The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 618: is serious

Demigod Wei Lan’s intention was very clear to Demigod Chang Hong. With Demigod Wei Lan’s medical skills and alchemy skills, even if he did something that the palace master didn’t like, he wouldn’t do anything to him. Who would let no one replace him? .

"Humph, there is someone with better medical skills than you now. The palace master asked me to recruit her into Yunshang Palace, and your status will be at stake." Changhong Demigod said in a mocking tone.

 Given the choice between Yan Xiangluo and Wei Lan, everyone knows who to choose.

Wei Lan half-heartedly smiled, "Everyone has already left Yaoguang City, don't you know?"

"What, Yuan Xiangluo left Yaoguang City?" Chang Hong was stunned. He really didn't expect that Yuan Xiangluo would leave Yaoguang City so early. After all, Ji Jiuchong is still here. Aren't they an unmarried couple? Why are you leaving separately?

Wei Lan, the demigod, said nothing more, stood up and walked out, "Isn't it true that even if you don't enter the house, you won't even take a fancy to our Yunshang Palace?"

He has already asked. Although Yan Xiangluo did not refuse directly, she did not want to enter Yunshang Palace at all. Now that he knew that Ji Jiuzhong didn't want to enter, what else did he not understand? The two of them were unwilling to be bound by Yunshang Palace.

As for Yunshang Palace's most attractive and rich aura, they didn't seem to care. He was also curious, how did they advance to their current level of cultivation in a few months?

 Even the talented children from the big families in the high-end mainland have not been promoted so quickly.

When he reached the door, he stopped and turned to Chang Hong, the demigod, and said, "The banquet is about to begin, won't you go?"

Changhong Demigod was extremely irritable and couldn't accomplish either of the two things. After returning, he didn't know how to explain to the palace lord, so how could he be in the mood to go to the banquet.

 But it’s not okay not to go. Now he represents Yunshang Palace. Any decision he makes at this time represents Yunshang Palace’s decision. No matter how he is not in the mood, he must go.

 Get up and follow Demigod Wei Lan out.

Ji Jiuzhong arrived at the courtyard where the banquet was being held first. The banquet was placed in the front yard, with a hundred people and ten tables, plus the continental masters from each continent and the two demigods and Yaoguang from Yunshang Palace. The lord of the city, Bai Wuqian, has a total of thirteen tables.

 The two demigods were seated at this table by Bai Wuqian and the Lord of the Northern Continent.

 The banquet was first opened by Bai Wukan, then the demigod Changhong said some words of encouragement, and finally the Lord of the Northern Continent came to the bottom and announced the banquet had begun.

It can be said that this is the first time Ji Jiuzhong has participated in such a banquet in his life. In the past in Tianqian Continent, he was first the prince and then the regent. Naturally, his status at the palace banquet was different. They were all sitting on it. Now that he is sitting down, he is also talking to With so many people sitting at the same table, he actually had no appetite at all. Even though the banquet was prepared with spiritual ingredients that monks could eat, and the chefs with the best cooking skills in the North Continent were invited, there were no Luoluo chefs. Compared with art, he has no appetite.

Ji Jiuzhong watched as everyone else began to eat. He only took a few sips of wine. This wine was also brewed with spiritual energy ingredients, and it was more flavorful than the food.

At the end of the banquet, the two demigods left, and the lords of the continent also withdrew. The atmosphere of the banquet suddenly became more comfortable, and those who wanted to make friends switched to each other's dining table and started chatting.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and left after Demigod Weilan and Demigod Changhong left.

After Bai Wuqian and the Lord of the Northern Continent saw off the two demigods and left, they saw Ji Jiuzhong walking out of the mansion. The Lord of the Northern Continent frowned when he saw him. All the Lords of the Continent were very disappointed with the result of this continental competition. The last time someone from the lower continent won the first place, although it was very embarrassing, it was still barely done. Yes, the gap is not big. This time, he got it by crushing. This happened in the continental competition held in his northern continent. They would be surprised to see Ji Jiuzhong.

Hence, the Lord of the Northern Continent didn't even pay attention to Ji Jiuzhong. Just as the lords of the continent came out immediately behind Ji Jiuzhong, he passed directly over Ji Jiuzhong and faced them.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't feel any embarrassment at all, and walked past him calmly. He also saluted Bai Wukan and said goodbye, "City Lord Bai, farewell."

Bai Wukian was helpless, but he was not rude. Even if the Lord of the Northern Continent was unhappy, he politely sent Ji Jiuzhong out of the gate before turning back and following the Lord of the Northern Continent as he sent the other continent lords away.

Ji Jiuzhong doesn't care about their attitude. His purpose of participating in the continental competition has been achieved. Other people and things don't matter.

 “Mr. Ji, please stay.”

Just when Ji Jiuzhong walked out of the city lord's mansion, he heard someone calling him from behind.

Ji Jiuzhong turned around and saw a man chasing him. It was the man who lost the battle with him and became the fourth place, Chu Junya.

Chu Junya is the Chu family, the number one spiritual plant planting family in the mainland. It is said that there is no spiritual plant that the Chu family cannot grow. Therefore, most people in the Chu family have awakened wood spiritual roots and water spiritual roots.

But Chu Junya has metal spiritual roots and is extremely powerful in combat. He does not have the wood or water spiritual roots inherited from the bloodline that the Chu family will surely awaken.

However, don’t think that if the Chu family has either awakened the wood element or the water element spiritual roots, their combat power will not be strong enough. The Chu family almost all have dual element spiritual roots.

The previous heads of the Chu family all had wood and metal spiritual roots.

 Chu Junya is the youngest son of the current head of the Chu family. Although he has not awakened the wood and water spiritual roots, the single spiritual root allows him to practice more easily, and his cultivation level is higher than that of his brothers and sisters.

He does not have wood or water spiritual roots, so he does not need to worry about planting spiritual plants. No matter how strong he is, he cannot become the head of the Chu family. Moreover, he has several outstanding brothers above him, and it is not his turn to be the head of the family. Therefore, the elders in the family do not restrict him. Chu Junya's life is the most comfortable in the family, and his temper is more cheerful.

Chu Junya ran up to Ji Jiuzhong and said with a smile, "I'm not joking, I'm serious. I really want to be friends with you. I wonder if Mr. Ji is willing to make friends with me as a brother?"

Chu Junya is also a young genius and is very famous on the mainland, but he acts unruly and is not a rule-abiding person. Therefore, he has many friends and is a person who loves to make friends.

Ji Jiuzhong checked their information when he participated in the Continental Competition. His impression of Chu Junya was not bad, but he was not good enough to become friends.

It is not easy to become his friend. His life path is destined to be uneven. People who cannot share life and death with each other cannot be his friends at all.

Chu Junya has the Chu family, a powerful family, behind him, and no one dares to try against him. Therefore, there are no ups and downs in his life. Once such a person encounters a fate-determining choice, he may not be able to make a decision. What a strong endurance.

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