The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 617: Not in his eyes

Does he think that with high talent, he can practice on his own and break through to the **** level?

Just then I thought of taking a look at Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level. This time I found that he had been promoted and was now at the ninth level of the holy level intermediate level.

 He was promoted after going back last night?

There is really no one with this talent. At that time, Ji Jiuzhong suppressed his cultivation and he felt pity for Ji Jiuzhong. He also came from the Saint level and knew how difficult it is to advance to the Saint level. If you miss it once, you don't know when the next one will be.

 But he actually had another opportunity to advance last night, and he actually succeeded in advancing. No wonder he is so arrogant, even Yunshang Palace looks down upon him.

“You have to know that if you miss this opportunity, you may never have the chance to go to Yunshang Palace again.” Changhong Demigod reminded him.

His status made it impossible for him to ask Ji Jiuzhong to go to Yunshang Palace, but the palace owner spoke again, asking him to take Ji Jiuzhong back to Yunshang Palace.

Originally, he thought this would be an easy thing, but now it seems that Yunshang Palace has not caught anyone's attention at all.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyes and glanced at Demigod Changhong, "Thanks to Demigod Changhong for reminding me, but I don't like restraint by nature. Yunshang Palace must be a place with strict rules and is not suitable for me."

Changhong Demigod thought of many reasons for Ji Jiuzhong's refusal to go to Yunshang Palace, but he never expected it to be this reason.

 Don’t want to be bound? Is this a reason?

Is there anyone in this world who is willing to be bound? Instead of bowing to fate and surrendering to reality, he actually refused to go to the most suitable place for cultivation in the mainland because he was unwilling to be bound.

 Doesn’t he know what he is rejecting?

“Did you know that almost all the powerful people in the mainland come from Yunshang Palace.” Changhong Demigod continued after a while.

Ji Jiuzhong did not answer his question, but asked him, "Are there no strong people outside Yunshang Palace?"

Changhong's demigod stared at him for a moment and did not answer him. There are naturally strong people outside Yunshang Palace, not just one or two, but there are definitely not as many as Yunshang Palace.

Ji Jiuzhong did not expect him to answer, and continued to ask, "Is the strongest person in the mainland in Yunshang Palace?"

Changhong Demigod couldn't answer this. Although the Palace Master is indeed the strongest person in the mainland, he is not the only one with the same cultivation level as the Palace Master on the mainland, and there are not two powerful people in the hidden world. indivual.

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corner of his lips and continued to ask, "Does the Changhong demigod know why they can become powerful people on the mainland without going to Yunshang Palace?"

 Three questions were asked in a row, and each question made Changhong Demigod unable to answer. After a while, Changhong Demigod finally said, "Do you know the reason?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I also guess that it is because the body and mind are free, and the talent is not restricted."

Chang Hong was stunned for a moment. He looked at Ji Jiuzhong seriously. Only then did he realize that Ji Jiuzhong's achievements at such a young age were definitely not just because of his high talent, but also because of his intelligent mind. .

He didn't know whether the reason Ji Jiuzhong said was true, but it was true that Ji Jiuzhong didn't like Yunshang Palace.

"I'll tell you the truth. The palace master gave me an order to take you back to Yunshang Palace. As long as you go to Yunshang Palace, your status will be high, and you will have the most and best cultivation resources. You will inherit it in the future. The position of the Palace Master is possible, please think about it again." Demigod Changhong knew that he might not be able to complete the task assigned to him by the Palace Master today.

 There is no other way but to tell the truth, hoping that the temptation of benefits will make Ji Jiuchong relent.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled after hearing the words of the demigod Chang Hong. His already handsome face made this smile even more unparalleled.

Changhong Demigod was also very emotional, Ji Jiuchong's appearance was indeed too outstanding.

"What is the second thing?" Ji Jiuzhong smiled and did not answer Chang Hong's question, but asked what the second thing was.

Changhong Demigod knew that Ji Jiuzhong refused without hesitation and was not tempted at all by the temptation he mentioned. He has already lowered his profile enough. If he continues, he will be groveling. Yunshang Palace is not his, so there is no need to grovel.

 But if the first thing is not done, the second thing may not go well either.

 But I still have to say it.

"The palace master is very interested in the weapon you used yesterday. Can you part with it? You can set the price as you like."

Changhong Demigod originally thought that as long as the first thing was accomplished, Ji Jiuzhong would volunteer to go to Yunshang Palace as soon as he proposed it. Now he doesn't dare to have this idea. If Ji Jiuzhong is willing to sell, it will be a good result.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that the second thing was coming for his gold bucket, otherwise Bai Wukan wouldn't have reminded himself that his weapon was too eye-catching.

But the golden bucket is not something that anyone can have if they want it. The golden bucket is an ancient treasure and has a strong spiritual sense. Unless it is willing, no one can forcefully recognize its owner.

  If you are in a hurry, I will die with you.

“I’m used to it, so I won’t sell it,” Ji Jiuzhong said.

As expected, Changhong Demigod sighed, "You will get used to changing weapons after a period of time. You have to consider that you have not yet established your footing. Being surrounded by dangers is not a pleasant thing."

These words of persuasion contained a reminder, and the reminder contained a threat. He did not want to anger Ji Jiuzhong, so the demigod Chang Hong put a lot of thought into it.

He can't use his demigod cultivation to rob.

  If you can’t afford to lose that person, even if you want to rob him, you have to do it in private. And it's not what he wants, so he can't offend anyone.

Ji Jiuzhong's expression turned cold, "The thing I'm not afraid of the most is crisis. The reason why I have achieved what I have now is because I have survived one crisis after another."

This statement is so clear, what else can the demigod Chang Hong say? If he continues, there is really only one way left to fight.

Changhong Demigod sighed, "Since you have made a decision, so be it, the banquet is about to begin."

Ji Jiuzhong knew it was time to see off guests, so he stood up and saluted, "Goodbye."

 These two simple words do not mean any compliment or flattery at all because Chang Hong's demigod cultivation level is so much higher than his.

  It is like a natural farewell after meeting a guest.

After watching Ji Jiuzhong's figure disappear, Demigod Wei Lan walked out and sat down on the other side of Demigod Changhong, "If you don't let me participate, you will not have achieved your goal."

Changhong demigod glanced at him and said without any mercy, "If I let you participate, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as not achieving the goal."

Demigod Wei Lan was not annoyed at all after hearing Demigod Changhong's words. Instead, he agreed, "That's right. If I were to join in, I could at least have a year-end friendship with Ji Jiuchong."

Changhong Demigod twitched his lips, "Do you really dare to think that you don't want to go back to Yunshang Palace?"

Wei Lan Demigod said in a leisurely tone, "I don't want to go back, the palace master will also send someone to invite me to go back."

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