The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 620: Climbing to the top of the mountain

Along the way, Ji Jiuzhong became more certain that this place was indeed built according to the layout of the imperial city.

The place he came from before was the outer city, and the place he was in now was the inner city, and the summoning power came from the central building.

Although it looks deserted, the buildings inside are still intact.

What surprised Ji Jiuzhong was that from the outside, there were ruins inside, and there were no intact buildings at all. Only after entering the inner city can you see the buildings.

 That's the royal palace.

Ji Jiuzhong, who has lived in the palace since childhood, is very familiar with this pattern.

He frowned, how could the Ji family's land look like an imperial city? Is there a palace inside? Looking at the area, this imperial city is four times the size of the Tianshun Empire.

You must know that the Tianshun Empire is the largest empire in the Tianqian Continent, and the imperial city is also the largest in the entire Tianqian Continent.

He looked back at the buildings in the outer city that had truly turned into ruins. Who lived in these buildings?

There can’t be so many people in the Ji family, right?

There is no clan in the higher continent that can live in a whole city, and it is still such a big city, and other forces will not allow such a family to exist.

Ji Jiuzhong had more doubts in his heart. No matter how large a family was, it would never have so many members. It seemed that the Ji family at that time had many affiliated families or users.

 There must be other reasons for the demise of the Ji family?

Ji Jiuzhong walked into the deserted building without hesitation.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo looked at the young man who was panting heavily, then looked at the steps below that were not far away, and then looked up again. The steps still could not be seen to the end.

 She was extremely sure that the young man in front of her did not have the strength to climb to the top of Miracle Doctor Mountain this time.

The young man couldn't stand it anymore and sat down to rest on the steps. Yanxiang sat down next to him. After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "What will you do if you can't go up?"

Yan Xiangluo was worried that he would be hit too hard and lose confidence in alchemy.

After listening to her words, the young man's expression did not change. "With my talent, it is normal that I can't go up. When the time comes, I will sit and meditate at the highest height I can reach. After a week, if there is no gain, I will not be able to go up." If I go up, I will go down. If I come back next time, I will have nine more chances.”

The boy's optimism infected Yan Xiangluo. The boy in front of her was the first person she had ever encountered who was so optimistic about cultivation.

Although the young man's talent is indeed not very good, he has a good mentality. As long as his mentality is good and his mood is good, she believes that this young man's talent will definitely be improved here.

Even if you don’t get the enlightenment from Master Shuyi, your state of mind will improve. When your state of mind improves, your talent will naturally improve.

If he could really insist on doing it ten times, Yan Xiangluo couldn't predict how much his talent would improve.

 Confidence and diligence are indispensable for a cultivator on the road to success.

It was as if something suddenly opened in Yan Xiangluo's mind. At this moment, she suddenly understood the reason why Divine Doctor Mountain is still a place that alchemists yearn for.

 Many times it is not Master Shuyi who enlightens you, but you will encounter things that make you break through your state of mind along the way. Even for the boy in front of you, such an ordinary person, his words and actions will make you enlightened.

The young man, who had rested for a while and was breathing more calmly, said to Yan Xiangluo, "Young Master is so talented. You don't need to accompany me. Just go up quickly. I can just walk slowly by myself." Yan Xiangluo was not polite either. He didn’t even know his name, so he was actually a stranger. Along with him on this journey, Yan Xiangluo also wanted to learn from him what kind of existence the Divine Doctor Mountain was in the eyes of the world.

 She indeed would not accompany him to walk so slowly.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and said, "Let's say goodbye. I wish you can reach the top soon."

The young man smiled happily and said, "Thank you for your good wishes."

If he can reach the top one day, his alchemy talent will definitely increase several times, and it is indeed a blessing from this young master.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t stop and walked up. Her steps were brisk and she had already gone a long way in just a moment.

The young man watched his back getting further and further away, feeling envious in his heart. This young man's alchemy talent was definitely not that high. It was inevitable that he would reach the top in such a relaxed state.

 Before, Yan Xiangluo said that he simply came to pay homage to Master Shuyi. He also felt that he did not understand the magic of Divine Doctor Mountain. Now it seems that his vision is too small and his knowledge is short.

It wasn't until Yan Xiangluo's back could no longer be seen that he turned to look down the mountain. Although his talent was not very good, he had climbed so far. If he persisted, he could continue to climb, even though he could not be the best. As an alchemist, it is still possible to make further progress based on his current level, so he is already very satisfied.

 He is not greedy and is always content with what he has.

 After resting for a while, he stood up and continued walking up. Every step was still strenuous, but his eyes were unwavering.

Yan Xiangluo walked all the way up, feeling no resistance from the beginning to the end. She understood that she was already able to refine god-level elixirs, and this step had no training effect for her, so naturally she would not feel any resistance.

Yan Xiangluo thought she could only meet the young man. Unexpectedly, when she went up, she would see people sitting on the steps resting from time to time. Although there were not many, it still surprised her.

She was curious about how the steps were used to identify the alchemy talent of the climber. She could tell what level of alchemist the other person was from the aura on his body.

Alchemists all smell of herbs and elixirs. As a god-level alchemist, she only needs to smell the smell of elixirs on the other person's body to tell the level.

It is true that the higher you go up, the higher the level of alchemy you encounter.

 The people she met on the road looked at her in disbelief when they saw her climbing the mountain so easily. How strong is her talent for alchemy in such a relaxed state?

The purpose of Yan Xiangluo's visit was very simple, just to pay homage to Master Shuyi, so she climbed to the top of the mountain without stopping.

 Occasionally someone would talk to her, but she would simply reply without stopping.

 She did not use her spiritual power during the whole process and walked up step by step, which took about less than half an hour.

Calculated in this way, Divine Doctor Mountain is actually not very high.

 When you reach the top of the mountain, you will find a spacious venue. The first thing you see is the tall white statue standing in the middle of the venue in front of you.

The statue is all white, and looks like it was carved from white jade. It is spotless, and there is not even a trace of impurities in the entire jade. If it weren't all white, it would feel like a real person standing there, lifelike.

Yan Xiangluo has always been looking forward to seeing the true face of Master Shuyi, and now she finally sees it.

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