The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 610: send her away

"Although my soul body is fused with the long sword, I still need to practice to improve my cultivation level. Improving my cultivation level is equivalent to increasing the strength of the weapon. But at the place where I was retreating, I actually discovered The entrance to a secret realm. I was in seclusion and didn’t know that the secret realm was about to open. The moment it opened, I was sucked into the secret realm. People came in at any time to practice. I hid everywhere, but eventually I was discovered. "

"Those people discovered that I actually had spiritual consciousness and started robbing me like crazy. Finally, I fell into the hands of a man. His spiritual consciousness was so powerful that I was forced into a contract. From then on, I started a life of killing. Unfortunately, experience My first master was killed before the end, and I was free again. However, my strength was already very weak due to fighting desperately with my first master. I wanted to find a hidden place to practice and regain my strength, so I decided to do it. I was picked up by my current owner. Because I was extremely weak and had no strength to resist, he easily contracted me. I was taken out of the secret realm by him. You should know what happened next. "

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that things would be like this.

The woman's voice can be said to be very simple, but it reveals the inconsolable sadness. Although the misery she has experienced was finished in a moment, as she said, she has experienced the punishment of fire in the eighteen levels of hell.

That is soul refining, unimaginable pain.

Yan Xiangluo used her soul control power to know that she was not lying.

“Do you want to be reincarnated?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The woman was stunned. She naturally wanted to be reincarnated, and she wanted to be reincarnated very much. However, in her current situation, reincarnation was not something she could do if she wanted to, and ordinary heavenly masters could not help her.

But since Yan Xiangluo asked her, he could help her.

"I want to." The woman said without hesitation. She knew that this was her only chance and she didn't want to miss it.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I'll help you."

The woman was stunned. Although she knew that Yan Xiangluo was her only chance, she did not expect that even if she prayed for anything, Yan Xiangluo actually directly said that he would help her, making her doubt the credibility of Yan Xiangluo's words.

 Are you trying to plot something against her again?

Yan Xiangluo saw her suspicion, "I am a heavenly master. Although I could destroy you directly before, I don't want a soul body to dissipate for no reason. Therefore, I will bring you back, listen to your experience, and see how you feel." Is it an unforgivable crime? Although you have done a lot of evil and harmed many people in disguise, you have not been able to help yourself and have not yet reached the point where you are so unforgivable that I will send you to the underworld. It is your turn. You have to bear it, and after you bear it, you can be reincarnated."

Hearing this, the woman said excitedly, "Thank you, Lord Heavenly Master. I am grateful."

She did not expect that Ruan Xiangluo was such a heavenly master. In her opinion, Ruan Xiangluo's heart and soul were extremely pure, and her own luck was not extremely bad, so she would naturally have to bear the consequences of the evil she had done. , although it was a last resort, it did not mean that it would not happen. After she suffered the cause and effect, she only looked forward to having a beautiful life in the next life.

"Don't resist, I'll send you to the underworld." Yan Xiangluo looked at the woman and said.

 The woman nodded, and suddenly asked, "Do you believe what I said is true?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her, "I don't believe in you, but I believe in my own strength. No soul can tell lies under my power of controlling souls."

 The woman understood clearly, "You are the most special heavenly master I have ever seen."

“How long has it been since your spiritual consciousness was refined into a weapon?” Ji Jiuzhong, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

The woman still had an instinctive fear of Ji Jiuzhong, and immediately said, "I can't remember the specific time, it's about more than 20,000 years." Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes, this woman has been refined for more than 20,000 years, more than ten years She was contracted by Ximen Hongyu not long ago. It seems that she is also an extremely smart person, otherwise she would not have been hiding as a weapon for more than 20,000 years without being found.

 But he asked her this question not because he was curious about her age, but because he wanted to know if her former master still existed? It has been more than 20,000 years. He can check whether her sect is here. There is no way that there is only one person like this in such a sect. Maybe their weapons are all refined using such evil methods.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong, asking if he had anything else to ask. Ji Jiuzhong shook his head. It was useless to ask her anything else.

After staying in the sect for twenty years, I have not found anything wrong with the sect. Obviously, this secret in the sect is only known by the upper-level officials.

Yan Xiangluo saw that Ji Jiuchong had no more questions to ask, so she didn't say anything more. A warm soul-controlling force fell on the woman.

 The woman's soul was wrapped in the soul-controlling power of Yan Xiangluo, and she felt extremely comfortable. She knew that Yan Xiangluo really wanted to send her to the underworld, because she had already sensed the call of the underworld. She knelt down in the power of soul control, kowtowed to Yan Xiangluo, and thanked her for showing mercy and helping her. Got her.

Yan Xiangluo accepted her bow and helped her while she bowed to her. This was also the way they settled the cause and effect. She never thought of repaying the woman for helping her.

 It’s good to understand cause and effect in this way.

 A ray of light flashed, and there was no woman’s soul in the room.

Ji Jiuzhong saw the whole process and understood that she had practiced her soul control power well in the past few days, and also deeply realized the kindness in Yu Xiangluo's heart.

Thinking that Junzi Jian chose her as its master, there is a reason for this. Just and kind-hearted spiritual beings can naturally sense the kindness and justice in people.

"Luoluo's soul-controlling power has improved a lot." Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yanxiangluo with a smile and said. It was true that this was a compliment to her.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "I can't do it unless I make progress. I always encounter things that need to be solved, forcing me to make progress."

This is true. If Fang Xi'er hadn't been changed by someone and needed to be solved urgently, she wouldn't have worked so hard to learn the power of soul control, and she wouldn't have been able to learn the power of soul control so quickly. ability.

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows and asked, "What other things happened in the past few days?"

Yan Xiangluo thought about Fang Xi'er before she told him, so she told him everything from meeting Fang Xi'er to now.

Ji Jiuzhong had heard Mu Zixian talk about what happened to them in Changchuan City before, but he didn't expect Luoluo to meet Fang Xi'er again, and that such a big thing would happen to the Fang family.

“Luoluo wants to help her?” Ji Jiuzhong asked. They can't help with the Fang family's affairs. Such a large family is deeply entrenched and it's not easy to shake it.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I am self-aware and will not get involved in the Fang family's affairs. I am just helping Fang Xi'er change her destiny. She doesn't know."

Ji Jiuzhong sighed, "She will know one day."

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