The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 606: Positioning too fast

Ruan Xiangluo said, "I don't go with you to the Ji family land because you need the blood of the Ji family to enter there. I will wait for you outside when I go, and it will distract you and worry about my safety. As for the Yunxia Secret Realm , I think it's more appropriate for you to give it to someone who needs it more. I plan to go into the palace magic weapon to practice it after you enter the secret realm. I found that there are still functions in it that I haven't discovered yet, and I haven't practiced it to the ninth level yet. You can trust me when you enter the secret realm.”

After Ji Jiuzhong listened to her words, he looked at her with phoenix eyes. After all, his little girl had changed and became more independent. She understood what she wanted to do. Not only did she learn not to rely on him, but she also learned to share his worries. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Yan Xiangluo continued, "And I still have things to do."

She told Ji Jiuzhong what she had encountered in the yard, and Ji Jiuzhong was speechless. She had the power to control souls and seemed to have a lot more things to do. Not only people could trouble her, but her soul body could also trouble her.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yan Xiangluo continued, "It's just a deal. I can tell his son the truth. Don't worry, I won't go with my true identity and appearance. If I take someone else's things, I have to fulfill my promise. Then go I’m going to pay my respects to Master Shuyi at the Divine Doctor Mountain, and I also want to see my sworn brother.”

 “Sworn brother?” Ji Jiuzhong was stunned.

Everything Yu Xiangluo said made his heart beat with fear. Except for the transaction with the soul body, which he knew about, the other two things happened when he was no longer by her side. He went to the Divine Doctor Mountain. He could still accept it calmly, but what happened to the last thing? When did she have a foster brother?

Yan Xiangluo knew what he was thinking when she saw his expression.

"He is the sworn brother I sworn to when I was in the Tianqian Continent. He was from the Demon Realm. I rescued him when he was in trouble. I lost my temper and sworn my sworn brother. Because of his identity, and the fact that we have been uneasy since we came to the higher continent. , I didn’t contact him. Now that my reputation has spread, my sworn brother got the news about me and arranged for someone to come yesterday. I promised my sworn brother to go to see him after he went to the Divine Doctor Mountain." Yuan Xiangluo explained patiently.

Ji Jiuzhong did not hide the fact that his sworn brother was from the demon world. This matter could not be hidden for a while, so it was better to say it frankly.

Ji Jiuzhong must tell the truth whether she can accept it or not. Although it is clear that she wants to be independent and not dependent on Ji Jiuzhong, the relationship between the two still exists, and she does not want him to misunderstand anything.

"A man from the demon world? What's his name?" Ji Jiuchong's eyes narrowed. This news shocked him even more than just knowing that she had a sworn brother. .

 The people from the demon world went to the lower continent and were rescued by Luoluo. This shows that his identity and strength are not ordinary, otherwise he would not be able to walk back and forth between the lower continent and the higher continent.

 Being able to be rescued by Luoluo, he must have been in a very bad situation at the time, which also shows that he was not safe around him.

 “Ge Tianjun.” Ruan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

"Luoluo, are you sure your adopted brother is called Ge Tianjun?" Ji Jiuzhong's eyes changed when he heard this. He really didn't expect Luo Luo's adopted brother to be him.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Are you sure? What's the matter? Do you know him?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Don't Luo Luo know his identity in the demon world?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head again, "I haven't paid much attention to things in the demon world."

"The demon king of the demon world is called Ge Tianjun." Ji Jiuzhong said in a helpless tone. What kind of luck is Luo Luo? He saved a demon cultivator in the lower continent and turned out to be the king of the demon world.

 “Huh?” Yan Xiangluo was really surprised this time.

 No wonder the people who came yesterday always felt something was wrong. They were the Demon King, so they were naturally different.

Thinking about how naive Ge Tianjun was, she had never thought about Ge Tianjun's identity even when the Tianma Continent was on the verge of total destruction. "Where are Luoluo going to meet him?" Ji Jiuzhong was very worried.

"It hasn't been decided yet. We have made an appointment for me to go to the Divine Medical Mountain to pay homage to Master Shuyi and then contact him, and then we will arrange to meet there." Yuan Xiangluo didn't lie, it was indeed decided like this.

“Luo Luo knows his identity and still wants to see him?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

"Go, no matter who he is, it doesn't matter to me. In my eyes, he is just my adopted brother. When we became sworn brothers, we made an oath to the sky to never betray each other. Naturally, we have to do it." There was no hesitation.

She was also surprised that her adopted brother's identity was actually the king of the demon world. However, as she said, Ge Tianjun's identity would not change anything for her. As long as Ge Tianjun did not break his promise, she would be Ge Tianjun's sister, and Ge Tianjun would be his sister. Her brother.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that her decision would not be changed easily, not to mention that they made an oath to the sky and were bound by the law of heaven. Although he was unhappy with her sudden appearance of her adopted brother, he would respect Yu Xiangluo's decision. .

 I just know in my heart that once their relationship is exposed in the future, it will definitely be a big trouble.

He still needs to be stronger. He feels that he has progressed quickly enough, but it is not as fast as Luoluo can position him. In a few words, he has become the demon king's brother-in-law. If he is not strong, can he do it?

"Let Zixian follow you. There will be hidden guards in the dark to protect you." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Without waiting for Xiang Xiang Luo to say something, Ji Jiuzhong went on, "This is my bottom line, and you always have to rest assured to go to the Ji family."

Ji Jiuchong has said this, and Yan Xiangluo can no longer refuse. Besides, she is also taking Qi Hao with her, and it is indeed safer and more convenient to have Mu Zixian with her.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo agreed after thinking for a while.

Ji Jiuchong is not very relieved, but this is the best arrangement. He should arrange more people in the dark.

“After meeting your sworn brother, will Luoluo go back to Xiangyang City?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Well, after the matter is done, I will go back to Xiangyang City. I don't know when Master and Master will go to Xiangyang City."

Although Yan Xiangluo still wanted to find her parents, there was no news at all in the vast mainland. Where could she go to find them?

You can only go back to Xiangyang City first and practice to improve your cultivation level.

Ji Jiuzhong felt relieved knowing that she would go back to Xiangyang City. He was not planning to go to Yunxia Secret Realm, and neither was Luoluo, so he gave his token to Yutang and asked him to make arrangements.

“By the way, what’s going on with Demigod Wei Lan?” Ji Jiuzhong asked, remembering Demigod Wei Lan’s special care for him.

When mentioning Demigod Wei Lan, Yan Xiangluo started talking again and told him that Demigod Wei Lan felt that he had the same bloodline as her.

Ji Jiuzhong said in surprise, "Is it from your mother's clan?"

He didn’t think that the demigod Wei Lan would misunderstand his own bloodline. With his cultivation level, it was not difficult for a demigod to sense the same bloodline. There was probably something wrong with Luoluo’s bloodline.

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