The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 631: Very good indeed

Master Shuyi nodded, "Just do your best."

Yan Xiangluo knew what Master Shuyi meant. Talent is limited. If your talent allows, you can naturally succeed in research. If your talent reaches the limit, it is impossible to succeed in research.

 Otherwise, why would Master Shuyi have regrets?

"The mental power ball is invisible. You can't see it, you can only feel it. You need an opportunity to get it. Everyone has different opportunities and absorbs mental power differently. Some people disappear after absorbing it once. But I Although I can no longer absorb the mental power ball, I can still feel that the mental power ball is still there until I am about to sink into nothingness.”

"I think that since the mental power ball has been following me, the next destined person must be related to me. The mental power ball of the people who usually come into contact with me has no choice, which means that this destined person should not be around me. I guess it should be me. The young apprentice who was born later in the year used his spiritual consciousness to imprint on the spiritual power ball before returning to nothingness. At the same time, he used his spiritual consciousness to transform into statues and experience the stone steps of those alchemists who wanted to improve their alchemy level. The blessing of the force ball is so powerful that it can benefit alchemists who want to improve their talents within ten thousand years.”

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the statue and stone steps of Master Shuyi in Shenyi Mountain came from this way, and they did not exist when Master Shuyi was still alive.

"I'm not entirely sure about my conjecture, but now that I've met you, I know that it's not a conjecture, it's a fact. I also understand why the mental power ball has been following me. I'm afraid there are seven ancient powers left in the mental power ball. With a touch of spiritual consciousness, I can know where the destined person is and how to find the destined person. Although I don’t know why the ancient power left this mental power ball, it must not be in vain, but it can make the spirit in the mental power ball. The power grows from your own sea of ​​consciousness, which means that you have completely absorbed all the spiritual power. You are the first person since the existence of spiritual power. Xiangluo, I am afraid that it is impossible for you to be ordinary in this life, and I am afraid that you cannot use the burden on your shoulders. Describe it in terms of severity.”

Yan Xiangluo was a little ashamed. Could she say that she had not absorbed all the mental power in the mental power ball, and that a lot of it had been stored in the stone that could store mental power?

She also said that it would be impossible for her to be ordinary in her life, and the burden on her shoulders could not be described as heavy or heavy. In fact, she really wanted to be a salted fish, and she had no great intention to save the world.

 But time is too precious, so she shouldn't bother Master Shuyi with these things, and don't let him leave without peace of mind in the end.

 I have a lot on my mind, but I still listen to Master Shuyi honestly.

“At first, the reason why Master Xinyuan agreed to help me was because he had a dream before I left.”

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. The dream dreamed by the Heavenly Master is a prophet or warning. She really didn't expect that Tianshi Xinyuan helped Master Shuyi find a disciple because of a dream.

“In his dream, a woman with stunning beauty told him that helping me is helping all the people in the world. Therefore, Heavenly Master Xinyuan will spend all his lifespan to help me find my successor ten thousand years from now.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. Although this reason was a bit fantasy, it was indeed something a heavenly master could do. Just like her now, she is indeed very strong with the power of the Celestial Master, but she is also bound by the responsibilities of the Celestial Master.

 But what does she have to do with the common people in the world? Just now she thought that she didn’t have such lofty ambitions, so why is she involved with the common people in the world now?

“It was also because of Master Xinyuan’s dream that I guessed that my apprentice was not an ordinary person, so I thought it would be best to leave you the mental power ball. I succeeded in one try.”

“Master, I just want to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life.” Yan Xiangluo said helplessly.

Master Shuyi looked at her lovingly and said, "You have soul power in your body. You should have the talent of a heavenly master. You should also know that your destiny cannot be violated."

Yan Xiangluo was shocked that Master Shuyi actually saw that she had soul power. She asked in surprise, "How did master see that I had soul power?"

If anyone with strong strength can see it, then he can't hide the fact that he is a heavenly master for long. The miraculous doctor is still in the spotlight. If it is revealed that he is a heavenly master again, I am afraid there will be countless people in the world who do not want him to live.

"You don't have to worry. If you don't use the power of the Heavenly Master to publish it in Gao Ye, I can tell because I am a spiritual consciousness body now and have a very clear perception of soul power." Master Shu knew that she was worried and immediately explained.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Fortunately, now that the title of Miracle Doctor has put me on the forefront, I don't want people to know that I am a Heavenly Master anymore."

"What, you have the title of miracle doctor now?" Master Shuyi looked at her in shock.

Yan Xiangluo nodded again, "I come from the lower continent, and my parents also came to the higher continent. In order to make it easier for my parents to find me, I exposed my medical skills, and I got this title."

Yan Xiangluo knew that he didn't have much time, so he didn't make a long speech, but simply explained the reason.

Master Shuyi was shocked again. She actually came from a lower continent and was called a miracle doctor when she was still in her teens.

“What level of alchemist are you?” Master Shuyi asked eagerly.

 “God level.” Yan Xiangluo spat out two words.

Master Shuyi's expression suddenly froze, and then he patted his heart, "Oh my god, what kind of successor did God give me? A teenage god-level alchemist, Master Xinyuan was indeed right, Your talent is many times stronger than mine."

Yan Xiangluo said with some embarrassment, "Master, I was just lucky and came across the book Yilu left by Master."

Master Shuyi shook his head and said, "Master, do you know how old I was when I became a god-level alchemist?"

Yan Xiangluo opened her mouth and said, "One hundred and sixteen years old."

 “How old are you now?” Master Shuyi asked again.

"Sixteen years old." After Yuan Xiangluo finished speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Master Shuyi and said in hindsight, "Looking at it this way, my talent is indeed quite good."

Master Shuyi was speechless. Not only was it great, he had never been envious of anyone in his life, but now he finally felt the feeling of envy.

"Master, we are running out of time. Do you still have any doubts?" Master Shuyi knew that his apprentice who was not in a hurry was very talented, and he was still very proud of himself. However, time was indeed running out, and he wanted to see if his apprentice had any doubts. He can help.

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked what was on his mind, "Master, why didn't you and someone as powerful as Tianshi Xinyuan go to the Nine Heavens?"

This is what Yan Xiangluo is most confused about. She has not heard of anyone who has succeeded in going to the Nine Heavens since she came to the Higher Continent.

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