The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 607: Changed my mind

The Yu family has no secrets in front of the royal family of the Tianshun Empire. Ji Jiuzhong is sure that the Yu family has no bloodline information from the higher mainland, so it can only be the Long family.

It is not impossible that some of the Wei family's blood is outside the family. A big family like the Wei family has a lot of overt and covert fights within it.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I don't know, Demigod Wei Lan will go check it out. Although I didn't agree to let him go to the Wei family and use any blood vein stone to verify the bloodline, a family like the Wei family will definitely not allow any blood to be left outside. Demigod Wei Lan promised me that before I decided to go back to the Wei family, he would not talk about me to anyone in the Wei family, but he would definitely check it out secretly. He has the identity of Yunshang Palace and is stronger than us. He was born and raised here. He is a high-ranking mainlander and his connections should be wider than ours. It would be much easier for him to check than for us. I don’t want to find out some family in a daze.”

Ji Jiuzhong heard what Yan Xiangluo said and sighed in his heart. Luoluo is indeed very smart. She can always find the best solution quickly after something happens.

 It’s not just her who is related by blood, but also her parents. Her parents can’t find anyone now, and they don’t know what their situation is. It’s best to postpone the matter in advance.

"I will also arrange for people to check." Ji Jiuzhong said. He was not used to relying on others. To be precise, he believed more in the information found by his people.

He planned to buy all the information about the Wei family from people first, and then see if there were any hidden clues, and then check it out. This would be much easier.

 Sigh, we still need to establish our own information source channels as soon as possible to make it more convenient and credible.

Yan Xiangluo didn't object either. She knew that objection would be ineffective. Besides, between Demigod Wei Lan and Ji Jiuzhong, she trusted Ji Jiuzhong more.

“When will you set off tomorrow?” Ji Jiuzhong asked. Since Luoluo decided not to go with him, the two of them would have to separate.

"Go to the banquet and bring the elixir to Bai Wukian. Tell him that if you apply it once a day in the morning and evening, you will be back to your original state in three days. I will leave with Zixian and the others." Yuan Xiangluo didn't want to stay in Yaoguang City any longer.

When she talked about leaving, she remembered that she was only worried about Ji Jiuchong and didn't say goodbye to Fang Xi'er when she left the competition venue. She didn't know if she would have a chance to see her tomorrow.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Okay, Luoluo will leave first. I'll feel more at ease."

 What is he worried about? Yan Xiangluo knows it without asking. It is naturally Liu Yu.

She doesn’t know Liu Yu, and she doesn’t know whether Liu Yu will take action against her under the current circumstances. The more this happened, the more she wanted to leave as soon as possible. She didn't want to have anything to do with Liu Yu.

The two of them said everything they needed to say. After discussing it, Yan Xiangluo went to make dinner. Qi Hao didn't come to join in the fun, so only the two of them ate together.

It’s not that Qi Hao didn’t want to join in the fun, but Mu Zixian and the three of them pulled him to eat together.

They couldn't let Qi Hao be an eyesore in front of their master. During this time, they all noticed that there were changes in the relationship between the master and Miss Yu, and they all wanted them to stay alone together to cultivate their relationship.

At this time, Liu Yugang met his father. He was not surprised at all. His father was not unhappy that he did not win the first place, and even persuaded him to let go. Ji Jiuchong was too lucky and did not blame him.

Liu Yu naturally understands why his father is so tolerant to him. He likes him for one reason, and the other is that his cultivation level is close to his, and he is much younger than him. He is definitely the Liu family's future support, no matter whether he is in his twilight years or not. Lord of the continent.

 With the old age, the master of the mainland gave him some pills and mysterious patterns, and told him not to take it lightly when entering the Yunxia Secret Realm. There were also many enemies of the Liu family.

Although Liu Yu's attitude was careless, the Lord of the Late Continent knew that it was just his appearance and that this son had extremely strong ideas. He returned to his place of residence and listened to his family members report what happened during the past few days of his game.

"Qin Suyue went out on the day I went to the competition and never came back?" Liu Yu's eyes were uncertain.

"Yes, I didn't see her until night. I sent someone out to look for her. Someone saw her leaving the city early in the morning." The subordinate reported cautiously.

The implication is that she left the city and never came back. Qin Suyue was waiting for this opportunity to leave her master.

Liu Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "Ignore him. There will be no such person in the future."

 The subordinate who was half kneeling on the ground understood that this meant that even if Qin Suyue came back, the master would no longer accept her. The reason why he didn't kill her was because she had served her master.

Liu Yu knew in his heart that once a person who has been branded with a slave mark leaves, it means that the slave mark on his body can no longer control him. This is the case for Miao Changye and the same for Qin Suyue.

 At this time, Liu Yu will no longer look down on people from the lower mainland, and they are all capable.

Yan Xiangluo was the first woman he fell in love with, Ji Jiuzhong was the first person to **** honor away from him, and even Miao Changye and Qin Suyue, who had been branded slaves by him, were able to do so in a short time. Get rid of him within a few months.

They are all from lower continents, or from the same continent. He is a little curious about what kind of continent this place called Tianqian Continent is. It has cultivated so many geniuses without strong spiritual energy.

After letting his subordinates go down, Liu Yu snapped his fingers, and a man in black robe appeared in front of him.


"Tomorrow I will go to the city lord's palace for a banquet. You can keep an eye on Yan Xiangluo yourself. As long as you know her whereabouts, you will not be discovered."

"Yes." The man responded and disappeared. His cultivation level was actually higher than Liu Yu's.

 There is only one kind of person like this, that is, a person who swears an oath of allegiance and uses special methods to improve his cultivation level to the **** level. However, such a person can only reach this level in the future and will never be able to advance.

 But not everyone has a chance to break through to the God level. Most people are stuck before the God level, and not everyone can afford this method. Therefore, not everyone has such an opportunity.

 Big families will use this method just to get strong and loyal subordinates. Liu Yu has been favored by the Lord of the Old Continent since he was a child. Naturally, he has such subordinates, and not just one.

Liu Yu originally wanted to kidnap Ruan Xiangluo directly, but now he changed his mind.

No matter whether they were kidnapped or because of his wealth and power, none of the women really followed him. Ruan Xiangluo was the only one who didn't look at him seriously. On the contrary, he felt that he seemed to treat Ruan Xiangluo differently. He was willing to Pamper her, give her face, and do it openly.

Moreover, Yan Xiangluo's medical skills are so high, he doesn't want to find a hidden danger around him, and he can help her win her heart, otherwise he will cause trouble for himself.

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