The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 611: The fight started

There is no airtight wall in this world. As the legitimate daughter of the Fang family, her father is the heir to the next head of the family. Her grandfather, the head of the Fang family, also likes her very much. The upbringing of the family must be extraordinary. Her There will be no shortage of knowledge. Even if she doesn't know it now, sooner or later she will know it. After knowing it, can she still maintain such a pure friendship with Luoluo?

Yan Xiangluo didn't think about how long she would keep it secret. "I won't hide my identity as a Heavenly Master forever. If I can see someone clearly, it's worth it."

Even if she is a heavenly master, she cannot control people's thoughts. People's thoughts change at any time.

Ji Jiuzhong understood what she meant. Even if Fang Xier knew about it and used her, she would not be a fool. It would not be a bad thing to see someone clearly in this way.

Ji Jiuzhong was a little helpless, but Luoluo was right. Sooner or later, her ability would be exposed, as long as she didn't expose it now.

“By the way, what’s up with your powerful golden stick?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "That's my cauldron for refining weapons, which is equivalent to the function of your alchemy furnace."

“Huh?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in surprise.

It’s not like she hasn’t seen a weapon refiner before, but whose weapon refiner uses a long stick to refine weapons? It's obviously a stick but it's still called a tripod.

  Aren't weapon refiners just like alchemists, having a furnace for refining weapons?

“Don’t underestimate it, it is an ancient treasure.” Ji Jiuzhong didn’t hide it from her either.

"Ancient treasure?" Yan Xiangluo couldn't think of it even after racking her brains. It was that ancient treasure. She had seen the ancient treasure atlas and she had a photographic memory. She couldn't forget it. There was no such treasure in it.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It was not recorded in the treasure book."

 “There are still treasures left behind?” Yan Xiangluo didn’t believe it.

 As long as it is a treasure, it will be passed down in the world. How could it not be recorded in the treasure book?

“Yes, there is more than one.” Ji Jiuzhong was sure.

"Have you seen other ancient treasures that were not recorded in the book?" Yan Xiangluo was a little unbelievable.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "This stick is actually a cylindrical cauldron. It was the weapon refining cauldron of a powerful weapon refiner in ancient times. However, there were too many treasures in ancient times, and many of them were not recorded. The cylinder The tripod is one of them. It was also obtained in the secret realm of Wanghai Forest."

Yan Xiangluo had never seen Ji Jiuzhong refining weapons before, and she really didn’t know that he used such a strange tripod to make weapons.

“This weapon refiner’s hobby is so special. This is the first time I’ve seen a tripod made like this.” The corner of Yan Xiangluo’s mouth twitched.

“Although it is a tripod for refining, it can also be used as a weapon. Today is the first time I use it as a weapon. I have to use it to fight, so it changes into such a long shape. In fact, it is just a round ridge.”

Ji Jiuzhong thought, and a golden tripod like a pen holder appeared in his hand, but it had three more legs underneath.

“It doesn’t look like a stick anymore, but it looks like a pen holder.” Yan Xiangluo looked at it and said.

 The "pen holder" jumped immediately. Although Yan Xiangluo couldn't communicate with it, she also knew that it meant dissatisfaction.

“Is it angry that I said it looks like a pen holder?” Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuchong said funny, "It's not angry with you. What it cares about is that so many people call it stick today. It's not as nice as your nickname. At least the pen holder contains a pen, which is a must for literati." thing."

Yu Xiangluo is speechless, this pen holder is weird. He actually thinks that it is better to be a pen holder than a stick. I want her to see how majestic it is to be a stick, killing everyone.

However, she already knew the idea of ​​the "pen holder", and she would not say it to stimulate it. The "pen holder" jumped out of Ji Jiuzhong's hand and floated in front of Yan Xiangluo. If it had a face, you would find it sizing up Yan Xiangluo.

 Then he communicated something with Ji Jiuzhong using his spiritual consciousness.

Although Yan Xiangluo couldn't hear it, when she saw Ji Jiuzhong's darkened face, she immediately smiled. This "pen holder" is really fun.

She didn't know that "Bi Tu" was praising Ji Jiuchong crazily, saying that Yan Xiangluo was beautiful. She was the most beautiful person it had ever seen, and it seemed as if she wanted Yan Xiangluo to hug her.

“Is it too lonely? Should I ask Shiwo to come out and play with it for a while?” Ruan Xiangluo said.

She felt that since they were all ancient treasures, they should have something in common and maybe we could talk about them together.

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows. He had never thought of finding a companion for the "pen holder". Although it had spiritual consciousness, it was just an object. Normally he is very quiet, but like today he was as crazy as this. This was the first time he had seen him.

"Okay." Ji Jiuzhong did not refuse, because he saw the "pen holder" paused for a moment, waiting for his decision. Maybe it also wanted to have a companion.

Yuan Xiangluo communicated with Shiwo, and Shiwo came out immediately when he heard that there was an ancient tripod.

The stone nest as smooth as jasper and Jin Huanghuang's "pen holder" that looks wealthy at first glance. Just like this, you look at me and I look at you. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. What does this mean?

Before the two of them finished exchanging glances, they saw Shiwo and the "pen holder" rushing together. The banging sound made both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong dumbfounded.

This is a fight?

 Why did they start fighting as soon as they met?

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo quickly called back their respective alchemy furnaces and cauldrons. Although they knew that the ancient treasures were not that fragile, they were worried about breaking them.

The stone nest was still jumping in the palm of Yan Xiangluo's hand, and the "pen holder" was not honest in Ji Jiuzhong's palm, and it was obvious that they were still fighting in the distance.

But after separating the two, Yan Xiangluo finally heard what Shiwo said.

 “You liar, you are still alive, why don’t you die?”

“Pen Holder” is not far behind. “You are the liar. You have lied to me for tens of millions of years, and you still have the nerve to accuse me.”

Ji Jiuzhong heard the words "pen holder" and looked at each other with Yan Xiangluo. Not only were they both ancient treasures, but they also knew each other. Not only did they know each other, but they also had hatred. What kind of fate was this?

"Shiwo, don't get excited. You're so angry that you can't do it. Tell me what's going on?" Yuan Xiangluo hurriedly comforted Shiwo. It was her alchemy furnace and was usually reluctant to talk. To be so angry today shows that they used to have something. Festive.

Ji Jiuzhong also reassured the "pen holder", "Why are you so excited? Is there any misunderstanding between you two?"

 The two quarreled again after hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said.

  "What's the misunderstanding? It lied to me. It's a shame that I trusted it so much."

  "What's the misunderstanding? It lied to me. It's a shame that I trusted it so much."

They both shouted in unison, saying exactly the same thing. Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo finally understood. They must have been very good before.

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