The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 591: find each other

He thought that it was the last change of luck that tired her last night, and it would be over completely today, and all the luck belonging to Fang Xi'er would be transferred to her. The matter was a foregone conclusion. After a good night's rest, tomorrow would be better and better. .

The woman smiled when she heard the words, and said in a soft voice, "That's what I said."

Evidently she thought so too. Hua Luo looked at Fang Xi'er and saw that she was not talking to Yan Xiangluo. Both of them were watching the game seriously and curled their lips and looked away.

She secretly thought: The good fortune that belongs to the legitimate daughter of a big family belongs to her completely. Her fortune will be very good in the future. She can also think about the position of third lady that she did not dare to dream of before. From now on, Fang Xi'er will envy her. It's not the time to look up to her.

The more I think about it, the better I feel, and the physical discomfort seems to have subsided a lot. Turn around and continue watching the game.

From the moment Yan Xiangluo started to clear her meridians, Fang Xi'er felt a very gentle force, starting from the top of her head and slowly moving downwards. I don't know if it was an illusion, but she really didn't feel that uncomfortable anymore.

I was very impressed. Yan Xiangluo's medical skills were so strong that he could actually make her body feel so comfortable using spiritual power. I feel like my soul has become much more refreshed. How did she know that the reason why she felt so comfortable was that Yan Xiangluo had extracted all the bad parts of her luck, and all the luck that returned to her body was good. Luck is integrated with the soul. Good luck There is no burden on the soul of luck, and the whole person will naturally feel much more relaxed.

 A quarter of an hour later, Yan Xiangluo withdrew her soul-controlling power and asked her through a voice message, "How do you feel?"

"It's so comfortable. I've never felt so comfortable before. My sister is so amazing." Fang Xi'er also responded through the voice message.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was taking advantage of herself by becoming sworn sisters with Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew that she would be more comfortable than before her luck was extracted, "If you feel uncomfortable in the future, just come to me."

 Fang Xi'er immediately said, "I won't be polite to you."

 The sister she recognized was so kind to her, so she naturally wanted to be twice as kind to her sister. After everything at home was settled and things returned to normal, she went to find Yan Xiangluo. As a sister, she should also take good care of her sister.

Yan Xiangluo asked seemingly unintentionally, "Who is the woman wearing an orange-red dress sitting next to your third uncle?"

Fang Xi'er's expression suddenly turned bad, "His most beloved concubine."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She thought the woman was the daughter of Fang Xi'er's third uncle. Considering the longevity of high-level continental monks, there should be quite a few couples with such a big age difference.

Yuan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power was withdrawn from Fang Xi'er and continued to follow a very thin thread.

This thread was formed after the fate of the two people was completely exchanged. Following this thread, she can find the Celestial Master who changed the fate of the two people.

Originally, she thought she would find the other person easily, but the thread became thinner and thinner. Before she found the other person, the thread was already so thin that she couldn't even see it.

Yan Xiangluo instantly strengthened her soul-controlling power, broke through the fog in front of her, and finally saw a figure before the thread completely disappeared.

He is a man with a long beard. The black beard is windless and flexible in front of him.

However, the time of seeing him was only for a moment, and Yan Xiangluo didn't even notice the man's age, but the man with a beard must have children, and he would not be young anymore.

She only took one glance and the thread was completely broken, but this one glance was enough. She remembered the man's appearance and would be able to recognize him at a glance if she met him in the future.

What she didn't know was that just after the thread was completely broken, the man vomited out a large mouthful of blood, and his black hair and beard instantly turned to gray. His eyes were shocked that someone actually broke his luck at the last moment. Dafa, who can actually have such a strong power to control souls? Naturally, he found that trace of prying eyes, which showed that the other party's soul-controlling power was superior to his. While changing the fate of the two of them, he could still follow a trace of his soul-controlling power to catch up with him. He has now been exposed. .

 This man's power to control souls is much stronger than mine.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up and left Yaoguang City, regardless of the backlash injuries on his body.

 He was worried that if he didn't leave immediately, he would be found by the other party, and there might be no place for him to be buried.

He didn't want to take this business in the first place, because he himself is a heavenly master. Although he can't predict his own destiny, his premonition is very accurate. He always felt uneasy before taking this business. ,

 Sure enough, something happened.

 While leaving, he left a message on the sound transmission stone of the third master of the Fang family, "It failed, and there is no need to pay the remaining reward."

 This is his rule, half is given in advance, if it fails, he will not return this half, but he does not need to give the rest of the reward.

The third master of the Fang family noticed the movement of the sound transmission stone and immediately took it out. After hearing this, his eyes narrowed and he immediately looked at Fang Xi'er and saw that she was watching the game intently.

 He frowned, how could he fail? Wasn't it great last night? Wasn't it said that it would be completed by the end of the morning?

It’s the end of the year now, shouldn’t it be successful immediately? Why did it fail?

 He immediately asked, "What's going on?"

 The other side replied again, "The other side invited a more powerful heavenly master."

The third master of the Fang family was stunned. He immediately called for someone and said, "Go and check, who did Fang Xi'er come into contact with before coming to the competition venue?"

 The third master of the Fang family was not in the mood to watch the next game.

The reason why he wanted to change Fang Xi'er's luck was because he had seen it with the Heavenly Master and found out that his luck had gone through a certain kind of luck, and this kind of luck needed to be possessed by his woman. And if this luck was with Fang Xi'er, even if he If you don't deal with human affairs, you can't be so cruel that you can turn your niece into your own woman. You can only change your luck.

But the can failed in the end, which also meant that what he asked for was unlikely to go well, and his work was likely to be in vain.

 His eyes were dark and uncertain.

  Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Master who ruined his good deeds was sitting next to Fang Xi'er.

 Mainly because Yan Xiangluo's medical skills are so strong, it is difficult for people to think that she will have outstanding achievements in other fields.

Yan Xiangluo knew from the look on Fang Xi'er's face that she had something to do with her third uncle's concubine, so she didn't say anything more. But she was worried that after being separated from her, Xi'er would be plotted again and her fate changed, so she used her soul-controlling power to leave a mark on her soul.

Even though there is only a trace of soul-controlling power, if anyone tries to plot Fang Xier's fate, this trace of soul-controlling power will counterattack.

The other party will know that Fang Xi'er is protected by the Celestial Master. As long as the other party is not stupid, he will never dare to do anything to Fang Xi'er. Otherwise, he will offend a Celestial Master who can imprint power on a person's soul.

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