The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 603: give up promotion

Only two demigods from Yunshang Palace could watch the whole process. The more they watched, the more frightened they became. Isn’t Ji Jiuzhong an eighth-level saint? How could such combat power be possessed by an eighth-level saint? It seems that the combat effectiveness has been improved a lot than before.

 Wei Lan was shocked and at the same time felt relieved, so he just let him rest for a quarter of an hour. Look at the card, and he became even more powerful.

Chang Hong's face turned dark. He didn't care who won the first place. However, the palace master only had one request, which was that the first place could not be someone from a lower continent. Now it seems that the decision is in doubt.

 He could imagine the anger of the palace owner after returning.

Now only Ji Jiuzhong himself knows why his combat power increased without warning. It is related to two things. One is the harvest of encountering the sea of ​​​​mind in the small world of Yunshang Palace. The second is the god-level spirit-restoring pill that Luoluo gave him.

He had expected an increase in combat power and even cultivation. In the lower continent, he encountered a sea of ​​​​mind once, and his cultivation and state of mind improved at a speed that shocked him. Encountering the Sea of ​​Mind again, he knew that he would have another chance like this, but it would not come so soon. However, Luoluo's Restoring Spirit Pill seemed to be a primer, which improved his combat effectiveness first.

At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong realized that he was about to advance, but no, he couldn't advance in front of everyone.

Ji Jiuzhong thought of various possibilities before participating in the Continental Hegemony Tournament, but he just didn’t expect that he would advance in front of everyone.

His promotion was golden. In addition to being promoted in front of his father and his subordinates, he was also promoted in front of Yan Xiangluo.

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well what would happen if his color when he was promoted was exposed.

But now promotion is imminent, what should we do?

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed when she saw Ji Jiuzhong's condition. Something was wrong. What happened to him? He is obviously very powerful in combat, why is his eyes so solemn?

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that she seemed to know Ji Jiuzhong very well. She could detect even the slightest change in his eyes.

Liu Yu also noticed that something was wrong with Ji Jiuzhong. Why did he suddenly have a lot more spiritual power? The main reason was that it was so obvious that it was impossible not to notice it.

If the arena is isolated by a barrier, people outside should be able to sense it.

 Is he going to advance?

 There are only two possibilities for a person's spiritual power to soar. One is to take a pill that increases spiritual power, and the other is to advance.

 But he has been fighting Ji Jiuzhong, and he has no chance to take the pill, so the only result is that he will advance.

Liu Yu was not surprised that Ji Jiuzhong was promoted to the ninth level of the Holy Level. He was worried that his situation would be very bad if Ji Jiuzhong was promoted to the ninth level.

If Ji Jiuzhong were to advance now, the arena would be so big and he would be excluded by the promotion team. Does that count as his loss?

 Forget it, promotion is also a kind of his strength, and he didn't cheat. Suddenly Liu Yu realized that he had no chance of winning the first place.

At this moment, Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes flashed with a decisive light. He absolutely couldn't advance at this time, so there was only one way.

He looked at Liu Yu and said to himself: Liu Yu, I'm sorry.

 No matter what the quarrel with Liu Yu was, during the competition, Liu Yu was still open-minded. Although he wanted to make a fool of himself, he did it openly. Looking at this alone, Ji Jiuzhong felt a little better about Liu Yu's personality.

 He did not expect that he would be promoted at this time, so he could only use Liu Yu as an outlet.

 One of the main conditions for promotion is sufficient spiritual power. If you want to avoid promotion, you can only release most of the spiritual power, so the conditions for promotion will not be established.

Thinking of this, Ji Jiuzhong did not hesitate and directly mobilized the spiritual power in his Dantian in mid-air to launch his strongest attack. Liu Yu's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt that something bad had happened. He stared at Ji Jiuzhong, what other trump card did he have that he didn't use?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ji Jiuzhong's attack broke out. Liu Yu couldn't help but curse when he saw the powerful attack.

He already understood that Ji Jiuzhong was indeed going to advance, but he gave up the opportunity to advance and instead used the spiritual power of the advancement to fight against himself.

 Liu Yu was very aware of Ji Jiuzhong's fighting power. Now that he had the spiritual power to advance, his spiritual power was consumed a lot and he couldn't withstand his attack, so he lost.

Although he really didn't want to lose to Ji Jiuzhong, Liu Yu was still very sensible and kept Qingshan alive without fear of running out of firewood. He couldn't risk his life just because of his whim.

But he couldn't just admit defeat. He also used his strongest blow to resist, but he was ready to use his strength to fall down the ring.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't understand. Even if he was promoted, the promotion was strong enough to make him fall out of the ring. He also won. Why did he choose to suppress the promotion and attack himself?

It is obviously the best of both worlds, why did he give up one of them?

You must know that the opportunity to advance to each level of the Saint level is very rare. If he misses this time, he may not know when he will be promoted.

Although Ji Jiuzhong's talent and strength will not delay his promotion for too long, Liu Yuzhen absolutely does not need to suppress the promotion.

 I knew in my heart that Ji Jiuzhong must have some plans. It is not his goal to knock himself out of the ring, he is sure of that.

 In my heart, I feel that Ji Jiuzhong is always able to do unexpected things. He is such a strange person.

Ji Jiuzhong saw Liu Yu's actions and knew that he had wisely made the decision that was best for him and admitted defeat.

 When their eyes met, only the two of them understood the meaning.

With a bang, this was the most intense competition in the history of the continental competition. The demigod barrier was almost broken by the shock. However, demigod Wei Lan and demigod Chang Hong reacted quickly and rose up from the air to protect Yu. boundary.

Although it is the last game, if this attack power breaks the barrier, the aftermath of the attack power will definitely hurt the people watching the game, and the consequences will be unbearable.

Changhong demigod was cursing in his heart. How could he be so unlucky? Last time the people sent by Yunshang Palace were laughed at for a long time when they returned, so much so that the two people did not dare to show their faces for a year.

 It's great now that he's here. There will be more topics of ridicule when he goes back. He can predict how exciting the days will be after he goes back.

Needless to say, the first place in this competition was taken away by a low-class mainlander again. Not only that, but also almost destroyed the barrier set up by him and the demigod Wei Lan. In addition, the matter of the small world's mind sea and Ximen Hongyu's weapons The more I thought about Chang Hong, the more panicked Demigod became.

Why is there so much going on in this continental competition?

Liu Yu was well prepared, so he used his strength to fall down onto the ring, but Ji Jiuzhong's attack exceeded his expectations and he was still injured, but not very seriously.

After the attack power disappeared, Changhong Demigod broke the barrier with a dark face. This time the barrier was really useless.

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