The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 615: Fulfilling promises (2)

Chapter 615: Fulfilling Promises (2)

Yan Xiangluo watched him walk into the teahouse, sat down at the table, poured a cup of tea, drank it, and ate a snack.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and Yan Xiangluo said, "Please come in."

The clerk opened the door and made a gesture of invitation. Wang Zhifei saw a young and handsome young man in the private room, and his brows furrowed invisibly.

 Then he walked in.

The guy had the foresight to close the door.

"Master Wang, please sit down." Yan Xiangluo made a gesture of invitation, and then poured him tea.

Wang Zhifei sat down opposite Yan Xiangluo, "Sir, have you seen my father?"

Yan Xiangluo put the tea cup in front of him and said, "I've seen it before."

 “When?” Wang Zhifei asked eagerly upon hearing the words.

"Nine days ago." Yan Xiangluo said truthfully. She was indeed Wang Zhifei's father whom she met nine days ago, but he was not a living person.

“Where did you see my father? Is he okay?” Wang Zhifei asked in surprise.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "What I saw was his soul body."

The surprise on Wang Zhifei's face suddenly froze.

 He then regained his composure and asked, "Are you a Heavenly Master?"

Only a Celestial Master can see the soul body, but the young master in front of me is only a teenager. Even if he is a Celestial Master, is his achievement that high? You must know that a heavenly master must reach a certain height before he can open his heavenly eyes. Only those who have opened their heavenly eyes can see the soul body.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I went to Yaoguang City to watch the Continental Competition. Nine nights ago, I passed by a courtyard and met your father's soul body. His soul body was trapped in that courtyard. I To help him get rid of it, he asked me to tell his son a few words, and let you decide what to do, and he will not blame you. "

Wang Zhifei's mind was buzzing. His father was really dead and his soul was in Yaoguang City. He was the one who was killed in Yaoguang City. His guess was right.

 But he would not believe the words of the young master in front of him so easily. The world is dangerous. Who knows if he is the person who was arranged by his second uncle to plot against him.

 “Why should I trust you?” Wang Zhifei asked.

"Whether you believe it or not is none of my business, I just need to bring you the message." Yan Xiangluo shrugged indifferently.

Wang Zhifei was stunned. He didn't expect her to say that. He frowned and said, "If you are really the person my father entrusts, he must know me and ask you to bring a token to see me."

Yan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips, "Of course I have the token, but how can I believe that you are Wang Zhifei?"

You doubted me, and I doubted you once. This is only fair.

Wang Zhifei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He believed in Yan Xiangluo when she acted like this. He took out his identity card and input his spiritual power, and the information on the identity card appeared.

It is indeed Wang Zhifei himself. In fact, Yan Xiangluo can be sure from his appearance. Just now she used the power of soul control to see Wang Zhifei's destiny. Naturally, she knows who his parents and relatives are. The reason why he is asked to prove his identity is Chun Chun. Revenge for not trusting her.

After confirming her identity, Yan Xiangluo took out the sapphire finger ring given to her by the head of the family, put it on the table, and pushed it over.

Wang Zhifei's eyes heated up when he saw the finger pull. He knew that what the young master in front of him was telling the truth, his father was really dead.

This sapphire ring is a token of the head of the Wang family. If his father had not died, he would not have given such an important thing to others. He picked up the sapphire wrench with trembling hands and held it in his palm. He buried his whole face in his palm and pressed it against the wrench, crying silently. You can imagine how sad he was now.

Yan Xiangluo didn't disturb him and waited quietly for him to calm down.

After a while, Wang Zhifei put away his finger, his eyes were red, he stood up and gave a big gift to Yan Xiangluo, which was the etiquette of apology.

 “I was rude just now.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at Wang Zhifei more favorably this time, waved her hands and said, "It's normal."

 After Wang Zhifei sat down again, his tone was much more respectful. Not to mention that the young master had brought news about his father, even his status as a heavenly master was worthy of respect.

“What were my father’s last words? Did he say who killed him?” Wang Zhifei asked.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and conveyed to him the words of the head of the Wang family verbatim, including who killed his father, who had suppressed his soul and body, and what his father said he had detained him before. You can live according to your own wishes. If his second uncle is a good head of the family, there will be no need to avenge him and so on.

After hearing this, Wang Zhifei covered his face and cried, sobbing uncontrollably. A grown man could not control his emotions in front of outsiders, which shows how sad he was at this time.

“Father, you are so kind-hearted. You regard him as a relative, but he treats you as a stumbling block. Do you know that after your death, your second uncle forced your grandmother to death and your mother to death?”

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank when she heard this. It seemed that the current head of the Fang family was so ruthless that he could drive his own mother to death. He was simply a scumbag. In fact, she could tell from the way he suppressed the soul of the former head of the Wang family.

However, she will not interfere with their Wang family's affairs, as long as the original Wang family head's deal with her is completed.

"Your father's body is in the well in the small yard behind your ancestral home in Yaoguang City. Your father has treasures that can keep the body fresh. I have fulfilled my promise to your father. I'm leaving."

Yan Xiangluo didn't want to stay any longer. She knew without even thinking that there would be a **** storm in the Wang family.

 Such things are probably happening in every corner of the mainland, definitely not just this one, and she can't control it.

Wang Zhifei immediately controlled his emotions and stood up, "I still don't know your surname, how can I repay your kindness in the future?"

Yu Xiangluo said, "You don't have to owe me anything. This is between me and your father. Neither of us owes anything to the other."

This statement made it clear that she also didn't want to have anything to do with Wang Zhifei anymore, otherwise she would not come without her true appearance.

 She is in trouble herself, but she is not in the mood to care about other people's troubles, nor does she have the strength.

As soon as she finished speaking, Yan Xiangluo opened the door and went out.

Wang Zhifei was stunned. He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would say this. Is it possible that the Heavenly Master is so special in everything he does?

He didn't chase him out. The young master obviously didn't want to have anything to do with him, so he didn't want to retaliate for kindness.

He was silent for a moment, and then sat for a while. It was about the same time as when he usually came to drink tea, and then he got up and left. When he went down to settle the accounts, he realized that Yan Xiangluo had settled the accounts.

Wang Zhifei was stunned. Someone came to deliver a letter and asked them to spend money to treat him to tea and snacks. This was really unethical.

But there is no other way. People don’t tell me their names, and I don’t know where to look for them. I can only do this. If I have a chance to meet again in the future, I can repay this kindness.

 (End of this chapter)

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