The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 592: Ximen Hongyu

 He has to think about whether he can bear her revenge.

In this way, at least when she is not with Fang Xi'er, she can rest assured that Fang Xi'er will not have trouble doing anything because of the change of luck. On the contrary, because I have taken out the bad luck in her, things will go more smoothly.

This time Yan Xiangluo was relieved and watched the game wholeheartedly.

Within a quarter of an hour, the draw was over and preparations were made for the battle. Five teams of ten people were already standing on the ring. There are exactly five arenas for ten people to fight in pairs, and there are still three empty arenas out of eight.

Ji Jiuzhong’s opponent this time is Ximen Hongyu, who is the most silent among the other nine, but he is also the most sinister, able to plot against his opponent without making a sound.

Ximen Hongyu was a little happy to be able to face Ji Jiuzhong. None of the nine of them wanted to face Ji Jiuzhong. The insult they suffered today could only be erased by defeating Ji Jiuzhong himself.

There is only one person, and he is the lucky one. As long as he personally defeats Ji Jiuzhong, his cultivation state of mind will not be affected. Otherwise, the pressure Ji Jiuzhong will bring to them in this competition will stagnate their mood, and even create inner demons at the critical moment of their training and promotion.

Liu Yu felt very unwilling, why couldn't he be in the same group as Ji Jiuzhong.

 In my heart, I hope that Ji Jiuchong will be eliminated, but also think that if I have a chance to defeat him personally, it would be best to kill him.

 But he is very sensible and knows that now is not the time to act willfully. No matter who it is, it is enough to eliminate Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong must not be given a chance to enter the top five and compete for the top three.

Liu Yu's eyebrows widened when he saw Ji Jiuzhong's opponent. When Ximen Hongyu met him, Ji Jiuzhong could only admit that he was unlucky.

 Himmen Hongyu is a person who must be extremely careful even if he is faced with him. He is famous for being vicious and vicious, and his methods are endless. The key is that you can't find the fault in his methods at all. It always seems to be luck, but who would believe that a person's luck is always that good?

Moreover, Ximen Hongyu’s cultivation level is still at the peak of the ninth level of the Saint level. Liu Yu didn't believe that Ji Jiuchong could still beat Ximen Hongyu.

Ji Jiuzhong knew all his opponents in detail before participating in the competition. He knew that the person in front of him was Ximen Hongyu, the most talented person in his generation in the Ximen family.

However, he is not a direct descendant of the Ximen family, but only a collateral descendant. His father is the attendant of the Ximen family head, and he has the trust and importance of the Ximen family head.

However, even though his surname is Ximen, because he is a collateral member, no matter how strong he is, he cannot become the heir of the family. Therefore, his goal has always been to enter Yunshang Palace.

As long as he enters Yunshang Palace, his status will be higher than that of the head of the Ximen family. From now on, the entire Ximen family will look up to him. It is a great honor for the family that he can return to the family once.

 Because of his father's relationship, the head of the Ximen family also treated him very favorably. The cultivation resources given to him were not comparable to those of his own children and grandchildren, but he already had the most cultivation resources among the collateral families.

However, although this person is not a direct descendant of the Ximen family, he has inherited the Ximen family's family style extremely perfectly.

He is vicious and vicious, and has endless methods. The most important thing is that you can't find his fault. The head of the Ximen family likes this very much about him, so he always follows Young Master Ximen.

He and Young Master Ximen both participated in this continental competition, but the head of the family did not want him to get a good ranking. The main reason for letting him participate was to help Young Master Ximen reach the top 100.

It's a pity that the head of the Ximen family doesn't know Ximen Hongyu's ambition. His goal has always been to enter Yunshang Palace, but Ximen Hongyu has always hidden this idea very well. Even his father doesn't know what he thinks.

  After all, the head of the Ximen family only wanted to train a powerful confidant for his son, Young Master Ximen, and did not want him to surpass his own son.

 Therefore, he has been holding back for more than thirty years for this opportunity. Yes, he is thirty-six years old this year. As long as he gets the first place this time, he can not only enter Yunshang Palace, but also go to the highest level training place in the mainland to train. From now on, Young Master Ximen will be his dog.

  It can be imagined how important Ximen Hongyu takes this competition under such circumstances.

 From the beginning of the game, he never paid attention to Young Master Ximen. Without his protection, Young Master Ximen was eliminated in the first round.

Had it not been for the competition to end and the person they passed the test to be unable to leave the competition venue, I am afraid that Young Master Ximen would have divided him into five horses.

No need to think about it, after so many days, the news must have been sent back by Young Master Ximen. He has reached this point, and the limelight has completely surpassed Young Master Ximen. If he cannot get the first place, the other rankings will not be good for him. It makes no sense.

 Even if he returns to the family, he will be branded as a slave by the family master. Only in this way can he not betray his son.

 He will be completely reduced to a dog of the Simon family, a dog that will do whatever you ask him to do.

Ximen Hongyu’s dark character can also be said to be created by the unique environment of the Ximen family. Although it has a certain relationship with his own character, the environment is the main reason.

Yan Xiang looked at the two people facing each other on the stage with her almond-shaped eyes, and frowned. When Bai Wukian read out the name of the person who was fighting against Ji Jiuzhong, she knew that it would not be easy for Ji Jiuzhong to win this battle.

At that time, when the two of them were studying the list of opponents for the competition, Ji Jiuzhong focused on Ximen Hongyu.

Not only is this man strong, he is not a gentleman. The most important thing is that he has a beast that is even more ferocious than him.

 No matter from which aspect, Ji Jiuzhong fell behind, and Yan Xiangluo was really worried this time.

As a native mainlander, Fang Xier naturally knew that Ximen Hongyu was also from a prominent family, and she knew a lot about the Ximen family.

  Many of the things that made Master Ximen famous were done by Ximen Hongyu. It’s just that the Ximen family doesn’t tell the outside world, but it doesn’t mean that other families don’t know about it. There is no airtight wall in this world.

What they don’t know is that a lot of information was actually leaked out deliberately by Ximen Hongyu. Why should he give Young Master Ximen a reputation? He couldn't just get his reputation back, but he also wanted to let the big families know that he was the one who was actually capable.

Fang Xi'er worriedly said to Yan Xiangluo, "This person is not simple. He has many tricks when fighting against his opponents. I'm afraid your fiancé is no match for him."

This is what everyone thinks, and Yan Xiangluo doesn't blame Fang Xi'er for saying this.

  Although I was worried in my heart, it didn't show on my face at all, "It's okay, my Jiuzhong is not simple either."

Fang Xi'er was stunned by her words. How could she still be so confident in her fiancé despite such an obvious difference in strength?

What other trump cards does Ji Jiuzhong have?

The battles in the other four arenas have already begun, only Ji Jiuzhong and Ximen Hongyu are still looking at each other.

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