The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 628: Letter from Shu Yi (2)

"Almost all the medicinal materials I use to make elixirs come from Qingyun Mountain. Going to the mountains to collect herbs and refining elixirs at home to study medical skills are things I never tire of doing in my life. For this reason, I have never married or had children, nor have I accepted any disciples. Quite simply, there is no time.”

The corner of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. She could see that even marrying a wife and having children was a waste of time, let alone taking on a disciple. With such a comparison, it is understandable that there is no apprentice.

"But when I was about to fall into nothingness, I realized that the medical skills and alchemy skills that I have devoted my life to studying have not been passed down to anyone. If I give it to anyone at will, if it is someone with evil intentions, it will be a disaster for the world instead of a benefit to the world. , I am an eternal sinner.”

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Let’s take a look. You will regret it if you didn’t make plans earlier. You won’t even be able to find a successor.

“For this reason, for the first time in my life, I begged someone. I went to the Heavenly Master Xinyuan and asked him to show me where my successor is.”

Ruan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. She knew that Celestial Master Xinyuan was recorded in the historical records of the mainland. He was a man of the same era as Master Sima Qingyun. He was the most powerful Celestial Master ten thousand years ago. There are many legends about him. few.

Yan Xiangluo is already a Celestial Master now. She knows very well that it is not unusual for a Celestial Master to be able to see people's past. It is something that a Celestial Master must do. The true measure of a Celestial Master's strength is to look at a person's future. The further you look, the stronger your strength.

Yan Xiangluo hasn't tried to see when she can see a person's past, but she should find a chance to try it.

 And this Heavenly Master Xinyuan is said to be able to see people’s future lives.

When Yan Xiangluo saw the deeds of Heavenly Master Xinyuan, he was still thinking about when he would become as powerful a Heavenly Master as Heavenly Master Xinyuan.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was even more curious about what Tianshi Xinyuan saw.

"At that time, Heavenly Master Xinyuan had sealed the mountain and no longer used the Heavenly Master's power. However, when I went there, I didn't see anyone else, and I didn't even have to explain why I was there. He had already arranged for me to wait at the door. Please come in."

Yu Xiangluo was very surprised. Is the power of the Heavenly Master really so powerful that he can predict people who have not yet come to him?

 “I understand, my teacher, that this trip is the right one.”

When Yan Xiangluo saw this sentence, he understood that the reason why he was able to obtain the Shuyilu after ten thousand years must have something to do with this Xinyuan Heavenly Master.

"The man took me directly to the courtyard where Tianshi Xinyuan lived. Tianshi Xinyuan was dressed in snow-white robes and stood in the yard dancing in the wind. It made me feel like he was going to go with the wind. Master Yuan Tian looked at me, without saying a single polite word, and said very directly, I know your purpose of coming, although I have closed the mountain, but I must make you satisfied with your trip. "

Yan Xiangluo was very surprised. Why is Tianshi Xinyuan so special to Master Shuyi? The mountain has been closed, and Master Shuyi made an exception without saying anything. You must know that the Celestial Master's sealing of the mountain is bound by the law of heaven. Master Xinyuan made an exception, which means he violated his promise and must accept the punishment of heaven. As a Celestial Master with great cultivation and great merits, Celestial Master Xinyuan should It was clear that the purge was still done, and there must be a reason for him to do it.

Yan Xiangluo continued to read.

"I was shocked when I heard this. I originally thought that this trip might not go as planned. Now not only has it gone so smoothly, but I have also received such a promise from Master Xinyuan. My heart sank, thinking that Master Xinyuan has closed the mountain and made an exception for me. Being punished by Heaven, I immediately stated my intention. I didn’t need Heavenly Master Xinyuan to test my luck. He only needed to give me some guidance. Heavenly Master Xinyuan smiled and said that he had already tested me. I was stunned and understood immediately. , My trip is not only to solve my unfulfilled wish, but also to have a mission, and the price Tianshi Xinyuan paid for this is probably not something I can know. "

Yan Xiangluo's heart sank. Both of them were influential figures of that era. It was obviously no small matter for Master Shuyi to feel like this.

"I gave a salute to Heavenly Master Xinyuan. In this case, I won't say anything else or thank you. Master Xinyuan, please tell me the truth. If there is anything I can do, it will be my duty." Heavenly Master Xinyuan said calmly. He told me that there was really something he needed me to do. Although he had already taken the test, it was not specific and needed a drop of my blood to make a more accurate prediction. I didn't say anything and just took a drop of my blood from between my eyebrows. The spiritual power package is delivered to Heavenly Master Xinyuan. People who are about to fall into nothingness will not be willing to part with a drop of their heart’s blood.”

Yu Xiangluo's heart palpitated and her heart began to bleed. She really knew why the Heavenly Master needed people's blood, because the soul control technique she had learned in the past few days was immediately mentioned.

 One person's hard work can make the Heavenly Master's eyes stronger, see further, and predict more accurately.

 She knew what Tianshi Xinyuan wanted to see.

"Celestial Master Xinyuan raised his hand to catch the blood from his heart, and then I felt a warm breath overflowing from his body. Master Xinyuan closed his eyes, and the drop of blood from his heart turned into blood mist. Then slowly disappeared. After they all disappeared, Xinyuan Tianshi's hair and beard turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, his face quickly became old, and he was no longer standing so tall and straight. He looked completely different from the previous immortal aura. , The old man seems to be sinking into nothingness soon. My heart sinks to the bottom, and the price is really high. "

Yu Xiangluo was in awe, this is the Heavenly Master, and he will pay any price for his faith.

"Master Xinyuan slowly opened his eyes and said to me, your apprentice will appear after ten thousand years. She is a girl, ten years old, with stunning appearance, and many times more talented than you. You combine medical skills with alchemy. Master sort it out and send it out with mental power. Ten thousand years later, she will meet you and pass on your medical skills and alchemy skills. She is an existence that you and I can't catch up with. I can't say more. You just need to remember , I wish you and I didn’t come here in vain.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at the description of herself, and it looked like she was herself. The power of the Heavenly Master was really powerful.

"After saying these words, Heavenly Master Xinyuan waved his hand and asked me to leave. I respectfully saluted him again, because I knew very well that Heavenly Master Xinyuan was about to fall into nothingness, earlier than me. In my heart In fact, I felt very guilty. When I walked to the gate of the courtyard, Tianshi Xinyuan’s family members were waiting outside. The person who brought me in sent me out, and the others went in. Obviously, they already knew that Tianshi Xinyuan would disappear into nothingness today. , I went to see him for the last time. I left Heavenly Master Xinyuan’s residence with heavy steps and returned to Qingyun Mountain. "

Yan Xiangluo was just reading the letter, and her heart was heavy. You can imagine Master Shuyi’s mood at that time. After all, it was because of him, Master Xinyuan, that he paid the price with his life.

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