The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 602: Follow the rules

The two of them got off the ring. Bai Wuqian looked at the two demigods and saw demigod Wei Lan saying to demigod Chang Hong, "Ji Jiuchong has just finished a battle. Let's rest for half an hour and let him recover his spiritual power."

Changhong Demigod also knew that it would be unethical to proceed directly to the next game like this, but he thought of what the palace master said before coming, and the first place must not be a person from the lower continent.

Chang Hong's demigod raised his eyebrows. Ji Jiuzhong was just one step away. If he beat Liu Yu, he would be in first place. He couldn't do anything in front of everyone, he could only let Ji Jiuzhong recover his strength. It's not that good, so Liu Yu will have more opportunities.

 “How long did you take to rest in previous games?” Changhong asked, looking at Bai Wukian.

Demigod Wei Lan immediately understood what he meant. He also looked at Bai Wukian, who smiled bitterly in his heart. It was really the devil who suffered when gods fight.

 In this case, he could only say truthfully, "According to records, in previous games, there was a quarter-hour break in this situation."

There were people in the Continental Competition who didn't know the rules. Demigod Wei Lan obviously favored Ji Jiuzhong, but Demigod Changhong suppressed Ji Jiuzhong.

It's just that he was taken advantage of.

 He just said it truthfully, and it didn't have much to do with him whether he was happy or unhappy. After the game, everyone left, and he had little chance to contact the people in Yunshang Palace. If you were talented enough, you wouldn't have to submit to the Lord of the Northern Continent.

 “Then just follow the rules.” Chang Hong said half-divinely.

But he thought in his heart: In a quarter of an hour, Ji Jiuzhong could only recover to the sixth level of cultivation at most. If Liu Yu couldn't defeat him like this, then there was nothing he could do.

Wei Lan, the demigod, can't do anything about it. The rules are there, and it's useless to talk about them. He glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, he couldn't help, he had to rely on himself.

Bai Wuqian announced a quarter-hour break for the last game.

Ji Jiuchong had known the rules for a long time, so he was not surprised at all. He walked to the seat next to Liu Yu, sat down cross-legged, took out a spirit-restoring pill and threw it into his mouth without hesitation, and began to practice to restore his spiritual power. .

Liu Yu watched him the whole time, and squinted his eyes when he took out the pill. If he read correctly, the spirit-restoring pill that Ji Jiuzhong took was probably above the eighth grade. There seemed to be golden lines on it, which was perfect. Only high-quality elixirs can be found. Could it be that Yan Xiangluo is an eighth-level alchemist, an eighth-level alchemist who can refine elixirs of perfect quality?

Liu Yu's heart was severely shaken, and only then did he realize how ignorant he was when he mistook Yan Xiangluo for one of those beautiful vase women.

How did he know that what Ji Jiuzhong took was not the eighth-grade elixir, but the god-level elixir, which was specially refined for him by Yan Xiangluo for the Continental Hegemony Competition.

Only his elixirs are of god-level quality. Everyone else's elixirs are all of the sixth grade, including Fang Xi'er's. They are all of the sixth grade, and they are not all of perfect quality. So it is true and false. , so that people can’t figure out her real alchemy water.

This elixir restores spiritual energy. After taking the elixir, Ji Jiuzhong felt that even the pores in his body were absorbing spiritual energy, and the consumed spiritual energy in his Dantian was quickly replenished.

He himself was surprised that the Spiritual Restoration Pill refined by Luoluo was actually used to restore spiritual power in this way. Restoring spiritual power in this way was like practicing recovery by himself, and he could return to the perfect state before the competition.

 I felt deeply that Luo Luo's alchemy skills were indeed very powerful.

 At such a speed, it would take less than a quarter of an hour for his spiritual power to return to its original state.

Changhong Demigod didn't want Ji Jiuzhong to take advantage, so when the time came, he immediately asked Bai Wukian to announce the start of the last game.

Ji Jiuzhong opened his eyes and started fighting. He was surprised by the amount of spiritual power in his Dantian.

Luoluo's god-level spiritual restoration pill actually has such an effect. Not only is the recovery method different, but the spiritual power he recovers is also different. It is actually more abundant than his previous spiritual power. In this way, the price he paid for Liu Yu was much smaller, and he was immediately confident.

Liu Yu got up when he got up and looked at Ji Jiuzhong, but Ji Jiuzhong didn't look at him at all and walked directly to the ring.

Liu Yu frowned and took a quick step towards the ring.

As soon as the two of them stood on the top, Bai Wuqian announced the start of the game.

 Everyone in the audience was very excited and wanted to know who of the two would win. Even the lord of the old continent is now worried. Ji Jiuzhong was so unexpected that he couldn't guarantee that his son could beat Ji Jiuzhong.

The two of them looked at each other, and Liu Yu didn't compare his moods with him, and just started fighting.

  A fierce battle broke out as soon as it started. Everyone sighed and wondered in their hearts who of the two was in a better state of mind.

Liu Yu’s weapon is also a long sword, and Ji Jiuzhong also uses a long sword. The fighting situation between the two is not inferior to that of the previous game. It can be said that they are even better. The two people’s fighting strength is actually stronger than the previous game.

Yan Xiangluo had seen Liu Yu's luck before when Ji Jiuzhong was recovering his spiritual power. There were no signs of impending disaster in his luck, and the color of his luck aperture was also good. This also showed that Liu Yu would not suffer anything in this game. Seriously injured, will Liu Yu win this competition?

 There was worry in her eyes. She was not worried that Ji Jiuzhong would lose, but that he was desperately trying to win.

If the opponent is not Liu Yu, she is not worried. Just because the opponent is Liu Yu and Ji Jiuzhong knows Liu Yu's thoughts about her, she is worried that Ji Jiuzhong has lost his mind.

Time passed little by little, and the first round took more than half an hour. When the two stopped fighting, everyone burst into exclamations when they saw their figures.

This is really intense. The clothes on the two of them can no longer be seen in their original appearance. They are like two beggars, hanging in pieces.

If the inner clothes were not still intact, I'm afraid the game wouldn't be able to continue.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand, took out a robe and put it on, but the thin material inside was knocked off by his spiritual power.

Liu Yu also changed into another one.

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. These two were childish. They were just competing. Why did they tear off each other's clothes? She knew it without even thinking. It was Liu Yu who provoked him first, and Ji Jiuzhong returned it. The two of them were like this. .

The same goes for Liu Yu. Ji Jiuzhong is not someone to be trifled with. He will treat you how you treat him.

Liu Yu also knew that he was childish, but at that moment he wanted to make Ji Jiuzhong look embarrassed, but he didn't expect Ji Jiuzhong to come back quickly and make him equally embarrassed.

  They were both in the same state of embarrassment, so it was impossible to tell who had made a fool of himself.

 After changing clothes, the two of them fought together again.

 In fact, everyone couldn't see anything except a big light group. Yan Xiangluo couldn't see the trajectory of the two people's battle. Even the continental masters with god-level cultivation could only watch and rest for a while, otherwise they would not be able to keep up mentally.

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