The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 629: Letter from Shu Yi (3)

 This should be the most costly time for Xinyuan Celestial Master in his career, and it is also the last time.

Yan Xiangluo understood Master Shuyi’s mood and continued to read the letter.

The letter went on to tell what happened after Master Shuyi returned to Qingyun Mountain.

 Returning to Qingyun Mountain, Master Shuyi retreated for three months, compiled what he had learned in his life into Shuyilu, and then sent it out with the power of his spiritual consciousness, destined to be in the hands of his young apprentice who he would not be able to meet after ten thousand years.

 Actually, he doesn’t know where the young apprentice will appear ten thousand years later, but his powerful mental power will carry out what he wants to do. This is also the reason why Shuyilu appears in lower continents.

 After that, Master Shuyi wrote this letter to his young apprentice. At the same time, he exhausted his life span and fell into nothingness. His voice spread throughout the continent, which is what everyone knows in the world.

After he returned to nothingness, the Purple Bamboo Forest in Qingyun Mountain was sealed. Only his disciples who came to worship him ten thousand years later could enter. Then a wide venue appeared, with a statue of him rising from the ground, and a practicing alchemist. climbing stone steps.

  No wonder I wrote so many pages, these clear explanations occupy most of the letter. In the end there was only one page of letter paper left.

"Seeing this, my disciple should understand why Shuyilu is in your hands. The fate of master and disciple between you and me has been decided thousands of years ago. Although Tianshi Xinyuan did not say why he was willing to give up the rest of his life I am making predictions for my teacher, but I know that it must be because of some mission that my disciple has. If he can give a warning before he is born ten thousand years ago, my disciple must be extraordinary. Some disciples are like this. I did not come to this world in vain. Since my disciple came to Qingyun Mountain, I must have many doubts in my heart. This letter can only answer some of your doubts. As for the rest, it depends on whether you are destined. If you are really destined, you My master and disciple can still make up for the regret of not seeing each other."

The letter ended here, and Yan Xiangluo's eyes fell on the last sentence. If there is really a fate, you and I, master and disciple, can make up for the regret of not seeing each other. What does it mean? Could it be that I still have a chance to meet Master Shuyi, a master who has spanned ten thousand years?

It is impossible to be alive. Master Shuyi has been in nothingness for thousands of years, and his body has long been gone. It can only be a photo of his spiritual consciousness. Except that he has no entity, it is no different from seeing a living person.

 But what is the fate that allows them to meet?

After Yan Xiangluo read the letter, it turned into little stars and disappeared in her hand. Her hand still held the letter.

Other than the Shuyilu, this was the only object from Master Shuyi's hand. She wanted to keep it as a thought, but it actually disappeared.

After the letter completely disappeared, Yan Xiangluo was still wondering, what kind of fate could make up for the regret that their master and apprentice could not meet?

At this moment, the room shook, and Yan Xiangluo's hands that were still holding the position immediately retracted, and her almond-shaped eyes looked around sharply. The room shook obviously and did not stop after shaking for a while, but she had no fear or bad premonition.

 As a Heavenly Master, although she cannot predict her own destiny, she can still sense dangers and bad things very accurately.

Yan Xiangluo stood still and did not move. The house shook more and more violently. Then, the structure of the entire house changed and everything in the house disappeared.

From the door, you can see that the main room and the bedroom opposite have also disappeared. Although the study room she is in has not disappeared, its structure continues to change. Everything inside disappeared, including tables, chairs, bookshelves, etc. The whole room became empty, and the doors and windows disappeared. At this time, she seemed to be in a closed space.

Yan Xiangluo remained motionless, waiting for the change to end, and then see what else would happen. Could this be the fate Master Shuyi said, right?

At this time, outside the Zizhu Forest, the statue of Master Shuyi also started to shake. Mu Zixian, who was sitting underneath and practicing, noticed it and immediately quit practicing and stood up, quickly moving away from the statue. All the alchemists gathered outside the purple bamboo forest turned to look at the statue of Master Shuyi.

The statue shook more and more violently, and then fell down like scattered sand, disappearing from the beginning, until the entire statue was scattered, disappearing on the ground along with the base of the statue, and the stone slabs on the ground of the wide venue It also turned into sand and disappeared on the ground.

 The ground that was flat just now suddenly turned into dirt.

 Everyone was stunned, what is going on?

 Suddenly, I thought of the steps for climbing a mountain. If I was close to the steps, I hurriedly ran a few steps over and found that the steps had disappeared. There was only a dirt road up the mountain.

If people from thousands of years ago saw it, they would know that this was the road up Qingyun Mountain when Master Chu Shuyi lived here.

The alchemist who came late has not yet finished climbing the mountain. He is at different heights on the mountain road and does not know what happened. The stone steps suddenly disappeared and there was no resistance.

With no resistance, they all jumped into the air and went directly to the top of the mountain.

 But when they reached the top of the mountain and saw the scene on the mountain, they were confused. What happened? Why were the statues of Master Shuyi gone?

Master Shuyi’s successor appears, won’t it destroy the Divine Doctor Mountain?

 This all happened in a matter of seconds.

Mu Zixian looked at everything that happened and was shocked. What on earth did Miss Yu do in the purple bamboo forest? Is the Divine Doctor Mountain going to cease to exist?

At this time, he was very happy that he sat down and practiced decisively, and gained a lot. He understood that there would be no such opportunity in the future.

Everyone looked at the purple bamboo forest again. Since the stone steps for climbing have disappeared, does the resistance of the purple bamboo forest also disappear?

  Someone immediately tried it, and was instantly counterattacked by the resistance of Zizhu Lin. The strength was astonishing. Because the person was knocked out and fell into the mountain col in the distance like a parabola.

 Fortunately, he has cultivation skills, but he can only save his life. The injuries are certain and not serious. I hope his medical skills and alchemy skills can heal his own injuries.

When everyone saw this, no one dared to try to enter the Purple Bamboo Forest. While they all sighed at the strength of Master Shuyi, they also wondered whether there would be nothing left in the Divine Doctor Mountain in the end, right?

At the same time, the shaking of the changed room where Yan Xiangluo was located finally ended, and the empty space seemed to have no boundaries, high and far-reaching.

Even the ground beneath my feet became illusory, as if suspended in the air.

Suddenly, the void in front seemed to be torn open by something, and a gap appeared. Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and looked over.

A figure walked out of the gap, and Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed. This person looked exactly like the statue of Master Shuyi, but he was not Master Shuyi.

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