The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 609: your origin

Chapter 609 Your Origin

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and said, "I don't like people who stay in dark corners, not even the soul body."

 The woman was speechless. Where would her soul be if it weren't in a dark corner?

Ji Jiuzhong realized at this moment that Luoluo had actually brought the soul body back without directly destroying it. What did she want to do?

The soul-body woman really had no choice, Nuonuo said, "Then you must ask him not to burn me with fire."

Yan Xiang understood clearly. It turned out that she was worried that Ji Jiuzhong would burn her with fire. It seemed that she was afraid of being burned by Ji Jiuzhong's fire today. She nodded and said, "Don't worry, he won't burn you with fire."

Hearing this, the woman still hesitated. Ji Jiuzhong's flames were so terrifying. It felt like it could burn away her soul and body, the kind that really left nothing behind.

However, she also knew that this little girl, Yan Xiangluo, was not easy to mess with. After all, it was she who had torn off her soul body. If she didn't listen to her, the consequences would be even worse.

Shivering, he floated over and stood on Yan Xiangluo's side, three or four steps away from her, waiting for her to ask questions.

Although she has been a soul body for a long time, she has not lost her human consciousness. She knows very well that Yan Xiangluo must have a purpose in leaving her behind.

Ever since her soul body was refined and fused with the long sword, she had always thought that she and the long sword would live and die together. She never thought that one day her soul body would be stripped off by the heavenly master. .

This also indicates that she still has a chance to be reincarnated. This little woman did not directly destroy her soul body. Does she have a chance to be reincarnated?

She knew very well that whether she could achieve her goal depended on whether the young Celestial Master in front of her was willing to help her.

 “Tell me about your origin.” Yan Xiangluo glanced at the woman.

 She brought her back just to find out where she came from so she could decide what to do with her.

 The woman was stunned, "My origin? It happened a long time ago."

If Yan Xiangluo hadn't asked, she would have forgotten that she was also a human being and had ever lived in this world.

Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry to wait for her to say anything. At the same time, he struck a soul-controlling power between Ji Jiuzhong's eyebrows, so that he could not only see the soul-body woman but also hear what she said.

 This is also the skill she has learned from practicing the power of soul control in the past few days.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned when he suddenly saw the soul body, and then realized that it was Luoluo who opened his eyes.

 When he heard the screams, Ji Jiuzhong knew that the soul body was a woman, but he was still surprised that the woman was so young.

 If she died at a very old age, her soul body would not be so young and would age rapidly at the time of death. The consciousness that can be refined into a sword shows that when the woman was alive, her cultivation level must have been high, and she was also a person with a story. This story must still be a tragic story.

When the woman saw Ji Jiuzhong looking at her, her soul and body suddenly trembled. His eyes were so scary. She quickly looked away and thought about her origins. It was so far away that she had almost forgotten it.

 After thinking for a while, she slowly told her origins.

"My surname is Chen and my name is Xiangmei. I was born in an ordinary family. I was lucky enough to awaken my spiritual roots when I was five years old. I also have a pretty good talent. I happened to be accepted as a disciple by the Changyuan Sect who came to our place to recruit disciples. Because of my I was so talented that I immediately became an inner disciple. My master was very good to me, and my brothers were also very good to me. I had the most training resources, which made me think that my luck was not that good. "

Yan Xiangluo quietly used the power of soul control. In the power of soul control, a woman must not lie. She wanted to hear the truth so that she could judge how to deal with the woman's soul body. She did not want to be betrayed by a soul body. Got fooled.

"I entered the sect at the age of five, and I lived the happiest twenty years of my life. Originally, I thought I would always be so happy, but after I broke through to the **** level at the age of twenty-five, my master sealed my cultivation and threw me away. After entering the refining furnace and refining it for seventy-seven forty-nine days, my soul body was forcibly fused with that long sword."

  The woman's voice trembled a little when she mentioned it. The miserable experience of those seventy-seven forty-nine days was engraved in her soul. Such a long time has passed, and she still trembles with fear when she thinks about it.

"That's when I realized that Master's choice of me as his disciple was a conspiracy from the beginning. Because I don't have a strong family behind me, no matter how he treats me, no one will seek revenge from him, and even my family doesn't know who I am. What was the outcome? During those forty-nine days, I seemed to have tried the punishment of **** in the eighteen levels of hell. I felt that there was no pain in this world that I could not bear. "

She didn't say anything. This was her previous thought. After being burned by Ji Jiuzhong's flame today, she realized that her master's flame was incomparable to Ji Jiuzhong's flame. If his master's flame had been as good as Ji Jiuzhong's The flames were so powerful that she probably wouldn't be able to survive it, and her refined soul would fly away immediately.

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank. A woman who thought she was favored by her master and senior brothers suddenly encountered such betrayal and pain. You can imagine what kind of changes her state of mind has experienced.

At this time, the woman suddenly smiled gloomily, "He thought that my soul body has been refined into the spiritual consciousness of the weapon. As long as he contracts the weapon, he is equivalent to contracting me, and he can make me obedient and become a sharp weapon in his hands." ”

When Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw the woman's expression, they knew that her master had failed.

The woman continued, "But he forgot that a weapon with spiritual consciousness is not so easy to contract. I tried my best to resist the power of his contract. God also took pity on me, and actually made him anxious after just refining me. The strength of the contract was much weaker. In the end, my strong resistance defeated him. When I controlled the sword and stabbed into his chest, his eyes were filled with disbelief. "

The woman suddenly became depressed when she said this, "Although I have avenged myself, I am not happy. Because I am a weapon, no longer a person, and cannot be reincarnated. My destiny is merged with this sword." Together, if the sword is with me, I will die with the sword. From then on, I began to wander around in this world, and I didn't want to be contracted. If I live with a sword like this, I will die. It doesn’t matter anymore, but fate played tricks on me again.”

She has gone through a long period of time from being a person to a spiritual body with weapons. Although there were dangers during this period, they were all within the range that she could solve, but her luck was really not good.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong knew that what the woman was going to say next was how she was contracted and what happened after the contract.

 (End of this chapter)

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