The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 619: Ji family land

Chapter 619 Ji Family Land

But Ji Jiuzhong also admitted that Chu Junya was very open about fame and fortune. After losing the competition with him, he was not discouraged or resentful. Instead, he wanted to make friends with him. This showed that he had merits in his character.

 But these cannot be the reasons why Ji Jiuzhong wants to be friends with him.

“Young Master Chu has many friends, and I am not the least of them.”

Ji Jiuzhong declined politely.

Chu Junya was stunned for a moment, then said, "Does Mr. Ji dislike me?"

Seeing that he was so persistent, Ji Jiuzhong could only speak clearly, "No, the environment in which we live makes it difficult for us to be friends. If we become friends, your smooth life will be disrupted, and you will probably face things you don't want." Choice, therefore, it’s better for us to just pass each other by.”

Chu Junya didn’t expect that Ji Jiuzhong had so seriously considered the possibility of them becoming friends, and even told him the reasons.

 At least it shows that Ji Jiuzhong respects him, just like during the competition, he will leave him leeway, which also shows that he recognizes himself as a person.

However, Chu Junya really only relied on his eyes and mood to make friends, otherwise he wouldn't have so many friends. Only then did he realize that making friends doesn’t just rely on looking comfortable and having similar temperaments.

He understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant. The kind of friends Ji Jiuzhong wanted were friends who could live and die together without betraying each other. Such friends had to make vows, but his own friends didn't really do that.

Are the friends he made real friends?

 What do they do when they encounter difficulties? Who can do it even if they live or die?

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t wait for Chu Junya to say anything, turned around and left.

After Chu Junya came to his senses, Ji Jiuzhong's figure was about to disappear at the intersection.

He shouted loudly, "Ji Jiuchong, I will come to you again, and we will definitely become friends by then."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't look back, but raised his hand and waved. If that day comes, he wouldn't mind making Chu Junya a friend.

After Chu Junya watched Ji Jiuzhong's figure disappear, he looked back at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, but did not go back. Suddenly, the life of pushing cups and changing cups that he liked before lost its appeal to him, and he felt that he It seems like they are all wasting their feelings.

He originally wanted to make some friends at the banquet, but he also left.

Since he has doubts in his heart, he needs to verify them. At this time, he knows what kind of friends he wants.

Ji Jiuzhong left the city lord's palace and went directly to the city gate. Changfeng left the city and waited after Ji Jiuzhong entered the city lord's palace. When he saw Ji Jiuzhong, the two met. Ji Jiuzhong took out a teleportation disk to input spiritual power, and the two of them disappeared.

The transmission speed of the formation disk is very fast. In just a moment, the two of them appeared at the entrance from the northern continent to the southern continent. They did not hide their identities and returned directly to the southern continent. Then they used the transmission formation disk to leave.

Those who want to follow them can't do it at all. If he uses the teleportation profound pattern, he can still find the direction by following the mysterious pattern's aura, but the teleportation array really leaves no trace behind.

The most they can do is find out that he returned to the Southern Continent. As for where he went back to the Southern Continent, they cannot rely on tracking.

 That's why Ji Jiuzhong didn't care about the people who were secretly following him and left directly under their noses.

Ji Jiuchong went directly to the location of the Ji family.

Even though he had checked out all the information about the existence of the Ji family and knew that this place had been deserted for too long, Ji Jiuzhong was still surprised to see the desolation here with his own eyes.

The ruins with no end at a glance are standing in front of you. They are clearly within reach, but they still feel very far away.

Jin Yutang arrived early. As soon as the gate of Yaoguang City opened early in the morning, he left with his people. Therefore, he had been here all morning. He led people to check the surroundings. They could not get close to the Ji family's clan. There was a force that would appear as soon as you walked in. If you resisted, it would fight back twice as hard. They had been trying all morning, but they couldn't find any way to get in. At the entrance, I had no choice but to look around to see if anyone lived nearby and who was waiting for Ji Jiuzhong to come.

"Master, we can't get close without finding the entrance. No one lives nearby, they are all thirty miles away." Jin Yutang said.

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Just find a place to wait, and I'll go in by myself. You don't have to show up if anyone comes to check, just let them check."

 He felt the bloodline call when he arrived here, and it was only then that he was truly sure that the bloodline on his body was the bloodline of the Ji family here.

“Yes.” Jin Yutang responded.

Ji Jiuchong could not sense the repulsive force that Jin Yutang and others sensed. On the contrary, there was another force that was getting stronger and clearer.

Changfeng held the long sword and retreated to Jin Yutang. They knew that since Ji Jiuzhong wouldn't let them in, they knew they couldn't get in, and they were also sure that he could get in.

They watched their master go in here, and then they found a place to hide and wait for his master to come out.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the broken city wall in front of him, but thought about what kind of existence the Ji family was at that time. It actually owned such a large area of ​​clan land. As far as he could see, there was a city wall inside, and there were buildings inside the city wall. But they are all like ruins, and the layout is more like an imperial city.

Ji Jiuchong is very familiar with this pattern. Almost all the imperial cities in Tianqian Continent have this pattern.

 However, there are no countries in the higher continents at all, only continents. In the historical records, he did not see any records of countries.

And the Ji family is a forbidden existence in the higher continent. Ji Jiuzhong doesn't think that the Ji family was exterminated just because of their Xuan Wen technique.

 All doubts, he knows, will be solved after he enters and accepts the inheritance of the Ji family.

Ji Jiuzhong took a deep breath and walked inside.

 Jin Yutang and Changfeng watched him go in, as if the power that had hindered Jin Yutang and the others did not exist at all.

 Sure enough, the bloodline of the Ji family is not restricted.

They watched Ji Jiuzhong walk forward slowly. Ji Jiuzhong walked not fast, as if every step was taken seriously. They didn't know why Ji Jiuzhong walked so slowly, and their hearts were lifted. They didn't know what he was about to face. What.

 And there was nothing they could do to help.

 Until Ji Jiuzhong walked through the ruins of the second city wall, they suddenly lost sight of him.

Jin Yutang and Changfeng both took a step forward. Thinking that there was nothing they could do, they looked at each other and left with their men. They found a secluded place nearby to hide and wait for Ji Jiuzhong to come out.

Ji Jiuzhong felt something different as soon as he crossed the second city wall.

 (End of this chapter)

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