The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 630: See Shuyi

Yan Xiangluo wondered, she had done nothing, how could this opportunity arise?

No matter how he appeared, Master Shuyi has now been seen, and she will not miss the opportunity to formally become a disciple.

 This is her gratitude to Master Shuyi for the Shuyilu left behind and her respect for his achievements in medicine and alchemy.

Xiang Xiangluo quickly knelt down and smashed his head, "I saw Master,"

Master Shuyi lowered his eyes and looked at the kneeling girl, with surprise in his eyes, "Not bad, he actually accepted the inheritance of the spiritual power ball."

  Could the spiritual power ball be the spiritual power that exploded from the sea of ​​consciousness? Could this be opportunity?

Yan Xiangluo kept kneeling and was speechless. Even so, Master, you are curious, can you let me get up first?

“Get up, let me see if my little disciple after ten thousand years is the same as Tianshi Xinyuan said?” Master Shuyi said with a hint of joy.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. How could this Shuyi master have such an old naughty temperament? How could such a person be obsessed with medicine and alchemy all his life?

But it finally got her up, and she quickly stood up.

 After standing up, he met the eyes of Master Shuyi. Although he had the same appearance as the statue, it was now a photo of his spiritual consciousness, just like a real person. His feeling suddenly changed.

 This is a person with an interesting soul. This is Master Shuyi’s first impression of Yan Xiangluo.

“Well, the appearance is indeed good, the eyes are clear, the concentration is strong enough, and the talent is indeed better than me.” Master Shuyi looked at Yu Xiangluo and said his evaluation sentence by sentence.

Yan Xiangluo's big eyes flashed. What should she say about this evaluation? Is this a master's evaluation of his apprentice?

“Master, are you taking a photo with your spiritual consciousness?” Yan Xiangluo said.

Master Shuyi blinked and said, "It must be ten thousand years before I can see you. Master has been in nothingness for ten thousand years, so it is natural that his spiritual consciousness will take a picture at this time."

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "Then how long can the master's spiritual consciousness remain?"

Master Shuyi was stunned, and the smile and joy on his face suddenly disappeared, "Fifteen of an hour."

Yan Xiangluo calculated it, and a quarter of an hour is equivalent to fifteen minutes. This time passed quickly. You are still wasting time evaluating what I am doing. If you have anything to explain, please say it quickly. Don't run out of time.

 Obviously, Master Shuyi also knew what Yan Xiangluo meant, and sighed, "He is indeed a wise man. He can be so sensible at this time and know what to do."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She just didn't want to hear what the master said about her. She knew what she was like.

"I have no regrets about being able to meet my master. I can guarantee that I will study the elixirs and medical skills in Shu Yi Lu, and pass on the Shu Yi Lu. When selecting successors, I will definitely put their character first. one."

Yan Xiangluo said what she could do. This was also a restriction for herself. She had promised in front of Master Shuyi that she would do it.

Master Shuyi waved his hand, "You can make your own decisions about these. You are the one who is amazed by Master Xinyuan. You can't be wrong. Master believes in you. Master left this photo of his spiritual consciousness. Wanting to see you is just one of them. In the end, The main thing is that I have one more important thing to explain, but the prerequisite is that you have the ability to touch the mental power ball, otherwise you won’t be able to do it.”

Yu Xiangluo understood that it was not impossible for Master Shuyi to see him, just like leaving a trace of his spiritual consciousness to take a photo. However, the fact that he did not do that shows that meeting him is not as important as what he has to explain next.

“Are the mental power **** the mental powers generated in my sea of ​​consciousness?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Master Shuyi said in shock, "You said that spiritual power grew from your sea of ​​consciousness?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, wasn’t she?

"After I received the letter that Master left for me, I didn't read it immediately. Instead, I meditated. A lot of spiritual power did grow in the sea of ​​consciousness. At first, they were all golden stars, but after they were compacted, the sea of ​​consciousness turned into It's golden. I don't know if this is the spiritual power ball that Master said.

Master Shuyi looked at her and suddenly laughed, "So that's the case, no wonder Tianshi Xinyuan is willing to spend all his life to help me."

Yan Xiangluo looked at Master Shuyi in confusion. Master Xinyuan will help him? How is this going?

Is there something hidden at that time?

Master Shuyi laughed heartily and then looked at Yuan Xiangluo and said, "The letter I left for you is only part of it. As for the things I didn't tell you in the letter, you are not strong enough to know."

Yan Xiang fell and her heart sank. This gesture looked like a big secret was being revealed.

“Let’s talk about the most important thing first.” Master Shuyi raised his hand as he spoke, and a ray of light came towards Yuan Xiangluo.

The speed was extremely fast. When Yan Xiangluo saw it, the light submerged between her eyebrows and entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Don't rush to read it yet, time is limited, listen to me first." Master Shuyi stopped Yan Xiangluo from checking it immediately.

Yan Xiangluo held back after hearing this. She knew that time was really running out. A third of the quarter of an hour had already passed.

 “Master, please speak.” Yan Xiangluo said respectfully.

"What I just gave you is the refining method of the Demon Transformation Pill, but it has not been successful yet. It is the method that Master finally wanted to study but failed. Refining the Demon Transformation Pill requires strong mental power. When you refine it in the future, Got it. Therefore, you must have the ability to touch the spiritual power ball." Master Shuyi explained.

Although Yan Xiangluo was shocked, she did not interrupt Master Shuyi's words.

"The mental power ball is not an ordinary treasure that stores mental power. It is the fusion of the mental powers of seven ancient tribulation-transcending masters. Over the long years, I don’t know how many people have obtained it and benefited from it. I have also benefited from it. The beneficiary.”

"Absorbing the spiritual power inside can improve the talent and realm of cultivation. I am able to achieve such achievements because of the spiritual power of this spiritual power ball, which improves my talent. However, spiritual power cannot be absorbed infinitely, but varies from person to person. You When your talent reaches its maximum level, you can no longer absorb the spiritual power inside it. In other words, when you can’t absorb the spiritual power inside, that’s when your talent is at its strongest.”

"I am no exception. When I was refining the magic elixir, I encountered a mental power ball. Refining the magic elixir requires a high level of mental talent. I kept absorbing the mental power inside, but I still got there. At the limit, the research on the Demon Transformation Pill is just a little bit unsuccessful. Now the pill formula is left to you. It counts as you helping the master fulfill his wish, and it is also your apprenticeship ceremony to the master. "

Yan Xiangluo immediately said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely study the magic pill with all my heart."

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