The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 627: Letter from Shu Yi (1)

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had been meditating for an hour, and nothing had changed. At this moment, her body was suddenly surrounded by a burst of golden light, and she could no longer be seen, like a golden cocoon. Same.

Yan Xiangluo inside finally felt the change.

 She didn't feel anything at first when she meditated, but when her body was enveloped by a sudden burst of golden light, a golden light group appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The golden light group was only the size of a fist at first, but it continued to grow until the light group occupied her entire sea of ​​​​consciousness. It suddenly exploded, emitting countless golden starlight, and the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness was filled in the moment it exploded. .

 The golden starlight fills the entire sea of ​​consciousness, which is very beautiful.

At the same time, a warm breath spread in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. Yan Xiangluo felt that the sea of ​​​​consciousness had never been more comfortable, so that her whole body felt light and buoyant, as comfortable as if she could fly without using spiritual power.

Yan Xiangluo knew that it would not be just like this, and the real benefits should appear soon.

Sure enough, just as the golden starlight filled the entire sea of ​​consciousness, many spiritual powers were born out of thin air, emerging from everywhere in the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly filling the sea of ​​consciousness.

Originally, her sea of ​​consciousness was very large and her mental power was very strong. Now so much mental power appeared out of thin air, quickly filling up her sea of ​​consciousness. For a moment, she felt that she had endless mental power. It seems that the mental power can spread far away with just a slight movement.

 But at this time, she discovered a problem. No matter how big her sea of ​​consciousness was, it had a capacity limit. At this time, the sea of ​​consciousness was already full. After squeezing it hard, the mental power that appeared out of thin air could not be contained.

This is how to do?

 If this continues, her sea of ​​consciousness will be burst. If her sea of ​​consciousness is burst, she will have no spiritual consciousness, which is equivalent to this person having no brain and no thinking. Such a person can't do anything, which is equivalent to death.

Yan Xiangluo was anxious. At this moment, she suddenly remembered the stone containing spiritual power that she got when she traded the soul body of the previous head of the Wang family in Yaoguang City.

Since it contains mental power, can we continue to store mental power in it?

Since she thought of it, she should do it immediately. If she didn't think of a way, her consciousness would be broken.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo thought, the stone that stored spiritual power appeared in her hand, lying side by side with the letter.

Yan Xiangluo immediately mobilized the mental power in her sea of ​​consciousness to contact the stone. Hey, she contacted the stone so easily. Those mental powers naturally entered the stone as if they were back at home.

Her heart was beating rapidly. Although she thought of it, she didn't know if her mental power could be input. If she couldn't, no matter how much mental power she used, it would not be consumed as fast as the mental power that appeared out of thin air.

Unexpectedly, as soon as her spiritual power touched the stone, she was immediately sucked into it.

Yan Xiangluo was overjoyed and immediately increased the output of her mental power. The feeling that her consciousness was about to burst disappeared immediately.

Yan Xiangluo doesn’t know how much mental power can be stored at this time, and how much more mental power will there be that appears out of thin air?

 Just try desperately to draw the extra mental power out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then store it in the stone. Just like that, unexpected harmony.

 A quarter of an hour later, the mental power that appeared out of thin air finally stopped, and Yan Xiangluo decisively cut off the output of mental power. As long as you don’t panic, the more mental energy you can leave, the better.

Her sea of ​​consciousness is still golden, but before there were just a few stars, now the entire sea of ​​consciousness is golden.

Yan Xiangluo understood that the twinkling of stars before was because her mental power was not strong enough. When she was about to burst, she kept compressing her mental power. Now her mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness was pressed tightly. , so you can’t see the stars.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes and looked at the stone in her hand. She felt that no matter how much mental power she had, it was not enough to feed the stone.

What kind of treasure is this stone that can actually swallow up so much spiritual power? Can the spiritual power swallowed by him be re-imported?

If possible, can we use these mental powers to change the consciousness of people whose mental powers are not strong enough?

Although she had doubts in her heart and wanted to try it, she didn't have time to think too much at this time. Looking at the letter in her hand, she knew it was time to open it.

Although the letter was in an envelope, it was not sealed and could be opened easily.

Taking out the letter paper inside, there were about four or five pieces of paper. Yan Xiangluo was very curious about what was written in it. She also wanted to know whether there were answers to some questions.

 Open the letter paper, and the elegant fonts come into view.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t expect Master Shuyi’s handwriting to be so delicate and graceful. If she hadn’t known that he was a man, she would have thought that the calligraphy was written by a woman.

The title of the letter at the beginning was "My disciple sees the words as if he were the face", and Yan Xiangluo felt warm in her heart. Although the master and the disciple were thousands of years apart and had never met, these words were very touching to her heart.

Mr. Yan Xiangluo felt warm in her heart. She could sense Master Shuyi's expectations for his apprentice who would appear in ten thousand years.

"Although you and I have been masters and disciples for thousands of years, it does not affect us as masters and disciples. It is true that alchemy and medical skills require talent, but the more important thing is love. Only if you truly like this profession can you be on this journey. Only by persevering can you one day break through yourself, break through the teachings of Master, and develop your medical skills to a higher level. "

Yan Xiangluo was surprised that Master Shuyi’s state of mind and ambition could think so far. No wonder he has made such great achievements in medical skills and alchemy. The world is as big as his heart is, and his realm is as high as he is. Even if he is about to sink into nothingness, he is still admonishing his disciples for higher breakthroughs in medical skills and alchemy.

 I also put this point at the beginning of the letter, which shows how much I attach importance to it. Just for this reason, Yan Xiangluo liked and respected this master who would never be able to see him again.

Yan Xiangluo continued to read.

"As a teacher, I have been immersed in medical skills and alchemy all my life. My love is my original intention, and wanting to make a breakthrough is the main reason for my persistence. Qingyun Mountain is my birthplace, and my parents also disappeared into nothingness here. I I have traveled all over the mainland in my life, but my favorite place is Qingyun Mountain, so I rarely leave it after returning here. Now that I am about to disappear into nothingness, I really can’t bear to leave Qingyun Mountain.”

 The brief introduction shows that Master Shuyi is a person who loves his hometown. Such people are very common in another world, but in this fantasy world, Master Shuyi is a different kind.

  And he is also a nostalgic person.

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