrible. It's really embarrassing.

 Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong was strong enough. He was worried for nothing just now. He was already thinking about whether to save others, but this kid defeated everyone in such a shocking way.

sharp! He has never admired anything in so many years, but now he admires Ji Jiuzhong sincerely.

 Seeing that everyone agreed, Changhong demigod immediately motioned to Bai Wukian to announce it.

Bai Wukian was extremely shocked. He was very lucky that he did not provoke Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. Each of these two people was more perverted than the other.

 Whether it is talent or IQ.

He walked to the middle of the judges' wives, asked what was going on in his mind, and used his spiritual power to spread the sound so that everyone could hear it.

“Ji Jiuzhong was directly promoted to the top ten, and the other fourteen people came back to the stage to compete and decide the other nine.”

Qi Hao, who was cheering excitedly, was immediately dissatisfied after hearing Bai Wukan's words, "They have all been kicked off the ring by their master, how can they still be qualified to compete?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled and pulled him to sit down. "This round of competition is to determine the top ten. It's not enough to determine only one, so naturally it will continue."

Yan Xiangluo’s general words made everyone around him feel hot when they heard it. It was so embarrassing. It was so embarrassing. It was the first time I watched a game and I felt so embarrassed.

This time I feel even more embarrassed than the last time in the Continental Competition. Last time I was only taken first place, but this time I was slapped in the face again and again.

If Ji Jiuzhong takes the first place in the end, people from the higher continent may no longer dare to look down on people from the lower continent.

Ji Jiuzhong on the stage was not surprised at all after hearing Bai Wukian's words. There would definitely be no top ten in the entire competition, so he expected this decision.

He calmly saluted the referee's table and then walked down from the ring and went to sit down in the ten-person seat.

The other fourteen people who had fallen off the ring had climbed up in embarrassment and got back on the ring. They all felt embarrassed, but the competition would continue.

There were also injured people who had secretly taken healing elixirs. Fortunately, their identities were all ordinary, and the level of the healing elixirs was high enough. When they came on stage, apart from looking a little embarrassed, they really didn’t look like they were injured. .

 But everyone is holding a breath in their hearts and wants to advance to the top ten. Only by advancing to the top ten can they have a chance to defeat Ji Jiuzhong and avenge their humiliation.

 None of them can bear this sudden humiliation.

Liu Yu's face was extremely ugly. He had never been so embarrassed in his life, and it was in public.

But there is nothing he can do now. He must end the game quickly and enter the next round of two-person battle. He hopes to face Ji Jiuzhong in the first battle.

 The battle between fourteen people was a bit awkward, but it was also extremely fierce. After all, no one wanted to be eliminated.

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