The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 633: her mission

"Thank you, Master, for your protection. Please send your disciple to the Ji Family of the Xuanwen Family." Yan Xiangluo made a decisive decision.

She couldn't go near the Divine Doctor Mountain. Qi Hao had Mu Zixian to protect her from worries, so the first place she thought of without hesitation was where Ji Jiuzhong was.

 She was surprised at her choice.

Why didn't you choose to go to Xianyun Sect? Why didn't you choose to go back to Xiangyang City? Why did you open your mouth and tell where Ji Jiuzhong was?

 Because I care.

Yan Xiangluo had to admit that Ji Jiuzhong's position in her heart was not ordinary.

“Xuan Wen Ji’s family? Are you actually going to the Ji family’s land?”

Master Shuyi paused. The Ji family had been exterminated for nearly 20,000 years when he was still alive. It has been 30,000 years now. Isn’t his little apprentice’s surname Jue? What does it have to do with the Ji family? Woolen cloth?

Suddenly he thought of something, but he didn't have time to ask any more questions. After all, he couldn't appear in his spiritual body now, and he was about to disappear. If he delayed any longer, he wouldn't even have to send her to the Ji family. Not here.

 A powerful force enveloped Yan Xiangluo, and her figure disappeared instantly.

As she left, Yan Xiangluo didn't hear Master Shuyi's last sigh, "Is this her mission? No wonder Tianshi Xinyuan is willing to pay such a high price."

With a sigh, Master Shuyi completely disappeared from this world.

With the complete disappearance of Master Shuyi, the power of the purple bamboo forest to prevent outsiders from entering also disappeared. Where Master Shuyi once lived, only the thick purple bamboo forest remained, proving that Master Shuyi once existed here.

 The people outside have not noticed the changes in the purple bamboo forest and are still standing outside the purple bamboo forest. It wasn't until a person was squeezed and fell towards the Purple Bamboo Forest that he fell in instead of being bounced back. Only then did everyone realize that the power of the Purple Bamboo Forest that prevented them from entering had disappeared.

Everyone swarmed in, and the weeds in the purple bamboo forest were trampled down in an instant.

Mu Zixian saw the scene in front of him and wondered why Ruan Xiangluo was so angry. What should he do after being exposed by everyone? With worry in his eyes, he quickly followed.

  After entering, they saw the empty space inside with nothing. Everyone was stunned. Someone shouted, "Where is the house where Master Shuyi lives? Where is the young man?"

 But it was useless to shout. No one knew where the young man had gone. Whether the house where Master Shuyi lived had long been gone or if it had just disappeared.

Mu Zixian felt relieved when he saw that Yan Xiang was not worried.

He looked at the Divine Doctor Mountain and knew that it was the first time that the Divine Doctor Mountain was so lively, and it was probably the last time.

Except for the Zizhu Forest, everything about Master Shuyi has disappeared. As the years go by, it will slowly become a legend among people, and no one will come here to improve their alchemy talents.

 Because, this function is no longer available here.

I'm afraid that before long, the name Divine Medical Mountain will also disappear and return to the original Qingyun Mountain.

Although Mu Zixian didn't know what caused all this, it was definitely related to the fact that Yu Xiangluo came to worship.

 Perhaps Master Shuyi’s last inheritance is here. The inheritance is over, and there is no need to continue to exist here.

I have to say that Mu Zixian is indeed very smart, and his guess is accurate. Watching everyone looking around to see if Master Shuyi had left any traces, someone finally realized that the young man who came in could not disappear out of thin air. Did he use a teleportation weapon to leave?

Even so, there will be fluctuations in the void when using the teleportation magic weapon. There are many people here who are above the **** level, so it is impossible for them not to feel it at all.

Mu Zixian glanced at them, did not move forward, turned around and left the purple bamboo forest, and then walked briskly down the mountain. He was going back to the town to see if Ruan Xiangluo was back. If Ruan Xiangluo wasn't there, he was going to go to the Ji family's land.

As long as Yan Xiangluo is fine, there is no need for him to stay. Moreover, his visit to Divine Doctor Mountain was not in vain. Although he did not help Yan Xiangluo, he improved his alchemy talent. He would ask Yan Xiangluo for some advice later and it would not be a problem to increase his alchemy level.

Mu Zixian went down the mountain in a happy mood.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo still didn’t know what happened at Divine Doctor Mountain because of her appearance. She was looking around in surprise.

 A desolate ruin. This is obviously an abandoned city. Could this be the Ji family’s clan? And inside the clan?

She had no idea that Master Shuyi would send her directly to the Ji family.

Originally, she thought that Master Shuyi could just send her outside the Ji family. After all, outsiders from the Ji family were not allowed in.

How could you come in by yourself?

 Is Master Shuyi too powerful?

Yan Xiangluo was extremely confused.

She looked around, trying to find where Ji Jiuzhong was. Judging by the time, Ji Jiuzhong should have come in long ago.

After looking around, her eyes fell on the deserted but intact building in the center. Why did the building there look like a palace? It is very tall and has a complete palace wall.

Yan Xiangluo let go of her spiritual consciousness to perceive the past. She was just trying to see how powerful her spiritual consciousness had become after absorbing the spiritual power of the mental power ball.

In an instant, her consciousness easily covered the entire Ji family area. Except for the palace-like building in the center, which seemed to be blocked by something, she could sense other places very clearly.

Even though the palace was isolated, there was no malicious attack. It simply blocked her consciousness and prevented her consciousness from detecting it.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed for a moment, and she took a small sip of the cherry. The entire Ji family was in her consciousness. It was really in ruins. Only the palace building gave out a mysterious atmosphere.

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly. It seemed that Ji Jiuchong should be in that palace. She didn't know whether she accepted the inheritance or not.

She walked towards the palace. It wasn’t that she wanted to go, but there were restrictions here and she couldn’t fly in the air.

She didn’t know if Ji Jiuzhong had to leave as well when he came in.

The city is very big, and the layout of her location should be that of the inner city outside the palace. Although she can see the palace by looking up, the distance is not close, and it takes a long time to walk.

The inner city is so big. If there was an outer city at that time, how big would this city be?

Yu Xiangluo didn’t even imagine it.

The inner city is already in ruins, but the palace buildings are intact despite being deserted. Even the palace walls are intact, as if they are still maintaining their role of protecting the people inside.

 The inheritance of the Ji family should be in the imperial palace, and the imperial palace must be different from these ruined buildings.

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