The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 622: Inside the Purple Bamboo Forest

Hearing this, Qi Hao was like a deflated rubber ball, and said wimply, "Okay."

 He knew how vital the Shu Yilu was, and how crazy people would be if they knew that the Shu Yilu was in the master's hands.

Their Qi family is not even considered a middle-class family. It is just a small family in a local area that has been exterminated by someone who covets it, let alone Shu Yilu, which is coveted by all the alchemists in the world.

Qi Hao agreed, and Mu Zixian felt relieved.

He immediately went out to buy a set of clothes and came back to put them on for Qi Hao. Qi Hao looked at the dress worn by a girl with dissatisfaction on his face, "Does it have to be like this?"

  He is a boy. If people knew that he was dressed like a girl, they would laugh to death.

"It has to be like this. For the sake of safety, just bear with it." Mu Zixian clumsily gave Qi Hao a girlish bun. She looked like a girl, so she felt relieved to take care of herself.

He also changed out of his bright red brocade robe and changed into a black one. The two of them took the Yan Changing Pill, and then Mu Zixian and Qi Hao quietly left the inn where they were staying.

 After making sure that no one noticed them, he took out the teleportation array and the two of them left here, teleporting directly back to Xiangyang City.

Rather than entering the city openly, he used the invisibility pattern to find an opportunity to sneak into the city.

Mu Zixian handed Qi Hao to his grandfather and told them not to leave the house until Yuan Xiangluo came back.

Ji Jiuzhong has set up a defensive formation for the entire mansion. As long as they don't go out, nothing will happen.

When Qi Changhe saw his grandson dressed as a girl and brought back by Mu Zixian himself, he knew that something big had happened. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Mu, Xiaohao and I won't go out."

Mu Zixian warned Qi Hao again, "No one knows you are back. As long as you don't go out, they will think you are with your master. You must have confidence in your master's ability and stay at home and wait for your master."

Although Qi Hao was worried about Yu Xiangluo, he also knew that he should be obedient. He nodded and said, "Uncle Zixian, go ahead. I will stay at home and not go anywhere."

Mu Zixian knew that Qi Hao was a smart boy. He had already said so, and he would definitely understand the importance of the matter.

Turn around and leave, quickly leave the city and go back to the small town again.

He changed back to his original clothes and appearance, returned to the inn, checked out the room, and left. Then he found a secluded place and changed back into the black brocade robe. He took another Yan-Changing Pill and headed for the Divine Doctor Mountain. And go.

He had to go up the mountain to know first-hand information, but he didn't know if his talent could make it to the top.

He also didn’t use his own identity to climb mountains, so that if anything happened, he would still be able to think of something.

After Mu Zixian came back from such a torturous trip, he found that there was already a sea of ​​alchemists who came to the Divine Medical Mountain. The originally wide climbing steps were crowded with people.

If someone from Divine Doctor Mountain hadn't entered the Purple Bamboo Forest, he wouldn't have known there were so many alchemists in the Higher Continent.

However, the alchemists who can come so quickly are all people with some background, who can at least use teleportation arrays, teleportation array disks or mysterious patterns.

There are some people who are not talented enough to climb the mountain, so they are waiting for news at the foot of the Divine Doctor Mountain. They come here just in case they have a chance to see Shuyilu.

After Master Shuyi returned to the Divine Doctor Mountain, no one can enter the purple bamboo forest where he once lived. Today, a young man actually entered. They all suspected that the person who accepted the inheritance from Master Shuyi came. The successor came. , Shuyilu is about to appear, it’s okay if you don’t get to see it. Therefore, almost all the alchemists who could come came.

Moreover, people kept appearing at the foot of the mountain. They were the ones who got the news late and came here.

Mu Zixian frowned. There were too many people.

However, no matter how many people there were, they still had to go up the mountain, so he climbed the steps and walked up the mountain without hesitation.

He didn't feel any resistance, but he could see many people struggling to climb the mountain on the way. It was like this before they were even halfway up. They couldn't climb up at all, so why did they come to join in the fun?

By the time he got halfway up the climb, there were fewer people there, at least there was no need for them to keep rubbing shoulders with each other. The higher he climbed, the fewer people there were. However, when he climbed three-fifths of the way, he felt a slight resistance. It was not very obvious. He could still walk up at a normal speed, but when he climbed four-fifths of the way, The resistance increased and the speed slowed.

Mu Zixian is not in a hurry. This is not something he can solve in a hurry. Now it seems that his alchemy talent is still good, but because of the evildoer Yu Xiangluo, he has lowered his position. Now I've found some confidence again.

  Can't compare with Yan Xiangluo, but compared with these alchemists, he is still good.

I do n’t know what the above is now, and the fragrance is not stupid. On the contrary, she looks like a sieve, and she will not easily let her be in trouble.

 He is just worried that her identity will be exposed. As long as her identity is not exposed, there will be no problem.

By the time Mu Zixian climbed up, there were already many people on it. He glanced at the huge statue of Master Shuyi standing there, and feelings of admiration surged in his heart.

 At this time, no one was meditating under the statue of Master Shuyi.

Mu Zixian ignored the others who were checking around the place where the incense of the purple bamboo forest fell. Instead, he knelt down to the statue of Master Shuyi and kowtowed three times before getting up and observing the surroundings.

 Listen to what those people are saying to understand what the situation is now.

 After listening for a long time, it was still the same information he heard before. Nothing else happened since Yanxiang fell in. These people didn't find anything out, and no one else could get in.

Mu Zixian didn’t move forward either, leaning on the base of Master Shuyi’s statue and looking at those people.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know anything about the outside. She walked along the winding path and walked for a while before walking out of the purple bamboo forest.

The purple bamboo forest is not small. The fragrance of bamboo is refreshing, making Yan Xiangluo feel physically and mentally comfortable. The aura in the purple bamboo forest is very rich, much richer than the aura around the statues outside.

It’s not like Yan Xiangluo has never seen purple bamboo before. The purple bamboo here definitely does not grow naturally. It must have been planted by Master Shuyi in the past.

The purple bamboo here is very strong. After all, it has been growing for at least ten thousand years. Who has seen bamboo that has grown for ten thousand years, let alone purple bamboo? This is the first time she has seen it in her life.

Therefore, this bamboo fragrance is different. It can soothe your mood and sort out your physical discomfort. Walking through the purple bamboo forest is equivalent to purifying your body.

As soon as you walk out of the purple bamboo forest, you will see endless medicinal fields.

Isn't this the top of Shenyi Mountain? She looked at it from the bottom of the mountain. The area at the top of the mountain was not large. How could there be such a large area of ​​medicinal fields?

Yan Xiangluo is very confused?

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