The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 613: separated again

 It was truly a coincidence. Maybe this was their chance. If not, they would still be practicing in the small world and waiting to turn into human form before leaving. She and Ji Jiuzhong would not have encountered them.

They went there to find such a handy weapon for refining alchemy and refining weapons.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong patiently explained their misunderstanding to them. They were both stunned, and then they rushed together again, and the clanging sound sounded again.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t understand. The misunderstanding was resolved. Why were they still fighting? She wanted to call them back to Shiwo, but Ji Jiuzhong stopped her. “They are not fighting.”

Yan Xiangluo heard the words and looked at them. Sure enough, they were different from the previous jingling collisions. There was a real fight before, and the impact was merciless. This time it's not so ruthless, if you listen carefully you can still hear the rhythm.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless as she looked at the two men performing the Jade and Gold Percussion Duet, "Is this their way of getting along?"

Ji Jiuzhong was also helpless, "It should be."

Well, the way of dealing with ancient treasures should be special.

“Well, why were people in ancient times so powerful? Is it because the living space at that time had more spiritual energy?” Yan Xiangluo sighed in confusion.

A smile flashed across Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes. At this moment, Luoluo had lost her guard and was very cute.

"Even if we don't live in the ancient times, we will still be very powerful. And even in the ancient times, not everyone is powerful." Ji Jiuzhong's words were not to comfort Yan Xiangluo, but that's what he thought.

“That’s true, have you noticed that no matter what we learn or practice, we are faster than our peers?” Yan Xiangluo turned to look at him.

Ji Jiuchong's soft eyes fell on her face, and seeing her serious expression, he held her hand, "Because Luoluo has a heavy burden to carry."

The two of them stopped talking and just held hands. Yan Xiangluo leaned in Ji Jiuchong's arms and looked at the stone nest and the "pen holder" quietly.

“Does the pen holder have a name?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“Yes, it is carved on the outside of the tripod just like the stone nest.” Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the “pen holder” and said.

Yan Xiangluo looked carefully and found out that there were two words on the outside of the tripod called "pen holder". When she saw the name "pen holder", the corner of her mouth twitched.

 The bucket of gold, oh my God.

“I thought the name of Shiwo had some special meaning. After reading the name of the pen holder, I was sure that the god-level weapon refiner who made them was a bad name.”

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "I think so too."

 I didn’t feel it before, but now that I know they were made by the same god-level weapon refiner, I feel the same way.

The stone nest is made of jade and is refined into the shape of an alchemy furnace, so it is called a stone nest. It is a nest made of stone. The golden bucket is called the golden bucket because the whole body is golden, like a gold bucket.

Yan Xiangluo finally understood why she was not angry and was very happy when she called her Jin Tong Pen Holder. The pen holder looked much more elegant than Jin Tong.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the sky outside. It was already very late. Then she looked at the two inseparable people and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Let them stay outside tonight. You go back and have a good rest."

Ji Jiuzhong stole the show in this continental competition, especially his gold bucket, which will definitely be coveted by many people.

 The food at tomorrow’s banquet may not be so delicious.

This is also the main reason why she wants to leave Yaoguang City as soon as possible. She doesn't want to be a burden to Ji Jiuzhong. Without her, Ji Jiuzhong will have nothing to be manipulated, and he will not be passive and can do whatever he wants. He hasn't had any rest in the past few days. He is injured and he has been promoted. He should have a good rest tonight.

Ji Jiuzhong reluctantly let go of her hand, "I haven't been refining weapons recently, so I'll put the gold bucket where you are."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, the Golden Bucket can still help you at critical moments. No one on the mainland knows about the Golden Bucket. It's not like Shi Wo is an alchemist who knows about it. No one knows if you use it as a weapon. "

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was worried about him, so he didn't insist anymore. Anyway, when they were together in the future, Jin Tong could stay with Shi Wo.

 After sending Ji Jiuchong away, Yan Xiangluo ignored the stone nest and the golden bucket and went back to sleep.

She didn't want to practice or study the power of soul control tonight, so she just had a good rest. She still had things to do tomorrow.

Early the next morning, when the fragrance fell, she felt a chill on her face. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the stone nest and the gold bucket were nestled beside her pillow, next to her face. It was not chilly. .

Yan Xiangluo moved the two inside, then got up and went out to make breakfast.

The banquet at the City Lord's Mansion was to be held at noon, so there was no need to go too early. Mu Zixian already knew that Ji Jiuzhong asked him to accompany Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao, so he went to finish the check-out of the house.

Jin Yutang took the others and left first.

Ji Jiuzhong looked much better today than yesterday after a night's rest, and Yan Xiangluo looked more relieved.

Qi Hao's admiring eyes kept darting back and forth on Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong left for the city lord's mansion first. Less than a quarter of an hour after he left, Mu Zixian came back. Yu Xiangluo took Qi Hao and Mu Zixian and left the mansion. There was no one of them in the mansion behind them.

After Mu Zixian handed the key back to the people in Yaxing, he left Yaoguang City with Yan Xiangluo and Qi Hao.

When Qi Hao arrived at Qilipo, he didn't forget to take a closer look. This was the place where the woman named Qin Suyue wanted to plot against his master.

Yan Xiangluo said to Mu Zixian, "Take Xiaohao to the Divine Doctor Mountain and wait for me. I will go to do something first, and then go to the Divine Doctor Mountain."

Ji Jiuchong told Mu Zixian that he could just listen to Yan Xiangluo's arrangements.

Therefore, Mu Zixian only said, "Miss Yu, be careful." Then he took out a teleportation symbol and left with Qi Hao.

Before Qi Hao could ask his master where he was going and why he wasn't taking him with him, he was taken away by Mu Zixian. Immediately, Yan Xiangluo also took out a teleportation mysterious pattern and disappeared.

Those who followed them quickly came over to investigate. People with high strength can know the approximate direction and location through the Xuanwen aura.

 Two directions, which one did the fragrance fall to?

In the end, those who wanted to follow Yan Xiangluo all chose the direction of Shenyi Mountain. Although they did not make the right choice, since Yan Xiangluo would also go to Shenyi Mountain after that, they did not make a wrong choice.

Yu Xiangluo came to Chunhui City, which is adjacent to Yaoguang City.

She found a remote place outside the city, went into the space, changed into a man's clothes, took a beauty-changing pill, and came out as a handsome young man.

 She was taking a god-level face-changing pill, and even with her demigod cultivation, she couldn't tell that her face was not her original one.

 He used another invisibility pattern on himself, and then went into the city.

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