The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 616: Is it difficult to climb?

Now Wang Zhifei wants to think about how to avenge his father. After rectifying the Wang family, he can live the life he wants without being constrained by the Wang family.

Yu Xiangluo left the teahouse and did not stop in Chunhui City. She went directly out of the city and went to the Divine Doctor Mountain.

There was only an hour and a half difference between Mu Zixian and the others, and because she was dressed as a teenager, the people who were following her didn't even notice that she had arrived at the Divine Doctor Mountain.

Yan Xiangluo contacted Mu Zixian and asked him to take Qi Hao to wait for her at the Divine Doctor Town, not far from the Divine Doctor Mountain, while she went up the mountain alone.

Mu Zixian thought that the two of them waiting in the Divine Doctor Town could confuse the people who followed them secretly, so she agreed, but arranged for hidden guards to protect her secretly.

Qi Hao was a little regretful. He also wanted to pay homage to Master Shuyi. He had known about Master Shuyi since he wanted to be an alchemist. Now he knew that the master's medical skills were learned from Master Shuyi. He was very excited. In this way, what he learned was actually Shuyi. The inheritance of medical skills from Master Yi.

However, since the master does not take him there, there must be her reasons and reasons, and he must be obedient.

At this time, he still didn’t know that Yan Xiangluo’s medical skills came not only from Master Shuyi, but also from her medical skills when she lived in another world.

Yan Xiangluo finally arrived at the foot of Shenyi Mountain. Seeing that there was no weed on the spacious steps, Yan Xiangluo was a little confused. Could it be that there are still people living in Shenyi Mountain, and it is actually so clean?

At this moment, a young man came over. He was obviously going to the Divine Doctor Mountain. When he saw him, he asked, "Young master, are you here to pay homage to Master Shuyi too?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and replied, "Yes, Young Master too?"

The young man smiled, rubbed his head and said, "I am an alchemist, but my talent is not very good. My father asked me to come and pay homage to Master Shuyi. If I have a chance and get enlightenment from Master Shuyi, maybe I can achieve some success, otherwise I won't be able to achieve anything." That's all."

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows, Master Shuyi has been in nothingness for so long, can he really enlighten others?

“Has anyone received enlightenment from Master Shuyi?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The young man looked at her with eyes that you didn't even know existed. "Of course, there are many people with poor talents who meditated under Master Shuyi's statue and received enlightenment."

After finishing speaking, he asked again, "Isn't this the purpose of your coming?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "I'm just here to pay my respects to Master Shuyi."

She didn't say that the inheritance of Master Shuyi's medical skills was with her. What else did she need to enlighten her? She really just came to pay homage to the master she had never met.

The two of them talked and climbed up the mountain together.

The young man looked at the endless steps and sighed, "I don't know if I can climb up?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at the young man doubtfully, "Is it difficult to climb these steps?"

 The young man looked at her, "Is it so difficult that you didn't feel the resistance?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, and the young man said with an envious look, "That means your talent for alchemy is very good. It seems that this is your first time here and you don't know much about Divine Doctor Mountain. Let me tell you, it's my first time too." Come, but before I came, my father told me about the Divine Doctor Mountain. The steps of the Divine Doctor Mountain were built by Master Shuyi himself. Not everyone can climb to the top of the Divine Doctor Mountain. There are restrictions. It depends on you. If you can't reach the top this time, you can try again next time. It will be improved every time, but you can only try it ten times at most. If you can't reach the top again after ten times, you don't need to use it anymore. It means your talent book is better. Master Yi can’t help you either.”

As Yan Xiangluo listened to the young man's talk, she became even more curious about Master Shuyi. What kind of person was he?

Here, Yan Xiangluo leisurely accompanied the young man who was climbing up the mountain. Ji Jiuzhong was invited to the study by Bai Wuqian.

On the way, Ji Jiuzhong gave Bai Wuqian the medicine prepared by Yan Xiangluo for Bai Jiaojiao and told him how to use it.

Bai Wuguan was embarrassed to speak, so Ji Jiuzhong took the initiative to give him the medicine. He had a deep understanding of the personalities of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. Although these two people were young, they were very committed. As long as they agreed Yes, it will definitely be done. He reminded in a low voice, "Changhong Demigod is waiting for Mr. Ji in the study. Your long stick is very eye-catching."

Ji Jiuzhong said softly, "Thank you."

He knew it would not be so easy today, but he had been drinking tea for a while, and the people who came to chat with him all wanted to buy the Yunxia Secret Realm token in his hand.

He is not short of money, so naturally he will not sell it and leave it to his own people. However, he will not say that. He will only tell the people who come to buy that the token was sold last night.

Those people were puzzled that there were still people who sold it so quickly and actually bought it last night.

 Knowing that he sold the token, no one would bother him again. Just when he was bored, Bai Wukian came to invite him. He knew that it must be the demigod Chang Hong.

When Bai Wuqian came to the study room, he took Ji Jiuzhong in and left automatically. What he said next was not what he could hear.

Changhong demigod glanced at him and said, "Sit down."

Ji Jiuzhong sat down on his left side without any courtesy.

Where is his cultivation and status? Now he is not as good as others in terms of cultivation and status. It doesn't matter if he sits below others. He can bend and stretch.

Seeing that he was really calm and not pretending, Changhong raised his eyebrows. It had been a long time since such a junior had been so comfortable in front of him.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything after he sat down. You invited me here. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't say it, do you still expect me to take the initiative to show you favors? It's OK to respect the strong, but it's not necessary to please.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Changhong demigod pursed his lower lip and said, “I called you here because I want to ask you two things.”

Ji Jiuzhong then asked, "Those two things?"

 Look at the way people ask you to come instead of inviting you to come. This is a big difference. Since you don't take me seriously, I don't need to respect you much. You don't need to invite me, and neither do I.

Changhong's demigod looked a little displeased, but thinking of his own purpose, he kept his tone as calm as possible.

“First thing, do you intend to go to Yunshang Palace?”

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head without hesitation, "No intention."

Such a straightforward answer made Chang Hong demigod stunned for a moment. Ji Jiuzhong actually didn’t want to go to Yunshang Palace. Are there any monks on this continent who don’t want to go to Yunshang Palace?

If it was before, he would have answered no without hesitation, but now there is one in front of him. This is the first time he has seen someone who doesn't want to go to Yunshang Palace.

 “Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Chang Hong asked uncertainly.

Ji Jiuzhong nodded happily, "OK."

Chang Hong demigod choked, and then said, "Don't you know what Yunshang Palace is like on the mainland?"

"I know." Ji Jiuzhong's words simply made Chang Hong want to slap him.

 “Then why don’t you want to go?” Changhong Demigod was extremely confused.

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