Yan Xiangluo only realized after reading the Historical Records of the Higher Continent that it was not that no one had succeeded in ascending to the Nine Heavens recently, but that no one had succeeded in more than 30,000 years.

This is not normal. After all, there are not many people who successfully went to the Nine Heavens recorded in historical records, but there are some in every era.

Master Shuyi frowned when he heard her question, "Are you interested in Jiuchongtian?"

Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly, "I want to go to the Nine Heavens, to see the evergreen trees that bloom once every thousand years as long as the heaven and earth, and to see what the Nine Heavens is like."

Master Shuyi sighed, "When was the last person you know who successfully went to the Nine Heavens?"

Yan Xiangluo thought about the last human being recorded in the historical records of the Higher Continent who successfully ascended to the Nine Heavens, "Thirty thousand years ago."

Master Shuyi said clearly, "Sure enough, Master fell into nothingness ten thousand years ago. At that time, no one has been able to go to the ninth heaven for twenty thousand years. Since I have fallen into nothingness for ten thousand years, no one has succeeded. , that means our guess at that time was correct.”

Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "What guess?"

Master Shuyi said solemnly, "The road to the Nine Heavens is blocked."

“Huh?” Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised.

Isn’t the Nine Heavens a place you can go to by ascending? How can it still be sealed? Who has such strong strength?

If anyone can do it, it’s only the strong ones from Jiuzhongtian, right?

 But why should we block the road to the Nine Heavens?

“Master, why do you think so?” Yan Xiangluo asked in disbelief.

"When I fell into nothingness, my cultivation was at the peak of transcending tribulations. I was only one chance away from ascending to the ninth heaven. People who cultivate like this will inevitably go to the ninth heaven and try to go to the ninth heaven. Only in this way can I ascend to the ninth heaven. The opportunity to ascend can only be found at the end of the road to the Nine Heavens. I am no exception. When I reached my cultivation level, I set out on the road to the Nine Heavens. However, there was originally a gate at the end of the Nine Heavens Road, which we called the Heavenly Gate. Daomen did not walk over but flew over, which was also the reason for the ascension. However, when I went there, I found that Tianmen was missing. There was clouds in front of me and I couldn't get close. I didn't know if Tianmen had disappeared or was blocked by the clouds. Those who came before me know that the reason why no one has successfully ascended in the past 20,000 years is that the Heavenly Gate is missing.”

This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo knew that he needed to cross the Heavenly Gate to go to the Nine Heavens. Only then did he know that he needed to cross the Heavenly Gate and then knew that the Heavenly Gate was gone. This was the reason why no one had successfully ascended in the past 30,000 years.

 There was an indescribable feeling in my heart.

"I stayed at the end of the Nine Heavens Road for a whole year. People who came and went with the same cultivation level as me during the year were unable to make the Heavenly Gate appear. I was still young at that time, and the Heavenly Gate did not appear until I fell into nothingness."

When Master Shuyi said this, he looked at Ruan Xiangluo and said, "We speculate that the people from Jiuchongtian sealed the Tianmen. With our strength, we cannot see or find the Tianmen. If you want to go to Jiuchongtian, you must first find the missing ones. Tianmen, but it’s too difficult.”

Yan Xiangluo's heart is also very heavy. After returning from the soul, she only has one final wish, which is to go to Jiuchongtian. Now Master Shuyi tells her that it is too difficult. You can imagine her mood.

However, she will not be entangled by any difficulties. She has not passed the last level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Cultivation Technique, and her cultivation level is still far away from reaching the Nine Heavens. She should take care of the present first, so as not to worry about things that have not happened yet. Worry.

"Thank you, Master, for clarifying my doubts, but I still want to go to the Nine Heavens. When my cultivation level reaches the level, I will go to find the Heavenly Gate." Yuan Xiangluo said. Master Shuyi said with approval, "Yes, facing difficulties and not being afraid of difficulties and obstacles is a belief in life. I have been obsessed with alchemy all my life. Because I found that there are problems that cannot be solved by elixirs, I started to study medical skills. , so I have achieved some success in my medical skills and alchemy skills. Although I didn’t go to the Nine Heavens, I have no regrets in this life.”

Yan Xiangluo knew from Shuyilu that Master Shuyi first made alchemy and then studied medical skills. Now that he heard it from his own mouth, he knew the reason why he studied medical skills, and she admired him very much.

Master Shuyi felt that his spiritual consciousness was about to disappear and said quickly, "Xiangluo, Master can't help you now. I can only leave you my blessings. I hope your wishes will come true and you will get what you want." ”

As she finished speaking, a ray of golden light fell on Yan Xiangluo's body. It was warm. This feeling was very familiar. She had experienced it once before. When she got the Junzi Sword, the owner of the Junzi Sword gave her the blessing of God.

At that time, he wished Yan Xiangluo a smooth life and that she would get what she wished for. Now Master Shuyi has also given her God’s blessing, wishing her that all her wishes will come true and that she will get what she wishes.

Although there were slight differences in their blessings, they both blessed her with what she wanted.

Yan Xiangluo understood that after God’s blessings were shed, Master Shuyi’s spiritual consciousness would also disappear, and she would never see him again.

Although they met for the first time today, they were like relatives reunited after a long absence. Yan Xiangluo looked at Master Shuyi's gradually disillusioned figure, feeling a little panicked in her heart. She said in a choked tone, "Master, Xiangluo is fortunate to have the master's will." What I have learned will be passed on to the students. I will not discredit Master and live up to Master’s expectations. Master, please rest assured.”

Master Shuyi smiled and said, "Girl, Master believes in you."

Master Shuyi raised his hand and waved to Yan Xiangluo, and his figure turned into dots of starlight and disappeared completely.

Yan Xiangluo's tears finally flowed down uncontrollably. Why did she have to go through so many farewells?

The senior brothers from her previous life came to say goodbye to her one by one, and the master also came to say goodbye to her by chance. She felt that she was already a very cold-hearted person, but now she found that her heart was quietly softening.

Although the sad mood was very strong, it did not give her more time to be sad. Just after Master Shuyi's spiritual body disappeared, the space she was in also disappeared.

 The space that was originally transformed from Master Shuyi's study also turned into little stars and disappeared like Master Shuyi.

"Xiangluo, where are you going? Think about your destination. Master will send you there." Suddenly Master Shuyi's voice appeared again, but no spiritual consciousness appeared.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly widened and she shouted excitedly, "Master, are you still there?"

“Silly girl, this is Master’s last strength. It won’t last long. Go somewhere quickly.” Master Shuyi sighed.

Yan Xiang shed tears. She knew that this was Master Shuyi’s last protection for his disciple, and he sent her directly away from the Divine Doctor Mountain.

She knew without thinking that the statue and stone steps of Master Shuyi would disappear with the disappearance of Master Shuyi's spiritual body, which would surely alarm too many people.

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