The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 608: What are the benefits

Chapter 608 What are the benefits?

 In a month he will go to the Yunxia Secret Realm for training. The Yunxia Secret Realm has a time limit. Once the one-month period is up, he will be sent out.

 Hence, he has no time in these two months.

Whether Ji Jiuzhong goes to Yunxia Secret Realm to practice or not, it doesn't matter to him.

Ji Jiuzhong will definitely go to the highest-level training place in the mainland in three months. It is not certain whether he can come out. Even if he can come out, the time will definitely not be short. That period is his opportunity.

As for going to Yunshang Palace, there is no time limit. As long as you hold the token, you can go anytime, even if you are more than ten or twenty years old.

He doesn’t think that he can break through to the divine level just by going to the Yunxia Secret Realm. Although he is already at the ninth level of the holy level, it is still early to break through to the divine level.

 Only when you reach this level of cultivation can you know how difficult it is to break through to the **** level, and why so many people who want to break through to the **** level want to go to Yunshang Palace.

Liu Yu is very self-aware. He only broke through and advanced to the ninth level of Saint level cultivation after a month of experience in the secret realm of the Old Age Continent. He knew very well that he would not be able to improve his cultivation strength in a short period of time, even if it was Going into the Yunxia Secret Realm to practice can only consolidate your cultivation, unless there are some unexpected encounters.

 So there is no point in going to Yunshang Palace now.

 Liu Yu has always been a very calm person, he knows what he wants, and no one can stop him from doing what he wants to do.

With his current cultivation strength, his father will never have any intention of choosing anyone else to replace him as the young master. He is very clear about the talent and strength of the brothers in the family. At least there will be no one in more than ten or twenty years. Can reach his level of cultivation.

 Hence, he can do what he wants to do with confidence and boldness.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know at this time that Liu Yu had changed his approach and wanted to pry his corner openly.

Since they were going to separate operations tomorrow, Ji Jiuzhong stayed at Yan Xiangluo's place for a long time, and the two chatted a lot.

Ji Jiuzhong told Yan Xiangluo about encountering the sea of ​​mind in the small world of Yunshang Palace, in case she would miss such an opportunity in the future.

"I encountered the Sea of ​​Mind once in the Heavenly Punishment Continent. I entered a secret realm in Wanghai Forest, which was also an independent small world. When I encountered the Sea of ​​Mind, I didn't know it was the Sea of ​​Mind. Later, it was I saw a description of the Sea of ​​Mind in an ancient book, and then I realized that I had encountered a great opportunity. From that time on, my cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds, and my state of mind improved very quickly," Ji Jiuzhong said slowly.

Yan Xiangluo asked, "Is there a sea of ​​mind in every small world?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "The ancient books say this is true, but not every sea of ​​mind in the small world can be encountered. Does it need a chance?"

 You have to be very lucky to encounter the secret world of the small world, not to mention the sea of ​​​​mood inside. Yan Xiangluo understands this.

“What kind of opportunity can one encounter the sea of ​​​​mind?” Yan Xiangluo felt that Ji Jiuzhong had encountered it twice and should have some experience.

 She wanted to know whether her Pangu space was a small world, whether there was a sea of ​​mind in it, and if so, how to touch this opportunity.

Ji Jiuzhong thought for a moment and said, "I've thought about it, and the only similarity between the two encounters with the Sea of ​​Mind is that I broke the highest danger level I had experienced at that time."

Yan Xiangluo was a little disappointed when he heard this. This shows that only in the small world of experience can there be a sea of ​​mind. Her Pangu space is not a training space, so even the small world is not a small training world. There is no highest danger level. It seems that she is overthinking. The Bronze Tower Palace space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother should be considered it, but Ji Jiuzhong has reached the ninth floor and has not encountered a state of mind in it. Is it not there, or is the Copper Tower Palace magic weapon not high enough?

She felt that the small world of experience in Yunshang Palace was not as good as her copper tower palace magic weapon. Anyway, she is planning to go into the Copper Tower Palace to practice, so she should be more careful when the time comes, and don’t miss it if she encounters it.

"Does the sea of ​​mind have any benefits other than improving the state of mind?" Yan Xiangluo really doesn't understand the sea of ​​mind. Since Ji Jiuzhong has experienced it twice, let's learn from him.

“Improving the state of mind is equivalent to increasing the speed of cultivation advancement. This benefit is already great enough.” Ji Jiuzhong said with a smile.

 Only when you have experienced the baptism of the Sea of ​​Mind in person can you understand the impact of the Sea of ​​Mind on the state of mind.

 Let him say that words cannot describe the true feelings.

“Is it because of your sudden promotion this time because of the state of mind?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, the effect was too fast.

When he mentioned his promotion, Ji Jiuzhong immediately thought of the elixir and said quickly, "It has something to do with the sea of ​​mind, but it won't be promoted so quickly. This sudden promotion should be because I took the god-level medicine that Luoluo refined for me. The Resurrection Pill has something to do with it.”

"Huh? No matter how high the level of the Restoration Pill is, it can only help you quickly recover your spiritual power. How can it also allow you to advance?" Yan Xiangluo was a little confused.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's just a feeling. After taking the Restoring Pill, it seemed like it acted as a primer. The spiritual energy in the Dantian surged. If it hadn't been consumed by the strongest attack on Liu Yu, Without a part of my spiritual power, I won’t be able to come back and make a breakthrough.”

Yan Xiangluo was extremely confused. Even if she was refining a god-level elixir, it couldn't have such an effect, right?

 “Stretch out your hand.” Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong knew Luoluo wanted to feel his pulse, so he immediately stretched out his hand and put it on the table.

Yan Xiangluo felt his pulse and checked his pulse carefully. After a while, she let go and said, "There is nothing wrong."

Ji Jiuzhong retracted his hand, "It's just a feeling that's not right, but after Luoluo you still have to be careful. Don't give god-level elixirs to others easily."

 This is Ji Jiuzhong’s purpose.

Although Luoluo is very defensive, once she treats someone she recognizes sincerely, she will expose some of her own abilities, which is very dangerous for her who has not yet grown up.

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded happily.

She originally didn't want to use god-level elixirs on others. Wasn't it because she was worried about Ji Jiuzhong? Now it seems that her worries are not unnecessary.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the soul body that had been standing in the corner of the room. The woman seemed to be afraid of Ji Jiuzhong and never dared to approach.

Yan Xiangluo waved to her, "Come here and talk."

The woman in the soul body looked at Yan Xiangluo and then at Ji Jiuzhong. The soul body trembled, and she was obviously still very scared. She shook her head, "I'm standing here, I can hear what you say."

 (End of this chapter)

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