The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 614: Fulfill the promise (1)

Perhaps there are not many people coming and going in Chunhui City, and the city gate inspection is not that strict. There is no Xuanjing used to check whether anyone uses the invisibility Xuanwen to enter or exit, so Yuan Xiangluo sneaked in easily.

After entering the city, after she unlocked the invisibility pattern, she went directly to the largest teahouse in Chunhui City. The main purpose was to find out the information about the family, and then decide what method to use to get the person's son out and fulfill the promise.

She didn’t want to waste time. In fact, it was the fastest way to buy information from Ishizaki. However, you had to see your ID tag to buy information, otherwise it wouldn’t be sold. She didn’t want to expose her whereabouts, so she had no choice but to check it out in person.

The man said that their family name was Wang, and they were not a big family anyway. Judging from the yard they rented, they probably couldn't even be called a middle-class family in Yaoguang City. He didn't know if they were well-known in Chunhui City or if they could find out the news.

 She knew nothing except that the family had moved to Chunhui City.

Yan Xiangluo was sitting in the lobby downstairs, drinking tea and eating snacks, listening to the people in the lobby talking about everything.

After a moment, she waved to the waiter, and the waiter came over immediately. At this time, the guests who greeted the waiter had something to do, and they would receive rewards for completing the tasks.

Yan Xiangluo first threw a red crystal coin into his arms. The clerk caught the coin deftly and his eyes suddenly lit up. Before he even said what to do, he rewarded him with a red crystal coin. This young man is a generous man. ah.

Suddenly his heart was filled with joy, and his attitude was respectful and flattering, "Young Master, what do you want me to do?"

 Since a person is generous, he should naturally be more proactive.

"I have a friend I've made since we last year. The family moved here a few years ago. I don't know why we lost contact. I want to ask his son why. Can you help me find out where this family lives?" Ruan Xiang Luo looked at the guy and said.

The boy patted his chest and said, "Sir, Chunhui City is not big or small. If it were anything else, I might not be able to handle it. I will definitely be able to handle this matter beautifully for you, as long as their family really moves." Came here.”

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows and looked at him, obviously doubting whether you were talking big or whether you were really capable.

The guy lowered his voice and said, "My first cousin is in charge of household registration in the city lord's mansion."

Yu Xiangluo understood, no wonder he was so confident, he really had someone in the yamen who could do things easily.

She took out a bag of red crystal stones and threw it to him, "His surname is Wang. He moved from Yaoguang City a few years ago. My friend's son is named Wang Zhifei. I don't know if something happened to their family. If you find out, send a message quietly to Wang Zhifei, saying that I am his father's friend, his father asked me to come to see him, and I will wait for him here. "

When the waiter heard the name, he slapped his thigh and said, "There's no need to look for my brother. I know the prince you mentioned. He often comes to our teahouse for tea. He moved from Yaoguang City a few years ago. However, I heard that something happened to his father. I know where the palace is and I will find someone for the young master right away. "

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect such a coincidence. The person she was looking for actually knew Wang Zhifei, the son of the head of the Wang family who was killed by his own brother. The most important thing was that he was still alive, and he seemed to be a smart and tolerant person.

 “Don’t disturb the rest of his family.” Yan Xiangluo reminded.

The clerk understood that there might be something dirty in this family. He had heard that the prince's father was originally the head of the Wang family. After the accident, he was supposed to inherit the position of head of the family. However, his second uncle usurped the position of head of the family. He wanted to He didn't believe it if his father's accident had nothing to do with his second uncle.

Although the Wang family is not a famous family, and its strength is not that strong, so they were ostracized when they moved here, but at least they survived.

The prince often comes here to drink tea, and he feels gloomy every time. He also often goes out, claiming to be looking for his father, but there has been no news for these years.

But he will not talk too much to the young master in front of him. He knows very well that talking too much will lead to mistakes. He knows what should and should not be said. The young master just asks him to find someone, and he will use the money to get things done, and don’t worry about anything else.

“Don’t worry, sir, I’ll handle things safely.”

After saying that, the boy put away the spar bag, took out a red spar and gave it to another boy, asking him to take care of his guest, and then left.

 Evidently they looked after each other in this way.

Yan Xiangluo secretly admired that this guy is indeed a smart person.

She also knows that on this continent, it is very difficult for ordinary people who have not awakened their spiritual roots to live a life, but people with brains can always live a better life.

She didn't wait long before the clerk came back and whispered to Yan Xiangluo, "Sir, it's done. Mr. Wang will be here later."

Yan Xiangluo understood that Wang Zhifei was obviously guarding against someone, and she immediately asked, "Is there still a private room?"

The waiter said, "There are some, but there are no low-priced ones. There are only luxury rooms on the third floor."

This time is exactly the time for tea, so there are many guests, and the cheap private rooms are all occupied.

"It's okay, give me a private room, preferably one by the window. I want to see the street view." Yan Xiangluo's voice was louder, so that people nearby could hear it.

The man immediately understood what she meant and said immediately, "Master, follow me."

Yan Xiangluo followed the waiter upstairs to the third floor. The waiter led her to a private room at the end.

The waiter opened the door and said, "Sir, this is the best private room in our teahouse. It is blessed by a magic formation and the room is very quiet. You don't have to worry about any noise disturbing you."

The words were very cryptic. They were telling Yan Xiangluo that you can talk here without worry. There is an isolation formation here, which is arranged for people who have something to talk about but don’t want others to know.

Yan Xiangluo admired this guy's ability in doing things and nodded, "Here's another pot of your best spiritual tea, and two of your signature snacks."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his voice and said, "When people come, bring them to me."

The man nodded knowingly to reassure her, but said, "Don't worry, sir, I'll prepare it for you right now."

Yan Xiangluo walked into the private room, closed the door, stood at the window and looked down. This private room is the best room in the teahouse. It is not only quiet, but also can see the entire street view. Looking down, you can also see the teahouse. door.

After a while, a man in a brown robe walked slowly over, looking in the direction of the teahouse where she was. His steps were unhurried, no different from ordinary people who came to drink tea.

However, seeing his appearance, Yan Xiangluo knew that he was the son of the deceased Wang Family Master, because he looked so similar. If she had not known that the Wang Family Master had been sent away by her, she would have suspected that the Wang Family Master had been resurrected.

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