The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 593: Weird weapons

  The people on the referee's table and the people in the audience looked at the two of them, as if the other four arenas were not attractive to them at all.

 Time passed little by little, and even Ji Jiuzhong had to admit that Ximen Hongyu was the most powerful opponent since he came to the Higher Continent.

This is also related to his living environment. As a sideline, if he did not have a strong state of mind and could not bear it till now, he would not be able to reach where he is now.

What Ji Jiuchong is not afraid of the most is comparing his state of mind with others. Since you insist on competing with me on this, then let’s compete to the end.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Ximen Hongyu with phoenix eyes indifferently, and his eyes were calm. To Ximen Hongyu, Ji Jiuzhong's eyes were like the surface of a windless lake. No matter how hard his sharp gaze attacked, he couldn't lift the slightest trace. Waves.

At this time, he somewhat understood why Ji Jiuzhong could achieve such a high level of cultivation at such a young age. His state of mind was too strong.

 At the same time, he also knew in his heart that he could not win in comparison with Ji Jiuzhong's state of mind.

Although he has always felt that his state of mind is strong and stable, it is still not on the same level as Ji Jiuzhong.

 He is a person who knows very well what he should do when. Since he can't compare with him in terms of state of mind, let's crush him in terms of strength.

 Ximen Hongyu was not greatly affected. He still understood the principle that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world.

But Ji Jiuzhong's competitive spirit was aroused by Ji Jiuzhong. He must defeat Ji Jiuzhong, and even wanted to destroy him. The existence of such a talent was the biggest threat to him. He knew very well that Ji Jiuzhong didn't need to participate in this event even if he wanted to enter Yunshang Palace. Subcontinent Contest.

At this time, Ximen Hongyu didn’t know yet, but by thinking this way, he had recognized in his heart that Ji Jiuzhong was better than him, and that was what Ji Jiuzhong wanted.

 This point is very important when strong opponents are fighting, which is why when strong players are fighting, they must first compare their state of mind.

 As soon as the mood is high or low, the results of the competition are also revealed.

At this time, Ximen Hongyu stubbornly believed that his cultivation strength was one level higher than Ji Jiuzhong. Strictly speaking, it was much higher. After all, he currently lacked the opportunity and resources to break through to the **** level.

 Hence, he felt that he could definitely crush Ji Jiuzhong in terms of strength.

Ximen Hongyu was the first to speak, "We all have very strong mental states. If we compete in mental states, it will probably take a long time. The competition won't wait for us that long. Let's just compete in terms of strength!"

Ji Jiuchong raised the corners of his lips and said, "You can do whatever you want, I'll accompany you."

The meaning of Ximen Hongyu's words is very obvious. It's not that my state of mind is not as good as yours, but that our state of mind is too strong. It takes too much time to compare the results. Therefore, let's compete directly in terms of strength.

But Ji Jiuzhong's simple six words turned his words into something even more forceful than others.

 Ximen Hongyu's face turned cold, Ji Jiuzhong really didn't save any face for his opponent.

 In this case, there is no need for him to say anything more. If he talks too much, he will be wrong, so let's start a war.

He raised his hand, and a long sword with cold light appeared in his hand. The long sword was jade-colored and looked very fragile, but the aura it exuded made everyone who looked at it feel a strong sense of indifference. Concealed murderous intent.

Especially Ji Jiuzhong, who was closest to him, felt that there was a very cool aura on the sword, either an icy feeling, or a cool, shady feeling. Ji Jiuzhong knew Ximen Hongyu's weapon. This long sword was obtained during a small world experience when he was in his twenties and had been with him for more than ten years.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. Why did this long sword give him a very evil feeling? Even the coolness felt very familiar. What was it?

Looking at Yan Xiangluo on the stage, her apricot eyes suddenly widened when she saw the long sword that Ximen Hongyu took out.

  Why did she feel the breath of soul on that sword? She used the power of soul control without hesitation, and immediately saw the soul of a woman wrapped around the jade-colored sword.

The woman's soul was fused with the long sword, and her soul was wrapped around the long sword as softly as noodles. She stared at Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. She finally understood why Ximen Hongyu knew clearly about using insidious methods, but no one could find out how he did it.

 It turns out that it was made by the soul on the long sword, not by him at all. How can you find out his fault?

what to do? The game had already begun and she could not remind Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. How could a human soul be fused with a weapon?

If the soul leaves the body after death and does not go to the underworld in time, the soul power will be consumed very quickly, and it will not be able to exist in the world for a long time, unless it is protected by some special treasures, just like the soul of the man she traded with. , there is a soul-protecting treasure on the body, so the soul body can exist, but it will only consume the soul power slower. Or you can practice some techniques to improve your soul power, but the chance of this is extremely small.

At this time, Ximen Hongyu and Ji Jiuzhong were already fighting together in the ring. With Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level, it would have been impossible to see their fighting moves, or even their figures.

 But because of the soul body on Ximen Hongyu's long sword, she could see where the two people's sword went, and she could also determine the positions of Ji Jiuzhong and Ximen Hongyu.

She clearly saw that the female soul on Ximen Hongyu's long sword had turned its head. At this time, her head was facing the tip of the sword, and her eyes were fixed on Ji Jiuzhong, probably waiting for his move.

Yan Xiangluo's heart was raised. She didn't know if Ji Jiuzhong could handle it. After all, he couldn't see the soul on the sword.

 She didn’t know what the woman’s soul on the sword was capable of, and how it could help Ximen Hongyu.

Apricot eyes stared at the soul body motionless. Just as the long sword stabbed out again, Yu Xiangluo saw the woman's hand move. A force flew out of her hand and ran forward. Yu Xiangluo knew clearly , that light must be heading towards Ji Jiuzhong.

 It’s just that she doesn’t know what kind of power that light is, it’s not like soul power.

The soul power she was talking about is different from her power to control the soul. It is the power after a person dies and becomes a soul body. Under normal circumstances, this power is very weak, but if there is a cultivation method, it can be increased.

 But her power to control the soul was so strong that she could clearly sense that the light that appeared in the woman's hand was not the power of the soul.

Just after the force flew out, the two people on the ring appeared. Ji Jiuzhong was obviously injured as he covered his heart.

Everyone suddenly let out a sigh, feeling that strength really determines everything. Look, no matter how talented you are, you will still lose if your cultivation level is not as high as others.

Ji Jiuzhong calmly took out a pill, put it in his mouth, and drank it. Feng Mu looked at Ximen Hongyu who was standing opposite.

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