The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 624: Bring it and see

 Chapter 624 Bring it to see

This head represents that Yan Xiangluo has officially become a disciple. This is respect for the disciple's title in the letter left by Master Shuyi.

Ten thousand years apart, one has fallen into nothingness, and the other is at the same age. This is the first time for her to be apprenticed to Yan Xiangluo like this, and I am afraid she is also the first person on the mainland.

After Yan Xiangluo stood up, the letter on the desk floated up, suspended in front of her, and she could reach it.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hands respectfully, and the letter fell into her hands.

The letter was light and airy, but at this moment, Yan Xiangluo felt as heavy as a mountain. She knew that it contained everything she wanted to know without even thinking about it.

The cover of the letter looked very dated at first glance. Yan Xiangluo did not open it immediately. Instead, she sat cross-legged on the ground with the letter in her hand, closed her eyes and meditated.

Just when she received the letter, an idea came to Yan Xiangluo's mind. If she meditated immediately, she would gain unexpected rewards.

 Therefore, she did not rush to open the letter and read it. Instead, she respectfully held the letter and began to meditate.

At this time, Ge Tianjun was sitting on the throne in the Demon Palace of the Demon Realm, looking at the two rows of people standing below, his eyes without any warmth.

 The atmosphere in the main hall was not very good, it was very oppressive, and it was quiet as if there was no one inside.

Fu Qingfeng walked in and was not surprised at all by the depressing atmosphere in the hall.

The king's absence this time was not long, but not short either, and there were many people doing tricks. Now that the king is back safe and sound, he who did something but didn't wipe his **** clean will naturally have to say something.

Fu Qingfeng walked up to Ge Tianjun and said something to him. Ge Tianjun's eyes immediately fell on a guard in black robes behind the ministers.

When the guard noticed Ge Tianjun's gaze, he immediately felt a lot more pressure on him. He could barely stand, but he couldn't control the cold sweat on his body, and his clothes quickly got wet.

Without waiting for Ge Tianjun to speak, he immediately trotted over and said, "Your Majesty."

Although he didn’t know where he had dissatisfied the king, he must immediately express his respect and loyalty to the king.

Ge Tianjun asked with a calm voice, "Quhe, there is a woman contaminated with demonic energy in the demon refining pool. Did you send her in?"

Qu He looked at him for a moment and sent people into the Demon Refining Pond. As one of the captains of the Demon Palace Guards, he really didn’t have this power, but his ancestors did.

Other than the Demon King and the Elders, the only people who have the power to enter the Demon Refining Pool are those who have made great military exploits for the Demon Clan. There are not many such people in the Demon Clan.

 His Qu family had an ancestor who was very strong in cultivation and fighting ability. He participated in the Demon Spirit War with the Demon King and made great achievements, so he received a Demon Loyal Order.

This Demonic Loyalty Order represents their family’s loyalty to the King, because the owner of the Demonic Loyalty Order is determined to be loyal to the Demonic King for all future generations. Therefore, their family is a family trusted by the King.

 Hence, people with the Demonic Loyalty Order naturally have some privileges, and sending people into the Demonic Refining Pond is one of them.

Now that his family's Demon Loyalty Order has been passed to him, he has this qualification and power. What he was wondering about was why the Demon King specifically asked about this matter. After all, there are not a few spiritual practitioners like Qin Suyue who have become demons through the Demon Refining Pool. The Demon King has never asked about such a thing. Is there something wrong with that woman Qin Suyue?

"Back to the king, she was sent in by a subordinate. She is from a lower continent and is a subordinate's woman. Therefore, she wants to come to the devil world to live with her subordinates. This is the only way."

Ge Tianjun looked at Qu He for a while and then said, "It's not a big deal to like a woman, but it's not a shameful thing to fall for a woman."

Qu He's heart suddenly sank. The king never cared about the private lives of his subordinates, especially since he was one of the Demon King's captains of guards. If he was not someone whom the Demon King trusted, he would not be the captain of the guards.

It is no secret that he likes women. Everyone who knows him knows it, and he does not like pure and beautiful women. On the contrary, he likes women with taste, otherwise he would not fall in love with Qin Suyue. Why did the king specifically remind himself today?

 Or in front of so many people, in the main hall?

People from families like theirs are people trusted by the king. Therefore, the king will not say anything to them in public. Even if they make mistakes, he will reprimand them privately. Although what he said today is very tactful, it is equivalent to reprimanding them in public. .

Qu He went through several circles in his mind, but he couldn't ask directly. He could only bite the bullet, stare at the other people's eyes with suspicion, and said, "I understand."

Ge Tianjun waved his hand, and Qu He retreated in a cold sweat, thinking in his mind that he would quickly arrange for someone to check Qin Suyue. If there was really any problem with this woman, he would not cause trouble for himself.

Although the king believes that his family will not betray him, he is the one with the highest cultivation level in his family and is far from the glory of his ancestors. He must act cautiously and not destroy the family's glory and privileges because of a woman.

You must know that the Demonic Loyalty Order can be withdrawn. In the demon world, it would be a great shame and humiliation for a person who has the Demonic Loyalty Order to be withdrawn.

His eyes drifted past Fu Qingfeng. If he wanted to go to Fu Qingfeng to inquire later, it seemed that Fu Qingfeng should know something.

Ge Tianjun's eyes fell on a man again, "General Cheng, there is another man in the demon refining pool. Did you send him in?"

The man who was called General Cheng had already changed his mind just now when Ge Tianjun asked about the people in Quhe's Demon Refining Pond, just because he also sent someone into the Demon Refining Pond.

 Sure enough, the king asked him.

General Cheng came out immediately, saluted first and then said, "Report to your Majesty, yes."

Ge Tianjun narrowed his eyes and asked, "What is the origin of this person?"

General Cheng lowered his eyes, hiding the look in his eyes, "Reporting to your Majesty, a few days ago I went to patrol Changling and rescued him on the way. This man was also from the lower mainland, and was branded a slave, because The protective master was seriously injured and was tainted by demonic energy. He was abandoned by his original owner. I happened to meet him and rescued him by accident. He was grateful for my help. Well, you have to follow me. I told him that I am a member of the demon clan and he is willing to join my demon clan. Therefore, after he made the oath, Weichen sent him into the demon refining pond. "

Ge Tianjun looked at General Cheng with burning eyes. Cold sweat broke out on General Cheng's back. He said to Tianjun, "When he comes out, bring him to have a look."

"Yes." General Cheng responded immediately.

At this time, he understood that asking Qu He was just an introduction, and the king’s target was himself.

 He was already very careful, so why did he doubt it?

 (End of this chapter)

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