The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 623: Disciple personally initiates

It has been ten thousand years since Master Shuyi fell into nothingness. These medicinal materials were all planted by Master Shuyi himself back then, and the youngest ones were born ten thousand years ago.

 For alchemists, these medicinal materials are priceless treasures, and for the world, they are also an unquantifiable amount of wealth.

Yan Xiangluo was very emotional. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and no one has taken care of the medicinal fields here. How can they grow so well, and there are not a single weed in the medicinal fields?

It was then that she realized that she should be the only one who could come in the purple bamboo forest. If anyone who could climb the mountain could come in, none of these medicinal materials would be left.

Looking as far as the eye can see, there is a house in the distance of the medicine field. It is a two-story building standing in the medicine field. It should be the place where Master Shuyi lived.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the clean path and walked towards the house.

 Now that she has come here, Master Shuyi will not leave nothing behind. Maybe the answers she wants to know are all in the room.

 Otherwise Master Shuyi would not have left behind his medical skills when he disappeared into nothingness, and the successors of his medical skills would come to Qingyun Mountain to worship him in ten thousand years.

Since he knew that his successor would come back to worship him, he would definitely leave a message for him.

 The location of Divine Doctor Mountain is at the northernmost edge of the Northern Continent.

The Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent are the coldest continents in the entire higher continent, especially in the north of the Northern Continent. Snow begins to fall in October every year, and the snow does not melt until May or June of the next year.

There are some high mountains here with snow all year round.

It is now the end of September, and it will soon be October. Before coming to Shenyi Mountain, Yan Xiangluo thought that all the leaves on the trees here had fallen off and the weather was very cold. After all, it was going to snow soon. She thought she would see snow when she came here, but that was something she had never seen with her own eyes in another world.

 But after arriving here, what surprised her was that Divine Doctor Mountain was still lush and green, and the temperature was also very suitable. Although it was not as warm as Yaoguang City, at least she didn't feel cold without changing clothes.

 She used the teleportation pattern to come here. She didn’t know what the temperature was around the Divine Doctor Mountain at this time.

Originally, she thought it would be colder at the top of the mountain, but the temperature did not change much when she climbed to the top. Then when she saw the purple bamboo forest that can only grow in the south, Yuan Xiangluo was already sure that there must be some secret in Shenyi Mountain.

The secret may also be in that two-story house.

Yan Xiangluo felt a little excited. Although she had adapted to abnormal things often happening here after returning from her soul, this was the first time she was so excited about something.

 After leaving the purple bamboo forest, the smell of medicinal herbs became stronger. She carefully discerned the smell to know what medicinal materials were here.

She has medicinal materials given to her by the fifth senior brother, and there are many types of medicinal materials that she does not know. In Master Shuyi's medicine field, there are also types of medicinal materials that she smells but does not know what kind of medicinal materials they are. This indicates the types of medicinal materials here. I'm afraid there are rare species that can't be found in the entire continent.

 No alchemist can resist the attraction of medicinal materials, and Yan Xiangluo is no exception.

 But there is something more attractive to her at this time, which is the secret here.

Finally she came to the two-story building. She was surprised to find that the building of the two-story building looked different from the buildings here. It was more like the building in another world where she lived alone.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. Could it be that the soul of Master Shuyi also came from the world she lived in?

There is a small yard in front of the building, surrounded by partitions made of purple bamboo segments as high as the knees, which separate the yard from the medicinal fields. There is a cherry blossom tree planted on the left side of the yard. It is not very high, as high as a storey. It is not the season for cherry blossoms to bloom at this time, so the tree is only full of green.

There is a rocking chair under the tree, made of purple bamboo, and next to it is a square table made of purple bamboo. Although there is no tea set on it, Yan Xiangluo's mind instantly appears in the rocking chair where Master Shuyi is lying, and the fragrance of tea is lingering on the table. Overflowing, the rocking chair swayed slowly, Master Shuyi looked at the endless medicinal fields.

 What kind of life is that? Lonely happiness?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the door on the first floor of the house and walked over. She raised her hand and knocked on the door. She said in a medium voice, "Master Shuyi, can my disciple Yu Xiangluo go in?"

As soon as her voice fell, the closed door slowly opened, and the scene inside came into view.

This should be the main hall, which is what we call the living room, but Master Shuyi’s main hall is indeed the living room.

 It was like the modern world she lived in. The most typical one is the unique sofa.

The entire house is made of purple bamboo, but it is very fine. The furniture inside is also made of purple bamboo, and it is also made very delicately. It is made with the same techniques as the bamboo furniture in the modern world where she lived.

Yan Xiangluo walked in. The living room was decorated warmly and comfortably. Yan Xiangluo was a little confused, why did Master Shuyi, who loved life so much, stay single all his life?

 In fact, it looks like there is a hostess here. It doesn’t look like it was decorated by a man. To be precise, it doesn’t look like a style that a man likes.

Behind the sofa is a huge screen, also made of purple bamboo, with a cherry blossom tree carved on it. There is also a rocking chair and table under the tree. It is very similar to the scene outside, except there is no house.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the screen with some confusion. Other people's screens were all carved with meaningful pictures. How could he carve the cherry blossom trees, tables, and rocking chairs where he lived?

Behind the screen, on the left side is the staircase leading upstairs. The upstairs should be the living room. Yan Xiangluo is not so impolite. Although Master Shuyi is no longer here, she will not go to someone else's bedroom so impolitely.

 At this time, she wanted to know, could this place help her solve her doubts?

At this moment, the door on the left opened. Yan Xiangluo looked and saw that there should be a study room inside.

Since it was open, she could go in. She was not afraid and walked over. After entering, I saw the whole view of the study.

There is a row of bookshelves against the wall inside, with a dozen or so books scattered on them, not many. Most of the bookshelves are filled with some ornaments, which should be the items that Master Shuyi likes.

There are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the desk, and there are several brushes of different thicknesses hanging on the pen holder.

There was a letter placed in the middle of the desk. Yan Xiangluo saw the letter and it said, My disciple opened it personally.

Yan Xiangluo knew that this letter should be left to the successor of Master Shuyi. Although he did not officially become a master, he was still considered a disciple.

Yu Xiangluo did not go directly to get the letter and open it, but knelt down and kowtowed, "Disciple Yu Xiangluo pays homage to Master."

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