The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 621: Entering the Purple Bamboo Forest

 The first impression he gave her was that of elegance and gentleness, with a handsome face that was calm and leisurely. When she looked up at him, she felt that his eyes were also looking at you.

There are many people sitting cross-legged and meditating under the statue, and the statue has been surrounded for several floors. It is not easy for Yan Xiangluo to walk past, and it is easy to disturb other people's meditation.

 She was surprised that so many people were here.

Yan Xiangluo looked around. Under the statue was a ground made of the same material as the statue. It was also spotless and reflected light in the sunlight.

The ground is in a circle surrounding the statue, and outside the circle is a purple bamboo forest, which exudes nobility and mystery.

Suddenly she saw a path winding through the purple bamboo forest on the left side of the statue.

Hun Xing’s eyes lit up. Could it be that the place where Master Shuyi once lived? It's not worth the trip to see Master Shuyi's residence.

Yan Xiangluo raised his head and looked at the statue of Master Shuyi. He knelt down and kowtowed three times, thinking silently in his heart, "Master Shuyi, my disciple, Yan Xiangluo, has come to pay my respects to you. Although he does not have the title of master and disciple, he has In the true sense of master and disciple, the disciples will pass on the medical skills and alchemy skills in Shuyilu, and the character of the person they teach will be assessed first, so please rest assured. "

Although Yan Xiangluo's movement was very light, it still alarmed the meditators. The reason was that they all felt that there seemed to be a surge of power from the statue. When they opened their eyes, they saw Yan Xiangluo kowtowing.

The surging power disappeared, making them all wonder if their perception was wrong.

After kowtowing, Yan Xiangluo stood up and instantly saw everyone looking at her. She was startled. She was already very careful. She kowtowed from such a distance because she didn't want to disturb their meditation. Why did she startle everyone instead? .

 She bowed apologetically, "Sorry to bother you."

Everyone was speechless, they were all shocked by her age. She could come to the top of the Divine Doctor Mountain at such a young age. How strong is her talent?

  It looked like they had just climbed to the top, and they were out of breath and looked calm, which was in sharp contrast to how tired they were when they came up and lay on the ground to rest for a long time.

After Yan Xiangluo apologized, she walked towards the path along the purple bamboo forest. She didn't want to meditate here, so after worshiping Master Shuyi's statue, she wanted to go in and see where he lived, and then leave.

Everyone's eyes followed her movements strangely, curious that she was here. Why was she walking along the purple bamboo forest without meditating?

It is no secret that the Purple Bamboo Forest in Divine Doctor Mountain cannot be entered. It is as if there is something isolated and no one can go in.

Some people who have cultivated above demigods came to see it and said that it was not a barrier and even demigods could not enter. How could she still want to enter?

Under their curious eyes, Yan Xiangluo walked to the intersection of the path and stretched her head to look inside. She could not see inside. The path was winding and there were purple bamboos everywhere she looked.

She glanced at the path and walked in without hesitation.

 When she walked in, all the people meditating were shocked. How did she get in?

They all got up and came to the place where she entered. They could not see the path that Yuan Xiangluo saw. They checked carefully and found that there were not even any footprints of Yuan Xiangluo's walking in.

They couldn't even see the figure of Yan Xiangluo who had just entered. Those who had the courage to try to walk inside were all bounced back by the power of the purple bamboo forest without exception. Fortunately, none of them used spiritual power, otherwise it might not be as simple as playing.

They looked at each other, and immediately each took out the sound transmission stone. Soon, the news that a young man had entered the Purple Bamboo Forest of Miracle Doctor Mountain spread in the world of alchemists, and continued to spread the news to various places in the mainland. .

Since they couldn't go up the mountain, they could only hide in the darkness of Shenyi Mountain to protect Yuan Xiangluo's hidden guards. More than an hour after Yuan Xiangluo went up the mountain, he saw people coming to Shenyi Mountain from time to time and going to Shenyi Mountain.

 I didn’t care at first. After all, this Mountain of Divine Medicine is ownerless. Anyone can come, as long as you can go up. But more and more people come to climb mountains, and there are people of all ages, which is strange.

They hurriedly reported the situation to Mu Zixian. Mu Zixian had already received the news. The town where he lived had spread that a teenage boy had entered the purple bamboo forest of Miracle Doctor Mountain. The alchemy on Sadako At that time, the teacher rushed to the Divine Doctor Mountain.

He felt that this young man must be Yuan Xiangluo, so he told the hidden guard to just wait for Yuan Xiangluo to come down the mountain, and to ignore how many people came up the mountain.

The key is that the hidden guards don't have the talent for alchemy, and they can't go to the top of the mountain.

He wanted to take a look, but Qi Hao was still there. He didn't know if Qi Hao could reach the top, so he suppressed his curiosity and didn't go.

But Qi Hao couldn't wait any longer. He felt that the master must have gone into the purple bamboo forest of the Divine Doctor Mountain. With so many alchemists going to the top of the Divine Doctor Mountain, he was worried about what happened to the master.

“Uncle Zixian, let’s go to the Divine Doctor Mountain too.”

Mu Zixian glanced at him and said, "Your master told us to wait here. How dare you disobey your master?"

You dare but I dare not. If the girl tells the master, the master will definitely punish her.

I thought he didn’t want to go. He also wanted to go to the top of the mountain to improve his alchemy talent. Now he can only wait here with you.

Mu Zixian did not expect that even if Yan Xiangluo went up the mountain to worship Master Shuyi, he would be able to do so in such a grand manner. It seemed that alchemists from all over the continent would come after hearing the news.

He looked in the direction of the Divine Doctor Mountain, "Girl, don't let anything happen to you. This guy has already called me Uncle Zixian. I can't fool him if he takes it seriously."

Qi Hao hesitated after hearing Mu Zixian's words and said, "But I'm worried about Master."

Mu Zixian curled his lips, "Let's not talk about whether you can go up. Even if you can go up, what can you do to help your master, and fall into the hands of others as a hostage to threaten your master?"

Qi Hao was immediately blocked by Mu Zixian's words. He was immediately annoyed that he was too young and too weak. He could only retreat if something happened to his master.

After Mu Zixian said the word hostage, he immediately thought that even if they were here, they would probably be held hostage by someone with intentions.

 He immediately said, "Xiao Hao, we can't stay here anymore."

Qi Hao was stunned, "Go to the mountain?"

Mu Zixian shook his head, "Don't even think about going up the mountain. We can't help and we can't be a burden to your master. I'll take you back to Xiangyang City first."

 Qi Hao shook his head like a rattle, "I won't go back, I want to wait for the master to come back."

"You have to be obedient. The situation is different now. You are not safe here. I don't know if your master's identity has been revealed. If they know it is your master, they will definitely think that your master has obtained the book. Is there any other way to use it?" Would it be better for you to exchange books and records?" Mu Zixian also just thought of it.

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