The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 594: Eat as jelly beans

Ji Jiuzhong was very sure that the force that caused his injury came from Ximen Hongyu's long sword. This long sword was really weird.

This power is not strong, but it is extremely offensive, as if it can easily penetrate his spiritual defense.

 He was so careful, yet he still got hurt.

 What kind of power is this?

How come Ximen Hongyu’s long sword has power that does not belong to a monk? Could it be that his long sword has spiritual consciousness and can attack independently?

 He never thought that there was a fused soul body on Ximen Hongyu's sword.

After Ji Jiuzhong took the elixir, his internal injuries recovered in an instant. He felt deeply that Xiao Luoer's elixir was so powerful. Such a serious injury could be cured instantly with just one elixir.

This is a great help in battle. You must know that in this case, one second longer than the injury time will be life-threatening.

Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuzhong taking the elixir and knew that he was injured, and it was not serious. If the injury was minor, he would not take the elixir.

She gave him all the elixirs. She could clearly see the elixir Ji Jiuzhong took just now. It was the elixir she told him to take when he suffered serious internal injuries.

It can be seen that Ji Jiuzhong suffered serious internal injuries from the blow just now.

 Ximen Hongyu's eyes flashed with excitement after seeing Ji Jiuzhong being injured.

There is a soul body refined on his long sword. Every time he fights with someone, this soul body will help him and he will take action when he finds the right opportunity. Not only the opponent can't see it, but also the people watching can't see it. come out.

 This is the conclusion he came to after repeated trials, so he dared to use his long sword in front of everyone.

But when he saw Ji Jiuzhong took a pill and his breath quickly stabilized, he frowned.

Thinking that Ji Jiuzhong's fiancée is the miraculous doctor Xiangluo, he secretly cursed in his heart, but it was useless to give in. Who gave Ji Jiuzhong a fiancée who was a miraculous doctor?

He didn't believe it. Even if Yan Xiangluo was a miracle doctor, would he still be given many pills to treat serious injuries? He knew very well how serious Ji Jiuzhong's injuries were and what kind of pills were needed to recover quickly. Such pills were worth a lot of money, and even he was reluctant to buy them.

Ximen Hongyu believed that even if Yan Xiangluo was a miracle doctor, it would be impossible for him to have so many medicinal materials to refine so many pills for Ji Jiuzhong.

As long as Ji Jiuzhong's healing elixir is consumed, there is a chance to kill him.

It’s no wonder that Ximen Hongyu thinks this way, Ji Jiuzhong’s combat effectiveness is actually beyond his expectations, and his ability to leapfrog combat is far stronger than he imagined.

The battle lasted for such a long time, and although he had always had the upper hand, there was nothing he could do about Ji Jiuzhong. If it hadn't been for the soul body on his long sword, Ji Jiuzhong would not have been injured at all.

 He ​​has a contract with the long sword, and the soul body and the long sword are one, and have a contractual relationship with him. Therefore, he can communicate with the soul body using his spiritual consciousness.

At that time, when he got this long sword in the small world experience, he didn't like it very much. He thought the sword was a bit evil, but after the soul body helped him, he liked the long sword very much.

 He used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the soul body, "Look for an opportunity to continue to seriously injure him, it is best not to let him have time to breathe."

The woman in the soul body on the long sword immediately wrapped around the long sword, staring at Ji Jiuzhong, as if she wanted to eat him.

Ji Jiuzhong was mentally prepared, but he also knew that Ximen Hongyu's long sword would never have the power to attack. During the fight, both of them used long swords. The distance between the two of them could not be far apart. From such a close distance, once the long sword found an opportunity to attack, he would have no time to hide.

We have to find a way to destroy Ximen Hongyu's long sword. Keeping such an evil long sword is also harmful to people. However, before you find a way to destroy his long sword, you must protect yourself first.

Before he could think of a way to protect himself, Ximen Hongyu's attack came again, and the two of them fought together again.

Thus the people watching saw a strange scene, either the scene of the white light group fighting, or the scene of Ji Jiuzhong being injured and taking the elixir after the two figures appeared.

 After coming down several times, Fang Xi'er couldn't help but ask, "Can he do it?"

Yan Xiangluo said with certainty, "It can be done."

Based on her understanding of Ji Jiuzhong, he should be looking for flaws in Ximen Hongyu's weapons, or he discovered that there was something wrong with Ximen Hongyu's weapons and was thinking of ways to destroy his weapons.

However, even though he looked calm on the surface, she still felt sorry for him in her heart. No matter how confident she was in her medicine, Ji Jiuzhong suffered repeated serious internal injuries, which made her feel bad too.

At this moment, she suddenly understood that she was not so free and easy about her relationship with Ji Jiuzhong, and she could not let it go just in case something came up.

A dark light flashed across her almond-shaped eyes. She re-examined her relationship with Ji Jiuzhong. She really needed to think carefully about how to get along with Ji Jiuzhong.

This thought just passed by for a moment, and Yan Xiangluo was still more concerned about the current battle between Ji Jiuzhong and Ximen Hongyu.

 After being injured more than a dozen times in succession, everyone watching was twitching at the corners of their mouths. Are you trying to show off that you have a fiancée who is a miracle doctor?

You have eaten more than a dozen of these valuable elixirs like jelly beans, making them all envious that he has a fiancée who is a miracle doctor.

Even Fang Xi'er said, "Fortunately, he has you as his fiancée."

Yu Xiangluo said, "Without me, he would not lose."

Yan Xiangluo knew Ji Jiuzhong well. When he had multiple ways, he would choose the one with the lowest loss, and taking the elixir she gave him was obviously the way with the lowest loss.

Fang Xi'er's mouth twitched. She didn't understand the relationship between Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. How could they understand and trust each other so well?

“No matter how many pills you have, you will eventually run out of them.” What he means is that every pill he takes is worth a lot of money. How much can you give him? What will happen if he runs out?

 “It’s okay to eat.” Yan Xiangluo said naturally.

She didn’t even know how many pills she had prepared for Ji Jiuzhong. How could she finish them all in one game? Besides, this was just one of them. She had never even counted the types of pills she had prepared for Ji Jiuzhong.

If Ximen Hongyu wants to defeat Ji Jiuzhong by consuming all his elixirs, he is doomed to be disappointed.

Fang Xi'er didn't know what to say anymore. She was a little envious of Ji Jiuzhong.

Thinking that there seemed to be a lot of elixirs in the gift ring that Yan Xiangluo gave her, her heart instantly became balanced.

Thinking of those elixirs, Fang Xi'er thought about what she wanted to give as a gift to her. She couldn't take advantage of her as an elder sister.

I feel a little embarrassed when I think that from the moment I met her, I have been taking advantage of Yan Xiangluo, and it was all Yan Xiangluo who helped her.

 No, I must prepare some lovely gifts for my sister.

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