The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 625: catch her

Chapter 625: Catch her

  This time when the king left the palace, he was very honest on the surface and didn't do anything. Wouldn't he be suspicious of anything?

 After retreating, General Cheng was still worried. Although the king didn't ask any questions, he was sensitive to the king's distrust of him and thought he should be more cautious in the future.

The king who has experienced a catastrophe is not the previous king. It is difficult to guess his thoughts. Since the king came back last time, he has never guessed the king's thoughts accurately. This is not a good thing. .

Qu He saw that Ge Tianjun asked General Cheng about giving away the demon refining pond again, and he immediately understood that the king was just using him to target General Cheng. However, he did not take any chances because of this. He knew that the king never did useless things. , there must be something wrong with Qin Suyue.

The ministers standing below saw Ge Tianjun asking Qu He and General Cheng about the demon refining pool one after another, and thought that was the end of the day. But they thought wrong, this was just an appetizer.

 Next, it’s time for Ge Tianjun to really take action.

 When he takes action, he is no longer questioning you, but directly throwing out the evidence, and then dealing with it directly without any need for you to defend yourself.

 There is no emotion at all, and ruthlessness is not enough to describe his methods.

All the ministers were shocked by Ge Tianjun's change. He was very decisive and not sloppy at all.

However, no one can find fault with the results of his disposal. Even if you have meritorious service, he will clearly explain in the disposal what the merit is worth, and then what is the final result of the judgment.

 Actually, it was Fu Qingfeng who was speaking all the time, and Ge Tianjun was just sitting on the throne listening, but everyone knew that Fu Qingfeng was Ge Tianjun's right-hand man, and what he said was Ge Tianjun's decision, so no one dared to refute.

General Cheng felt a layer of cold sweat break out on his back. Only then did he realize that Ge Tianjun had just asked him how gentle he was.

After using sharp methods to deal with the leader of the people he sent to assassinate him this time, Ge Tianjun returned to his palace.

Fu Qingfeng then asked, "Your Majesty, why didn't that man named Miao Nagano deal with him directly?"

Ge Tianjun glanced at him and said, "Since he wants to cultivate his own minions, it is natural to give him a chance. People we know are better than those in the dark. Keep them. They will be useful at critical moments."

Fu Qingfeng immediately understood what Ge Tianjun meant. Although he had dealt with so many people today, the real mastermind behind them was still at large.

The king has many brothers and uncles, and naturally there are many people staring at the throne. However, there is only one who dares to fight against the king, and that is the king's third brother Ge Tianyu.

His talent is not low, but when he took office as the Demon King and chose the prince, he chose his youngest son Ge Tianjun instead of Ge Tianyu. No one knows why.

Ge Tianyu has always been unconvinced. He didn't deal with the king openly, and he used countless tricks secretly.

Three years ago, the king was almost killed because of Ge Tianyu's scheme. From that time on, the king would never show mercy to any brother again.

Therefore, Fu Qingfeng was worried when Ge Tianjun trusted Yu Xiangluo so much.

 Worried that the king of his family would fall into the hands of a woman.

 General Cheng is Ge Tianyu’s man. He keeps recruiting people with good talents, but they are all demon cultivators. Miao Changye is the first spiritual cultivator.

Even if spiritual cultivation has gone through the refining process in the demon refining pool, the spiritual energy in the body has been cleared, and the demonic energy can be cultivated, it is not pure demonic cultivation. No matter how good the talent is, part of it will be lost, and there is also a fatal drawback.

 Therefore, Ge Tianyu’s purpose of recruiting spiritual practitioners into the Demon Refining Pond must not be simple.

Since the king knows it well, he will say no more. "Your Majesty, what should we do with Qin Suyue?" Fu Qingfeng asked again.

When he was checking up on Yan Xiangluo, he learned that Qin Suyue was only brought back by Qu He because she plotted against Yan Xiangluo and was tainted with demonic energy. He thought that the king would immediately execute the woman who was against Yan Xiangluo. Woolen cloth.

But the king actually didn't let Qu He take action. He just reminded him. He was a little confused about the king's intention.

Ge Tianjun looked at the door of the palace, "Keep it, firstly, to sharpen Quhe, and secondly, Xiaoluoer should prefer to deal with enemies by himself."

Fu Qingfeng was stunned. He didn't expect the king to be so thoughtful and even think of this.

Yu Xiangluo has too much influence on the king.

 “Xiao Luo’er has arrived at the Divine Doctor Mountain?” Ge Tianjun asked.

Fu Qingfeng came back to his senses and said, "Here we are. I arrived today. I just received the news that a teenage boy from Divine Doctor Mountain went to the place where Master Shuyi once lived. To him, the Purple Bamboo Forest was like nothing. The obstacles are the same. Now, there are many alchemists coming to the Divine Doctor Mountain."

Ge Tianjun's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and then he said to the dark place, "Zilu, take people to the Divine Doctor Mountain immediately. Xiaoluo'er is fine, so they don't have to do anything. If there is any concern about their lives, don't worry about it to protect Xiaoluo'er." The son is the master.”

Fu Qingfeng was stunned. Zilu was the leader of the king's secret guard. The king actually sent Zilu to protect Yu Xiangluo?

"Your Majesty, the palace is not peaceful. Zilu should stay here to protect the King and arrange for others to go." Fu Qingfeng said disapprovingly.

Ge Tianjun glanced at him and said, "If something happens to Xiao Luo'er, it will be a big deal. If others go, it will be in vain."

 Because of the gap between demon spirits, Ge Tianjun didn't want others to know that she was his adopted sister. It would be good for her. Therefore, he sent his own secret guard leader, who was absolutely loyal to him.

Fu Qingfeng pursed his lower lip, "Is the king sure that the young man who went in is Xiangluo?"

 Ge Tianjun nodded, "It's definitely her."

Fu Qingfeng had never seen Ge Tianjun so sure about anything before. He frowned and suddenly opened his eyes. Could it be that the medical skills that Yu Xiangluo learned were from Master Shuyi's Shuyilu?

 If this is the case, he will understand why Yan Xiangluo's medical skills are so powerful.

He said nothing more, because he knew very well that the king's temperament was consistent, so he could only express contrary opinions to the king, and no one else dared to say so.

Fu Qingfeng was sure of Yan Xiangluo's medical talent, but he didn't want her to affect their king, so he was wondering what to do.

It's impossible to attack Yan Xiangluo directly, because the king has sent his own secret guard leader to protect her.

Then there was only one way left, which was to kill someone with a borrowed sword. He would not allow the king to have any more weaknesses.

Fu Qingfeng lowered his eyes to cover the look in his eyes, already having an idea in his mind.

That day, the story about Yan Xiangluo spread quietly in the Demon City, and her name as a miracle doctor was spread like a god.

In a large and luxurious mansion in the Demon City, Ge Tianyu tapped his knees with one hand and held his chin with the other, looking at the person below, "Catch her."

 (End of this chapter)

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